The Great Falling Away. PT 1

While there’s been plenty of criticism of this PT Site, and that of the AMBASSADOR REPORT, there has NEVER been any evidence provided to show that what has been stated anywhere in these areas has been wrong. The facts, personal experiences, and all the horror stories have stood the test of time as 100% accurate. Since everything stated has been correct – and provably so – then we can only ask the obvious question – why have these ministers within the WCG and its offspring NOT repented of their incontestably wrong actions? Where are all the apologies?

Since about 40,000 members have left the WCG fold, and that includes ministers, isn’t this a strong indication that something is definitely wrong? If it serves as no proof that (at least) some investigation is needed, then doesn’t this massive departure jangle a bell somewhere with people that these ex-members were unhappy, and so, they left the WCG? Were they all Satanically possessed? The often used Biblical idea that this departure is, in reality, “the great falling away” is pure and utter nonsense, as the falling away is (by Biblical exegesis) a single happening, and these WCG departures have been happening since the 1930’s. However, the more the reader goes through this article, the more obvious the above conclusive statement will become.

What anyone reads here, in this article, is certainly up to the reader to evaluate, and either accept, discard, or research further. While general religion discourages any further investigation beyond their own particular views, this article encourages it, and urges – even beseeches the reader – to go ahead, examine all the facts further, and “prove all things.” We have nothing to hide.

A GOLDEN RULE: If anyone – namely some “minister” – ever threatens you or anyone else, simply because the latter wishes to prove the truth (for whatever reason), then it’s time to run for cover. The person doing the threatening is obviously one of the bad guys, as logically, God has NOTHING to hide. Any open investigation is healthy, and any honest person will have nothing to fear from questions or an investigation into their philosophy. That even goes for anyone who may have second thoughts, or anyone who is already a member of such a church group. It makes no difference. There is nothing wrong with asking intelligent questions. If any such “minister” is reluctant to pursue inquiry, or if he’s stiff and unyielding, or if he threatens anyone who asks questions, then the obvious conclusion must be that this “minister” has something to hide – even though God does NOT. What’s he so afraid of? As to any such “minister’s” reasons for secrecy, then YOU must deduce the motive behind that reason and decide for yourself.

During the 1979 debacle with the receivership of the WCG in Pasadena, one of the state’s attorneys, Hillel Chodos, made a statement about the WCG membership and its paranoid attitude about “persecution of the church.” Chodos stated, quite honestly, that the state didn’t give a hoot about any of the WCG church’s “work,” but that the State was looking for WCG financial misconduct. (And there was plenty). When the fuss of fanaticism from the members increased (owing to the fanning by the church’s neurotic and over emotional leadership), Chodos – now having found a financial shambles with the books that the loyal (and bonus compensated) staff still hadn’t yet managed to shred – made another statement on TV. It’s a statement that I’ll never forget, and it’s something that needs to be stated here – with EMPHASIS.

“People,” he said, “have a right to be as stupid as they want to be. But it’s our job to point out the stupidity and any illegality. What the people do at that stage, is up to them.”

Fortunately, many members at that stage, decided to “prove all things,” and as a result, they left the WCG. Others decided to remain “stupid” and ignorantly believed what was fed to them by the WCG leadership at the time. Those financial improprieties had indeed been exposed for what they were. Although nothing happened at that time to WCG for political reasons (See THE 1979 RECEIVERSHIP article), the statement of Chodos still stands.

If people choose to be stupid and let themselves be ripped off, then so be it. That’s their own personal business. But, if someone on the outside sees the evil done here, in the name of “God,” then it behooves those who can see clearly to “Cry aloud, spare not, and lift up your voice like a trumpet . . . ” And then? What the current WCG or offspring “church” people choose to do with this information is up to them. If they choose to remain ignorant because of fear, then again, so be it. At least they have been told, and they can never say truthfully that: “I didn’t know, because no one ever told me.” Someone is telling you, NOW.

There are probably countless reasons why NO ONE should ever belong to the organizations that have been spawned by the teachings of Herbert Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God. We can only list a few here. If you want more background to the shenanigans behind the “church” activities, then please avail yourselves of the enormous amount of data in the AMBASSADOR REPORT, and the personal experiences, essays, and articles on the PAINFUL TRUTH site.

Since those of you who are still in the WCG offspring organizations referred to, then you are obviously still leaning toward the Bible as your source of reference. Although this article is not going to be Bible based, I will quote a few references that are used by your leaders in such organizations. These quotes will show that such Biblical references have been used out of context for the profit of the church corporation and the establishment of the leadership here as masters of the people they control.


We continue tomorrow.

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