The "Unpardonable Sin"

Blast from the Past…

by John B 


I remember lots of people wondering if they had committed the unpardonable sin.  The very idea of a sin that couldn’t be forgiven was pretty scary, and the church was always pretty vague on just what that sin was.  I think the best explanation I heard was that it had something to do with cursing the Holy Spirit; they said that if you were worried about committing it, then you hadn’t committed it. 

The whole idea of sin, of course, is bogus.  “Sin” is a man-made concept.  What it boils down to is committing a crime in a religious context — it isn’t something you can go to jail for, but if we can dupe you into believing in religion, we can threaten you with death and control your life. 


Not About Sin 

In spite of the title, this article is not about sin.  It’s about something much worse.  A few months back I posted an article entitled “When Should You Forgive?”; this article is about forgiveness, and things you can do that should bar you from ever receiving forgiveness. 

None of us is perfect.  We all know that, and if we ever forgot it, the WCG leadership wasted no time reminding us.  We’ve all made mistakes, we continue to make mistakes, and we will always make mistakes.  To err is human.  Because we aren’t perfect, most of us find it within our hearts to forgive others when they offend us.  Doing so not only releases the other person from guilt, but relieves our own frustration as well.  But there are times when forgiving others is not, or should not, be an option. 

Most of the time, when people offend us, they don’t do it consciously.  I’ve offended people without realizing it, and I’m sure they didn’t always tell me about it.  No doubt there are still people holding grudges against me that I know nothing about.  Without knowing who or what or when, I can’t make it right.  Until I’m made aware of the problem, I can’t correct it, and until then, it isn’t my problem. 

Almost anything can be forgiven, if the guilty person acknowledges his offense and makes it right.  Spouses have forgiven their significant others for cheating, for example, and that would be a hard one to forgive.  Many ex-members of the cult have forgiven their pastors for their brutality (which I am not willing to do until the bastard stops doing it to others).  Each person must choose what he or she is willing to forgive, and I offer no judgment for or against their decision, even if I don’t agree with it — it’s their life and their peace of mind.  I can’t argue with whatever will offer a person relief. 


The Unpardonable Sin 

But there is one “sin”, one pattern of behavior, which cannot, in my estimation, be forgiven.  That pattern of behavior is child abuse. 

Everyone knows about child abuse.  Many of you reading this have experienced it.  The media talks about it all the time, and the courts are pretty severe with people who commit it.  From time to time we are stupefied by stories of people beating, burning, starving, even chaining children in closets.  We hear all the time about the sexual abuse of children.  These are criminal acts which merit a very, very long prison sentence. 

Such crimes are clearly inexcusable, and it doesn’t take a warp-scientist to understand that.  But I’m not talking about that kind of child abuse.  As bad as it is, there are laws and agencies that deal with those kinds of abuse.  The abuse I’m talking about is, in many ways, even worse, and there is no one out there to take action when it occurs.  No statutes exist to punish the offenders in these cases.  The offenders go free, and only the victim can free himself from the effects of his trauma.  But in order to do so, he or she must recognize what has happened and what life-long effects he is suffering. 


Religious Child Abuse 

For lack of a better term, I will call this kind of abuse “Religious Child Abuse”, although you don’t have to be religious to commit it.  But it seems to be most prevalent among people who practice religion, who have been brainwashed by some preacher somewhere (and not just in the COGs). 

(In the paragraphs that follow, I will be talking about a few specifics that might offend some of the holiest readers.  You have been warned; unfortunately, anyone who stops reading now is probably the very person who needs this information.) 

What is religious child abuse?  How do you define it and what kind of damage does it do?  Simply stated, religious child abuse is when you use the concept of God to crush a child’s spirit and ruin his or her life. 

There are many ways this can be done, far more than I am aware of.  But I can give you some examples, and from there you should be able to identify other instances of religious child abuse when you see it. 

One of the major concerns of most Christians is the behavior of their kids.  This was especially true in WCG, where “child-rearing” was a major topic.  Everyone wanted to be a “good” Christian parent, and wanted people to view their kids as well trained.  To accomplish this, many parents visited horrors upon their kids that were worthy of felony arrest.  


Moms and Masturbation 

There is a terrible irony when you look at the facts of life in WCG.   Parents subjected their children to codes of conduct drawn up by some of the most horrible people on the planet.  Men like Garner Ted Armstrong and Herman L. Hoeh set the standards that church children were expected to live up to.  This was especially true in sexual matters.  

“WE WON’T HAVE MAS-TUR-BAY-SHUN IN GOD’S CHURCH!” — Herman Hoeh, circa 1964 

“So I walked up to this kid and I said, ‘WHY DON’T YOU STOP PLAYING WITH YOURSELF!'” –Garner Ted Armstrong, circa 1966 

Herman Hoeh kept a photo collection of naked boys.  GTA admitted (perhaps “bragged” is more accurate) to having sex with about 35 college co-eds and over 200 ministers’ wives.  Herbert W. Armstrong raped his own daughter for ten long years; toward the end of his life he wrote his infamous “flog log”. 

Grand paragons of virtue, they! 

And you want to raise your kids by their values?  

Look, let’s be blunt.  Masturbation may be a little embarrassing for some to talk about, but there’s essentially nothing wrong with it.  I don’t know how it works for girls, but boys have this thing called a prostate.  That little thing generates several gallons of semen a day (sure felt like it, anyhow!), and just like a bladder that fills up with urine, that stuff has to get out.  It just does.  So when a kid is 14, 15, or 19 years old, and isn’t married, and isn’t allowed to have sex with girls…well, you figure it out.  Nocturnal emissions might help, but they don’t happen frequently enough, and the days and hours in between are extremely miserable. 

If you’re a mom with a teenaged son, get off his back!  You haven’t been through what he’s going through.  As long as he does it in private and washes his hands afterward, ignore it.  He isn’t going to go blind and hair won’t grow on his palms.  If you fill him with shame over something he has no control over, you’re going to ruin his life!  There may be consequences far worse than a few stained bed sheets. 

And that’s enough about that subject. 


Bad Parenting 

Bad parenting comes in many forms, and the parent who is obsessed that his kids obey every jot and tittle is the worst parent of all.  Such parents are likely to insist that their kids study the Bible X number of hours per day, refuse to let them partake in normal childhood activities, and closely monitor their friends to make sure Satan doesn’t somehow enter them unawares.  Such parents may insist their kids hang out with “church” kids whose parents seem to be important, even though those kids might be the worst possible companions.  This scenario has a thousand patterns, and I think you get the picture. 

It’s true that children need to be trained, need to be guided.  But don’t be anal about it.  What does a kid really need to know?  Teach him to respect other people, teach him a sense of fair play, and then step back.  The rest will take care of itself.  You may need to use a nudge now and then, but that doesn’t mean beatings with a belt or episodes of screaming that fill a kid with shame.  

The very worst thing you can do is fill a kid with shame! 

Kids are kids.  It takes time — years — for them to grow up.  Those years are important, even vital, because those are the years when kids learn how to interact with others.  They make mistakes, lots of them.  But that’s what those years are for.  Childhood is the time to make mistakes and learn from them.  That’s why kids still live with their parents — they aren’t ready to make their own way in the world, and until they are, they must be fed, sheltered, and nourished.  You don’t nourish a kid by browbeating him or her.  You don’t prepare a kid for adulthood by making him ashamed of his body and its needs.  That should be obvious to any rational person, but religion and its tenets blind the most well intentioned to these simple, obvious facts.  

Religion creates bad parents! 


Give Them A Break

I was always amazed in WCG how hard the kids had it (and I didn’t know the half of it).  They taught us that you needed the Holy Spirit in order to obey God.  You couldn’t get the Holy Spirit until you were baptized.  You couldn’t get baptized until you were “mature” (i.e., an adult).  Ergo, kids couldn’t be baptized, and thus did not have the Holy Spirit.  But by god!  They were expected to toe the line!  They were expected to be perfect!  Kids never got a break!  

By contrast, the worst members in WCG were usually the old people. Those with the “hoary” head (whore-y head?  I was never quite sure)!  Some of those old codgers (and there were good ones, too) pulled some of the most outrageous crap you could imagine, spreading gossip and divisiveness wherever they went.  Many were selfish, petty, petulant, and just plain cantankerous.  But did they ever face discipline?  Maybe some did, but I never saw it happen.  The old people, according to the Bible, were supposed to be “wise and full of years”, and their “wisdom” was to be a beacon for the rest of us to live by.  Very few of them were, yet they seemed to have a blank check when it came to bad behavior. 

But the kids never got a break. 

It was bad enough being a kid with a weird religion.  Kids face more severe peer pressure than anyone else on the planet.  Kids can be extremely cruel to other kids, and no one knows that more than a church kid.  What kids want more than anything else is to be accepted by their peers.  Most of those peers are the kids at school, and if you are the one odd-ball in the group, your life is going to be miserable. 

So your parents suddenly adopt this weird religion.  Not only do you go to church on Saturday, but you can’t observe most major holidays.  You have to go to school in January and suffer through other kids asking what you got for Christmas.  You can’t go trick-or-treating.  You can’t go to football or basketball games on Friday night.  You can’t eat hotdogs.  The list of what you can’t do is several times longer than the things you can do.  You stick out like a sore thumb, and everyone notices you.  A lot of people shun you. 

You can’t date anyone at school, you can’t go to parties, you may be forced to dress in clothing that is years out of style.  If you’re a girl, you’re forbidden to wear makeup, or some of the more stylish fashions.  

All of that is bad enough.  Up to this point, it’s just plain hard to be a church kid.  But then it gets worse. 


The Really Unpardonable Sin 

Not only do you belong to a weird religion, you are a member of a cult!  That cult has a high-profile leader who screams and foams and threatens his followers with extreme violence if they fail to obey his voice.  Enforcing that leader’s desires is a task force of men called ministers (though they do very little actual “ministering”).  These men scream and foam and threaten people at the local level, browbeating parents and kids alike.  The parents, beaten down already, try to enforce this abject lifestyle on their children, often screaming and foaming and threatening. 

This is religious child abuse.  This is the unpardonable sin. 

But it gets worse.  Common sense goes out the window.  Not only do the parents force their kids to live this lifestyle, they often make stupid decisions that, on the face of it, should be obviously wrong.  Girls are sometimes forced to date men many years their senior, men who seem creepy to them.  Sometimes these girls are date-raped, but does anyone believe them?  Hell no!  If anything happened, it’s the girl’s fault! 

What happened to common sense?  Can’t you tell that there is something weird about a 35 year-old man, still living with his mother, who wants to date a 16 year-old girl?  Doesn’t that seem a little odd to you?  Have you ever heard of child molesters?  Have you ever heard of stalkers?  Have you ever heard of perverts? 

Granted, the guy may still be single simply because he lives in a cult with very few eligible women, and is not allowed to marry outside the cult.  But a 16 year-old girl?  What happened to common sense? 

Now here comes a kid with a dream.  She wants to be an artist.  She has a lot of talent.  She does beautiful work, and doing it brings her a great deal of satisfaction.  Will she find any support from the people at “church”?  Not on your life!  More likely, she will be encouraged to learn cooking, cleaning, and all the domestic skills she will need to become a “Proverbs 31 woman”; i.e., her only role in life is to be someone’s wife and bear his children. 

Nothing wrong with that, of course.  The girl may even have that goal as part of her dream.  But she can be a wife, a mother, and still be so much more!  She can be an artist as well, pursue a career, and find fulfillment in life.  But not in the cult.  People in the cult (and probably her parents as well) will tell her to forget it — God didn’t “call” her to draw pictures.  God expects her to live a “godly life” (whatever that means)!  Who does she think she is, anyway?  She can’t be an artist.  She can’t be famous.  That’s vanity!  Why should she waste her time drawing pictures when she can be praying and studying instead?  After all, she needs to prepare herself to raise godly children, doesn’t she? 

Enough people tell her that, and her parents don’t back her up, and her dream is crushed.  Her spirit is crushed.  And she is miserable for the rest of her days. 

Here’s a boy who excels in sports.  He’s a gifted baseball player.  He has the talent to make the pros.  But he can’t pursue that dream.  If he plays high-school ball, he may have to play on the “Sabbath”.  So he either doesn’t play at all, or at best has an understanding coach who lets him play when he can. 

Let’s assume the latter.  The coach lets him play the Wednesday games and those Friday games that start before sunset, though he has to step out in the 3rd inning because the sun is going down.  The kid at least gets to play, and he excels.  Word of his skill reaches a major league scout.  The scout watches the kid play and, upon graduation, approaches him with an offer. 

What is that kid going to do?  He desperately wants to play major league ball, but no franchise is going to put him in the roster when he can’t play Friday night or Saturday.  They just won’t.  Not even Jewish players get that kind of break, and when one steps down for Yom Kippur, it makes network headlines. 

The boy makes his decision.  He has to obey God.  He walks away from a once-in-a-lifetime career that most people only dream about, but he might actually achieve.  His spirit is crushed.  He will never be the same again.  Perhaps, in 20 years, he will come to recognize that what he thought was “God’s true church” is nothing more than a blood-sucking cult, and he gets out.  But what then?  He’s 38 years old, the age he should be retiring from his major league career.  The window of opportunity closed years ago.  Now it’s too late. 

What do you say to that boy, now a middle-aged man, when he realizes he could have had that career, that he should have signed that contract?  What do you say to him now?  What do you tell him to console him?  How do you make him feel better? 

The answer?  You don’t.  There is nothing you can say! 

That, ladies and gentlemen, is religious child abuse. 

That…is the unpardonable sin! 

There are so many more scenarios, every one of them true to life.  There are tens of thousands of people out there with stories to tell even more horrible than anything I have related.  Perhaps you have a similar story.  I encourage you to share it with the readers of Painful Truth.  Send us an email.  It’s important that people realize, that people understand.  Why? 

Because the unpardonable sin is still being committed every day in the splinter cults and the WCG!

  — 07/31/2005



Is Your Minister Converted?

Blast from the Past….

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.

— Gal 5:22-23

If we were ever “Christian soldiers”, carrying out God’s mission, then certainly the ministers were the officers who led us into battle.  During my experience in the Worldwide Church of God, the ministry was very much an officers’ corps, and they acted out the role.  The ministry did not, as a general rule, “fraternize” with the enlisted people.  Rather, they ruled from the top down; this was justified by the picture of “God’s government”, which, we were told, was pyramidal in nature, with God at the top, followed by Jesus Christ, Mr. Armstrong (or whoever the current “apostle” happened to be), and then the ministry.  At the bottom, squeezed beneath the crushing weight of all that authority, were the rest of us.

Does your current COG still believe in “God’s government”?  Is it still a pyramidal, top-down chain of authority?  Are you still at the bottom of the pecking order?  Chances are, if you belong to a Meredith, a Billingsley, a Pack or a Flurry, then you’re still living under that kind of oppression.


Your Minister

But let’s talk about your local minister.  What kind of guy is he?  Do you like him?  Are you comfortable in his presence?  Does he make you feel positive?  When you need to talk to him about something important, do you feel relaxed and confident that he will hear you out, that he will help?  After the meeting, do you walk away with a sense of calm, knowing that you got some expert advice, advice that has your best interest in mind?

Or just maybe, when you’re standing in line to talk to him, do you feel nervous, on edge, just a little scared?  When you are halfway through the explanation of your situation, does he cut you off and take off on some tangent that has nothing to do with your problem?  Does he start accusing you of something?  Maybe not praying enough, not fasting enough, not contributing enough?  When you’re done, do you feel frustrated, misunderstood, abused?

Answer honestly, please.  And don’t tell me, tell yourself.  You are the one who needs an honest answer.  You are the one who doesn’t need to be lied to, especially by yourself.


What’s He Like?

Have a conversation with yourself, or your spouse if the two of you are close enough; talk honestly about your local pastor, no matter his rank.  What kind of guy is he?  Is he someone you would associate with if you weren’t both in the same church and had no choice?  All things being equal, would you willingly put yourself under his authority?

When your minister puts in an appearance, does he have a smile on his face?  Do his eyes light up when he greets the “little people”?  Does he leave smiles on the faces of those in his wake?  Or does he arrive with a scowl, his forehead furrowed in permafrost, his eyes cold and hard?  If he shakes your hand at all, does he glower at you with suspicion?  Do you feel a coldness in your bones both before and after greeting him?  Would you much prefer never having to shake his hand at all?  Does he leave you feeling empty?

During the week, in the relative safety of your daily life, do you experience a sense of disquiet when you think of your minister, or when someone mentions his name?  Do you feel suddenly depressed?  Does a cold dread settle over you?

What about his sermons?  Are they upbeat?  Cheerful?  Encouraging?  Do his sermons fill you with hope?  Does listening to him make you think, “I’m going to make it!”?

Or are they mostly negative, focusing on the horrors of the tribulation, painting current events with a black brush?  Do his sermons leave your stomach in a knot, because of the imminent sense of doom they create?  Does your local leader leave you feeling guilty without quite knowing why you should?

Be honest.  Just what kind of guy is your leader?

Ask yourself this: Does your minister exhibit any of the Fruits of the Spirit as described in Gal. 5:22-23?

I’m sure a few of them do.  I’m equally sure that the overwhelming majority of them don’t.

Is your minister even converted?


Just What Do You Mean, “Converted”?

In WCG, members were judged on whether they were “converted”, and exactly how converted they were.  The worst thing you could say to a person was “You don’t seem very converted”.  And when someone “fell away”, it was usually opined that the individual “probably was never converted to begin with”.

Being converted meant surrendering yourself to God, debasing yourself before God, and admitting that you were “a burned-out hunk of junk” (Herbert Armstrong’s personal definition).  Once you did all that, and were baptized, you were supposed to be converted.  This meant the Holy Spirit was actually dwelling in you, helping you overcome your carnality.  If you had trouble with any of that, there was always a minister handy to browbeat you through sermons or personal counsel.  You were never allowed to forget how rotten you were, no matter how much progress you made.

But I don’t remember anyone ever questioning the conversion of the ministry, except in those rare cases when a minister “went bad”, which usually meant they no longer followed Armstrong doctrine.  These “renegade” ministers were judged to have gone over to the devil, or become “demon possessed”, and we were told to avoid them.  Even then, it seems their original conversion was never questioned.

But how converted were they, really? When you look at the “fruits of the spirit” as outlined in Galatians, how many ministers exhibited those qualities?  I remember lots of sermons exhorting us to conform to Galatians 5, but everyone seemed to assume, by default, that the ministry was already perfect.

And yet I never, in my entire life, witnessed a less converted group of people.  Few, in my experience, showed any love, joy, kindness, or longsuffering.  Few left me feeling peaceful.  I witnessed very little gentleness, goodness, or faithfulness.  Certainly, none of them showed much self-control.  The vast majority of them were arrogant, overbearing, and self-righteous.  Has that been your experience too?  Is that still your experience?


What Is a “Minister”

The dictionary has several definitions of the word “minister”, and they all seem to derive from the way the word has been used to describe certain individuals.  The nouns are as follow:

  1. a. One who is authorized to perform religious functions in a Christian church, especially a Protestant church.

b. Roman Catholic Church The superior in certain orders.

  1. A high officer of state appointed to head an executive or administrative department of government.
  2. An authorized diplomatic representative of a government, usually ranking next below an ambassador.
  3. A person serving as an agent for another by carrying out specified orders or functions.

Only the first of those refers to ministers in a church.  The others derive from government positions.  But the real definition of a minister, or what should be a minister, comes from the verb:

To attend to the wants and needs of others:

Before there was the noun, there was the verb: i.e., the act of ministering.  This is what Jesus reportedly did, helping people in need.  The New Testament has several examples of people ministering, yet they weren’t even called ministers.  From those acts, presumably, the noun was derived.  So what a minister should do is “attend the wants and needs of others”.

Is that what your minister does?  Does your minister call you up periodically to see what you need, if he can do anything for you?  Or does he call you and others over to his house to mow his lawn, wash his car, and clean his house?  Has he ever had you over for dinner?  If he did, has he done the same for everyone in your congregation, including the poorest and spiritually weakest members?

One or two of you might surprise me and say yes, but if you’re honest, the overwhelming majority of you will have to admit that your COG minister just doesn’t do that.


Who Do You Believe?

Let’s face it: your minister, if he is truly converted, if he truly loves God, if he truly has the Holy Spirit…should be mowing your lawn, lending you money, driving you to the grocery store when your car is broken.  Does he do that?  Has he ever done that?  For you?  For anyone?

We both know the answer, don’t we?  I’m willing to bet your next paycheck that your minister is arrogant, self-willed, deceitful, overbearing, and unreachable.  When you go to him with a problem, he has already put the blame on you before you even start to explain what’s wrong.  And when you walk away from the conference, you are left feeling frustrated and helpless, aren’t you?  You never feel like you get a fair hearing from him.  You feel abused, unjustly accused, and you probably want to cry.

Don’t you?

Then why are you going to his church?  Do you really think a man like that represents the true God?  The Bible says “by their fruits you shall know them” (look it up); what kind of fruits does your minister exhibit?  Is he converted?  Would he call you converted if you acted the way he does?

Take good, hard look at the man in charge of your spiritual life.  What do you see?  You’ve been told, repeatedly, that God placed that man over you, that even though he “isn’t perfect” (and he’s far from it, isn’t he?), that you still have to obey him!  That’s been battered into your skull for years, hasn’t it?  You know it has!  But if you believe the Bible, that “by their fruits you shall know them”, then something is wrong; either the Bible is lying, or your minister, and the men above him, are lying.

Who do you believe?

And what are you going to do about it?

— 10/22/2005



What is Armstrongism?

Armstrongism is a term for the cult started by Herbert W Armstrong who founded the Worldwide Church of God. After he died in 1986 numerous offshoots have grown from this group after the WCG changed numerous doctrines introduced by the founder.

Here, in a nutshell, are the tenets of Armstrongism, what Herbert W. Armstrong taught during his lifetime.

  1. The most important teaching in Armstrong’s belief system is that Herbert W. Armstrong was the prophesied end-time Elijah. As the end-time Elijah, Armstrong was preparing the way for Christ’s return by announcing Christ’s imminent return. According to Armstrong, true Christianity was suppressed by the Babylonian Mystery Religion, which hijacked the true church and changed it into a counterfeit Christianity, which eventually became the Roman Catholic Church. God sent Herbert W. Armstrong to earth to restore the true religion and true church. Armstrong was also given a special insight into prophecy. He predicted that the end of the age would come in a few short years, with Jesus Christ returning and setting up the Kingdom of God on earth. Throughout his ministry of over 50 years, Armstrong predicted the end of the age in a few short years. As you are well aware, the end of the age did not occur during Armstrong lifetime, nor in the fifteen years since. But for Armstrong, the end of the age was always a few short years away.

 2. Next in importance was Herbert’s teachings on government. God’s government is a pyramidal structure. God the Father is on top of the pyramid and is the ruler of the universe. Second in command is Jesus Christ, who occupies a subordinate position. Third, under Jesus Christ was Herbert W. Armstrong himself. He was the human leader of the church under Jesus Christ, who was the true head of the true church. All members of the church were subject to the edicts of Herbert W. Armstrong, who, as the third highest ranking being in the entire universe, was the mouthpiece of Jesus Christ. He served as a latter-day Moses, sitting in Moses’ seat, passing on the words of God down through the pyramid to the members of the church. Authority was from the top down, and loyalty was from the bottom up. Anybody who questioned or disagreed with Herbert W. Armstrong was subject to disciplinary action by the ministry, up to and including excommunication. The members of the church were to be in agreement, with everybody speaking the same thing. Differences of opinion were sin, and could disrupt the harmony that existed in the church. Since the eternal lives of the members were at stake, anyone who threatened to disrupt the harmony of the church and lead members astray had to be expelled immediately. Members of the church were expected to report malcontents to the ministry. Even to be suspected of being in disagreement would bring swift disciplinary action. Most ministers usually believed the first accuser’s story, whether or not it was true. When an accusation was leveled, the accused was guilty until proven innocent. This method of “justice” insured total, absolute compliance with “truth.” To say anything that might be taken as a criticism of church government, no matter how innocent the remark, was enough to cause the average church member to be very careful how he expressed himself. This was good because to criticize church government was to criticize God, and we couldn’t have that, could we?

Because of its pyramidal structure, the church was stratified. On top was the apostle, Herbert W. Armstrong. Below him in rank were evangelists, followed by pastors, preaching elders, and local elders, all of who were church employees. Below them were local church elders, who were unpaid. Everyone from apostle on down to local church elder was a minister. The ministers were an elite caste to whom God gave advanced biblical knowledge, the ability to discern attitudes, superior preaching and teaching skills, counseling skills, leadership skills and administrative skills. You can take any minister, give him any job to do, and he will do it at the highest level of competence.

Lay members were not worthy to call ministers by their first names. They had to address ministers as “Mister.” Fraternization between ministers and lay members was limited because, as my first WCG pastor once said during a sermon, familiarity breeds a certain amount of disrespect. Ministers generally kept lay members at arms length and would not allow themselves to develop close relationships with members of their congregations. At special church functions, such as festival luncheons or church socials, ministers would dine at separate tables, or even in separate dining rooms. This ministerial apartheid ensured that the ministry retained its special aura, and that the members would view their ministers with the proper amount of awe and reverence. The ministers’ motto was, “Not so close, please.”

Some lay members were ordained as deacons. Their job was to assist the ministry by doing all the dirty work. The ministers couldn’t be expected to humiliate themselves by working with their hands. (For example, you would never see a minister helping out at feast of tabernacles sites picking up garbage, setting up chairs and the like because such work was unworthy of their high calling). Ministers supervised. They gave the orders. The deacons carried them out. Normally, deacons were put in charge of lay member volunteers, but they had to climb into the trenches and work. It was not uncommon for ministers to sit on the side lines, drinking coffee and laughing and joking with each other while deacons and lay members did the work needed to set up facilities for church activities. Lay members could address deacons by their first names, but they also had to follow any directions given by the deacons because of their higher rank.

 3. The third most important doctrine of Armstrongism is tithing. Members were required to pay three tithes. The “first tithe” was paid by the entire membership, including the ministry, and it was used for the general operation of the church. The members saved a “second tithe” to pay their expenses at the church’s annual festivals. Whatever was left over was to be turned over to the church. Ministers were exempted from saving second tithe. Their expenses at the church festivals were paid using the excess second tithe funds turned over to the church by the lay members. The “third tithe” was paid every third and sixth year of a seven year cycle. Originally, it was earmarked for a welfare fund for “widows and orphans,” but later on it was used to subsidize the lifestyles of the ministry. For example, third tithe funds were used to purchase and operate Herbert W. Armstrong’s private jet plane. The ministers were exempt from the third tithe requirement as well. In addition to the three tithes, members were required to give offerings at the seven church holy days. These offerings were in addition to, not part of, the three tithes.

Why the emphasis on tithes? In his commission to announce the imminent return of Jesus Christ to the world, Herbert Armstrong preached to heads of government all around the world. In order to gain access to these leaders, Armstrong had to donate huge sums of money to their favorite charities and give expensive gifts to these leaders directly. In addition, he could not go before these leaders as mere member of the working class. He had to go before them on their level, which meant he had to be fabulously wealthy. Accordingly, he wore the best clothes, traveled in a chauffeur driven limousine and a private jet plane.

In general, the ministers enjoyed a higher standard of living than the lowly lay member. They were exempted from two tithes, and their festival expenses were paid for them. In areas where the cost of housing was high, the ministers were given a rent subsidy, which in the United States was free from income tax. This was in keeping with the notion that ministers were an exalted caste. Not only were the ministers treated better than the lay members, they lived better as well.

  4. The mark that identified a true Christian was his observance of the Sabbath and the Old Testament Holy Days. The fourth commandment is the test commandment. Just as dog has to sit and roll over in order to receive his reward for obedience, true Christians have to keep the Sabbath and High Holy Days in order to be saved, even if it means losing a job or even a career. The Sabbath identifies the true Christian. Sunday keeping is the mark of the beast. A person could feed the poor, care for the sick, never harbor an evil thought, pray daily, read the Bible continuously, but if he didn’t keep the Sabbath, he wasn’t a Christian. The Sabbath keeper might wonder, “Mr. Armstrong says that only Sabbath-keepers are true Christians. But this person exhibits all of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, and he worships on Sunday. Maybe he is a true Christian after all. Maybe his church is a Christian church.” Not true. He is an instrument of Satan the devil, a decoy used to lure people away from the true, Sabbath keeping church.

  5. True Christians watch their diets. They follow the Old Testament food laws. They do not eat pork or shell fish. To do so is to commit “physical sin,” which causes the “physical sinner” to come down with all sorts of sickness and diseases. True Christians don’t eat pork. Only the counterfeit ones do.

  6. Jesus Christ came to earth to warn humanity about the imminent return of the Kingdom of God. He was the savior, to be sure, but that was not his primary purpose. He came to earth to announce the soon to come any minute now Kingdom of God. After he ascended into heaven, Jesus’ mantle was taken up by the Apostles. They didn’t preach a gospel about Christ, they preached the gospel OF Christ, the same gospel that Jesus preached. They, too, preached a message of warning, telling those who had ears to hear that the present age would soon come to an end, and that they had better repent and believe the gospel, or they would end up going through the Great Tribulation.

 7. God is not a trinity. The trinity concept was borrowed from paganism and is satanically inspired. It is a counterfeit used by Satan the Devil to hide the truth about man’s true destiny. God is actually a family. God the Father is the head of the family. Jesus Christ is the first-born Son of God the Father. It is the ultimate destiny of all of mankind to become members of the God family, to become God as God is God. How do we do this? First we have to repent and believe the gospel (remember, the gospel is the message about God’s soon returning kingdom). Once we repent, we must be baptized. When we are baptized, we receive the Holy Spirit (and not before; we can only receive the Holy Spirit if we are baptized by a properly ordained minister of God’s one and only true church). The Holy Spirit is like a sperm cell, and the new convert is like the human ovum. When we receive the Holy Spirit, we become a begotten child of God. If we persist and overcome during our lifetimes and remain loyal members of God’s true church (which is like a human mother; a begotten child of God within the church is like a developing baby in its mothers womb) we will be born again at the resurrection of the dead and become children of God and members of the God family. If, however, we fall away from the faith and leave the church, or if we are excommunicated from the true church (it is impossible to be a true, spirit begotten Christian apart from the church), we are spiritually aborted. At the resurrection of the dead, those who have fallen away or were disfellowshipped from the church will be cast into the lake of fire. Like an aborted child, the wayward Christian will die.

The Holy Spirit is not a person in the Godhead. It is God’s power, which does God’s will. It is a disembodied force, like electricity or radio waves. God fills his true believers with the Holy Spirit, with the literal power of God. The Holy Spirit enables the believer to understand God’s truth as expounded by Herbert W. Armstrong and gives him the strength to keep the Sabbath, Holy Days and other laws of God. If a true Christian deliberately breaks God’s law, he quenches the Spirit. If he quenches it enough, he extinguishes it altogether and loses the ability to keep the law and understand why keeping the law is necessary. Soon, he will stop observing the Sabbath and Holy Days and leave the true church altogether. He will lose his salvation and end up in the lake of fire.

 8. The nation of Israel has descended through the past two millennia and become the United States and Great Britain. Upon the death of King Solomon, the Kingdom of Israel split into two separate kingdoms. The Kingdom of Judah consisted of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi and remained loyal to Solomon son Rehoboam, with their capital at Jerusalem. The remaining ten tribes formed the separate Kingdom of Israel under Jeroboam, an official in King Solomon’s administration. Their capital was in Samaria. The Kingdom of Israel was conquered by the Assyrians and forced to move to what is now northern Turkey. Eventually, they migrated through the Caucasus Mountains, the Ukraine, eastern Europe, and eventually ended up in Western Europe.

The tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh ended up in the British Isles. From there, the tribe of Manasseh migrated to North America and became the United States. Part of the tribe of Ephraim stayed put. But some of the tribe migrated to South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and the other outposts of the British Empire. When Jacob, whose name God had changed to Israel, was on his deathbed, he blessed the two sons of his favorite son Joseph. In his blessing he said “let my name be named on them.” Therefore, whenever you see a reference to Israel in a prophecy, it actually applies to the United States and the British Empire, because the name of Israel was given to Ephraim and Manasseh.

Proof of this truth is found in the origin of the name “British.” The Hebrew word for “covenant” is “beriyth,” or “berith.” The Hebrew word for man is “iysh” or “ish.” The house of Israel is the covenant people. The Hebrew words “berith” and “ish” mean “covenant man.” Put them together and, presto!, you get the word “British,” because the British are Israel, the covenant people.

 9. All prophecy in the Bible is dual. Each prophecy has two applications: an ancient one and a modern one. For example, the prophecy of an Elijah to come before the coming of Jesus Christ was only partially and imperfectly fulfilled by John the Baptist. He prepared the way for the human Christ’s three and a half year ministry on this earth, after which he died, was resurrected, and ascended into heaven. It was fully and perfectly fulfilled by Herbert W. Armstrong, who prepared the way for Christ’s second coming as a spirit being to restore the Kingdom of God in power and glory for all time. The first fulfillment of prophecy is imperfect and physical. The second fulfillment is perfect and spiritual.

This duality runs through all of prophecy. One-third of the Bible is prophecy, and 90% of prophecy is for our day. Thus, all of the prophecies referring to Israel have a modern fulfillment. When you read of Israel being taken into captivity, not only was this fulfilled in ancient times, it will be fulfilled in our age. The key to understanding prophecy is knowing who are the modern descendants of Israel and the other nations mentioned in the Bible. When you read that the Assyrians will take Israel into captivity, this means that the German nation, who are the descendants of ancient Assyria, will conquer and take the United States and Britain into captivity. When you read of an empire made up of ten kingdoms, it is the European Economic Community united and controlled by a revived, neo-Nazi Germany under the auspices of the Pope in Rome. This revived Holy Roman Empire, led by Germany with the blessing of the Pope, will conquer the United States and Britain and carry them off into slavery. Unless you understand that Bible prophecy is dual, that it has a former and latter fulfillment, you’ll never be able to figure this out. Fortunately, Herbert W. Armstrong was sent to this earth with the keys to understand prophecy.

 10. Many events will occur during the end times. As mentioned above, the people of the United States and Great Britain, because they don’t observe the Sabbath and obey God’s law, will be taken into captivity by an Assyro-German led resurrected Roman Empire as punishment for their sins. They will be in captivity for three and a half years. This is the Great Tribulation. Because of war, famine, disease and false religion, two thirds of the world’s population will perish during this period.

The members of the true church of God, those who follow the truth as revealed to Herbert W. Armstrong and who belong to the church he founded, will escape the Great Tribulation by being taken to a place of safety, most likely Petra in Jordan. During his lifetime, God granted Herbert W. Armstrong favor in the eyes of King Hussein of Jordan. Because of the goodwill built up in the minds and hearts of the Jordanian leaders, the members of the Worldwide Church of God will be allowed to settle in Petra without being disturbed by the local authorities.

Petra will be a great place for the church. Although the climate is inhospitable, the members of the church will be able to build the Godly character they need to qualify for the Kingdom. Petra is also known as the place of final training. This will be the last opportunity for church members to advance to more prestigious positions within the Kingdom of God.

In Petra, there are thousands of caves in which the members can live. Petra is located in a valley with excellent acoustics. Whenever the church members need to hear the words of their leaders, Herbert W. Armstrong and Gerald Waterhouse in particular, the leaders will be able to speak and be heard without the need for amplification equipment.

At the end of the three and a half year period, Christ will return to earth and set up his throne in Jerusalem. When Christ returns, those who endured to the end and died while still members of the true church will be resurrected and will be made members of the God-family, to rule alongside Christ. Those church members who survive the great tribulation will also be changed to spirit and admitted to the God family as well. This, in Armstrongian theology, is known as the First Resurrection. It is the first phase in the transformation of humankind into God kind. There are two resurrections to follow.

Christ and the resurrected saints will destroy the end-time Roman Empire and the false church which leads it, and bring the remnants of Israel to Jerusalem. The communist nations of Soviet Russia, China and their Asian satellites will not accept Christ’s rule. They will assemble an army of 200,000,000 in the valley of Har-Meggido, better known as Armageddon, to march on Jerusalem and overthrow Christ. They will be defeated in the most horrible battle of all time. Their eyes will melt away in their sockets and their tongues will melt away in their mouths. Literal rivers of blood, as high as a horse’s shoulder, will flow from this desert battlefield. Christ, having defeated his enemies, will rule supreme.

His rule will extend for 1,000 years, a period known among the adherents of Armstrongism as “the Millennium.” Christ’s government will rule with an iron hand, but fairly and with love. Christ will force mankind to be happy by making them obey God’s laws. If anyone chooses not to obey God’s law, he will be destroyed with a plague. Men will learn to keep God’s laws, especially his Sabbath and Holy Days, and will for the first time experience true happiness and peace because Satan will be imprisoned during the Millennium. God’s Holy Spirit will be in everyone, and Satan will not be able to influence humanity for evil. There is a cause for every effect. The effect of sin is caused by Satan’s influence. On the other hand, the effect of happiness is caused by obeying God’s laws, especially the fourth commandment.

After the Millennium, Satan will be turned loose for a short time. Once again, he will influence mankind to assemble an army and try to overthrow Christ, but this army will be decisively defeated. This will be final proof for all to see that it is fruitless to oppose God. Satan will finally be cast into outer darkness forever, where he will weep and gnash his teeth.

At this point will occur the Second Resurrection. All those who never had the chance to hear the true Gospel of Jesus Christ will finally get their chance. This will include practically all of the so-called Christians. Since the Roman Catholic Church was actually Mystery Babylon the Great, and the other churches were her harlot daughters, they weren’t really Christians anyway. All the members of those churches, along with Buddhists, Moslems, Hindus, and various and sundry pagans, will be raised to life once again in physical bodies. They will live for 100 years, and will spend the time learning that Herbert W. Armstrong was right after all. If they accept the truth after the 100 years, they will be transformed into spirit beings, admitted to the God family, and will rule alongside Jesus Christ, their elder brother, forever. If they choose to reject the truth, they are cast into the lake of fire, along with those raised in the Third Resurrection.

Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Ceaucescu, and all of the bloodthirsty barbarians of the past will be given the opportunity to learn and accept the truth of God, as taught by Herbert W. Armstrong. They will be fully informed of the consequences of rejecting the truth. Undoubtedly, most, if not all of them, will choose to follow God’s truth. The will stand at Christ’s right hand as they watch the incorrigibles cast into the lake of fire.

Who are the incorrigibles? They are the peoples raised in the Third Resurrection. Those who were members of the Worldwide Church of God, who learned the truth during their lifetimes, but left the truth either through neglect (not praying, studying, meditating, fasting and tithing enough), or by willfully rejecting the truth as taught by Herbert W. Armstrong, Christ’s representative who restored the truth to the true church, are the incorrigibles. This is where those who left the Worldwide Church of God suffer the consequences. They will be raised in the Third Resurrection and will be cast into the Lake of Fire. They will burn up and suffer the Second Death. There is no resurrection from the second death. It is eternal.

The traditional Christian teaching about heaven and hell is a pagan myth. When one dies, he goes to the grave. He is asleep. There is no consciousness after death. One is resurrected to consciousness in one of the three resurrections. He is either resurrected to eternal life as a member of the God-family, or he is resurrected to judgment. God is merciful. He is not a cruel God who will cause someone to be punished forever. An incorrigible individual will suffer eternal punishment, not eternal punishing. The consequences of his sins are eternal-he dies forever. He is not tormented day and night forever. Only Satan the Devil and his demons suffer that kind of punishing.

These are the main teachings of the branch of Christianity founded by Herbert W. Armstrong. Hundreds of church organizations still follow these teachings, although most have made modifications to suit their purposes. However, the number of individual followers has diminished over the years because more and more people are discovering that Armstrongism does not bring the peace of mind and happiness it promises. Others have been disappointed by the questionable personal life of Herbert W. Armstrong, who had been accused of committing incest with his daughter, alcoholism, and misuse of church funds to support his extravagant lifestyle while church members did without in order to tithe to the church. In recent years, many people have been turned off by the self-aggrandizing behavior of their ministers.

Whatever the reason, it is becoming more and more difficult to scrape together enough Armstrongites to put together a decent feast of tabernacles site. Armstrongism is a religion in decline. When stripped of all its fancy packaging, the slick video presentations and glossy magazines, it is a preposterous mixture of bad history, biblical misinterpretation, and pure fantasy. Clever marketing and advertising give Armstrongism its appeal. But once you strip away the facade, you are left with a bad joke.

By M.A.M.