The Delayed Prophecy Excuse Refuted

Pontificate like the Devil’s Ventriloquist.

by Gun Lap

Was Herbert Armstrong a false prophet when he predicted Jesus Christ would return within five to ten years (Military Service and War 1967, p. 54), that communism would take over India and engulf “the yellow races” (1975 in Prophecy, p. 10, 1956), or that a world dictator was about to appear (first copy of The Plain Truth)? Or, as Armstrong apologists say, were his prophecies merely delayed?

How long can a prophecy be delayed and still be from God? What does the bible say about this? Forget what your church teaches for a moment—what does the bible say? It might come as as surprise, but the bible does address this issue!

When Paul spoke of the return of Christ in his time (I Thess 4:17), was he merely “off in his timing” as many ministers preach? Were the prophecies of Jesus predicting his second coming (Matt 24, Mark 13, Luke 21) delayed 2000 years? Does this make Jesus a false prophet?

If any of these men were off in their timing, do they deserve the death penalty for being false prophets? The frank bible answer will come as a shock to any Christian brave enough to face it. If you are a Christian, brace yourself, and read on.

Deut 18:20-22 says if a prophet arises and if his words do not come to pass, he must die! God actually commanded the death. One cannot carry out a death sentence on someone who has aleady died of natural causes, so, obviously, the death sentence must be carried out while the prophet is still alive. If the prophet dies of natural causes that command has not been kept. This must be considered seriously. It was a serious sin to disobey a command to execute a false prophet.

“When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, IF THE THING FOLLOW NOT, NOR COME TO PASS, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet has spoken it presumptiously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.” (Deut 18:22.). Note that it says explicity (in v. 21) that this is how they were to “know” that the words of the false prophet were not from God. They did not have to guess, wonder, or wait indefinitely to find out if the words were from God. They could know. Then.

What was the penalty for the prophet?

“But the prophet which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak … even THAT PROPHET SHALL DIE.” (v. 20).

Notice the command: the false prophet must die. It’s not talking about letting him die of natural causes!

Now let’s suppose I were a false prophet. I could prophesy in the name of the Lord that lead will turn into gold. My followers might load up on lead, then wait for lead to turn into gold. And wait. And wait. How long should they wait? Eventually I die of old age. Was it a failed prophecy? I never set a date for the prophecy to be fulfilled, so my followers could be waiting forever. How will they know it was a false prophecy? How long should they hold onto their lead?

If they accept the “prophecy did not fail, it was just delayed” excuse they could be waiting forever. By that standard, one could come up with millions of prophecies which can never be disproven no matter how long we wait.

But God said you can KNOW that the words of the false prophet were not from God (v. 21). If we wait and wait forever, we will NEVER know. But God said we can KNOW if the word was from him, by whether it comes to pass.

Clearly, there must be an upper time limit on how long we must wait before we can know, and it must be before the death of the false prophet from natural causes.

“And if you say in your heart, How shall we KNOW the word which the Lord has NOT spoken?” (v. 21).

This is not talking about knowing a true prophet by words which DO come to pass. It is talking about knowing a FALSE prophet by words which do NOT come to pass. It does not say here that we should just keep waiting indefinitely because we can never know. It says we can KNOW.

God commanded that if a prophet arises and if his words do not come to pass, he must be put to death. Once again, this sentence was to be carried out while the prophet was still alive—in the prophet’s own lifetime. It would have been pointless for God to order the death of the false prophet otherwise.

Though we don’t kill false prophets today, the instructions on how to glock-gunlapdetect a false prophet are still applicable today.

To my knowledge, the bible does not say how many years to wait, but it does effectivly put an upper time limit on the prophecy. If the prophet dies of natural causes, we waited too long because God COMMANDED that he be executed, which means he must be executed before he dies of natural causes. So the maximum time we must wait is some time less than the life time of the prophet.

In other words, if the prophet dies before his prophesy comes to pass, he was a false prophet, and should have been executed!

Did Herbert Armstrong die before his prophecies came to pass? Yes! He was a false prophet. Did Paul die before his prophecies came to pass? Yes! He was a false prophet. Did Jesus die before his prophecies came to pass? Yes! Another false prophet.

But many readers will object: “the bible is full of prophecies that have yet to be fulfilled.” That is true. But according to Deuteronomy, every one of them was uttered by a false prophet. Either Deuteronomy is false, or many bible prophets who came later are false. We can’t have it both ways.

This is just more proof that the bible is a collection of contradictions that were not inspired by God. Bible scholars and ministers make a living confusing the issues. They try to jump through hoops to explain away such contradictions in the bible. This is nothing more than self-serving self-delusion and lies. If they can’t dazzle us with brilliance, they try to baffle us with nonsense. Don’t believe their nonsense.

These men are also false prophets themselves because they are perpetuating those false prophecies, telling people, contrary to Deuteronomy, to wait indefinitely until the prophecies are fulfilled. They try to scare people with the fear of lost salvation, or death, or suffering for those who disregard their prophecies. But Deuteronomy commands us not to fear such men.

“When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet has spoken it presumptiously: THOU SHALT NOT BE AFRAID OF HIM.” (Deuteronomy 18:22.).

Sadly, many lack courage. Proverbs 29:25 says, “Fear of man will prove to be a snare…” Revelation 21:8 says “But the cowardly … their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur.”

How many chances should we give the prophet whose words do not come to pass?

“But the prophet which shall presume to speak A WORD in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak … even THAT PROPHET SHALL DIE.” (v. 20). I.e. just one “word”.

“… if THE thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is THE thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet has spoken IT presumptiously …” (Deuteronomy 18:22.). Just ONE thing. One chance. One failed (“delayed”) prophecy—that’s it!

Do not fear your ministers. Reject fear. And reject false prophets and the “prophecy was just delayed” excuse.

What is a ___________? ___________ is not in the Bible!

hossSometimes we’re warned about certain practices simply because they weren’t mentioned in the Bible. Here is an extract from a recently posted concern about a Roman Catholic priest wearing a particular garment called a dalmatic:

  1. The dalmatic was not from the Bible.
  2. The dalmatic was not an original garment that deacons wore.
  3. The source of the dalmatic came from worldly society.
  4. People had concerns about the dalmatic because it was considered to be effeminate.
  5. The dalmatic became associated with imperial politicians, including emperors.
  6. Because of its ties to politics, it was adopted by pontiffs and bishops.
  7. During the time of Emperor Constantine, it was adopted for use by deacons.

In cases like this, I like to play word substitution. With a little tweaking to items 5 to 7, here is what we get if we replace “dalmatic” with “necktie”:

  1. The necktie was not from the Bible.
  2. The necktie was not an original garment that deacons wore.
  3. The source of the necktie came from worldly society.
  4. People had concerns about the necktie because it was considered to be effeminate.
  5. The necktie became associated with politicians, including presidents.
  6. Because of its ties to the French, it was adopted by men as formal attire.
  7. During the time of Herbert Armstrong, it became required for use by men attending services.


Polite Discussion
Polite Discussion

So… a patient goes to the doctor and has some tests. What the doctor finds is unsettling: The patient has life threatening symptoms brought on by bad habits. Let’s say it is cancer and the doctor knows that the patient smokes cigarettes. The patient doesn’t necessarily have cancer yet, but all signs point to the fact that the patient will get the cancer if he does not stop smoking. Moreover, the patient has back problems that are aggravated by the smoking because of smoking. Furthermore, the patient has experienced mental confusion. The doctor knows that smoking lowers I.Q. an average of 10 points.

The doctor happens to know that the patient has a rather, shall we say, pragmatic belief system. What do you suppose the best way is for the doctor to address the issues with the patient? Perhaps a measured polite discussion presenting all the facts in a logical ordered way designed to sway such people as academics would serve?

Or should the doctor take a more strident approach?

If the doctor suggests that the patient might feel somewhat better if he stops smoking, will that be as effective as coming out and telling him that he is risking his life and chances are, that if he doesn’t die much sooner than he would otherwise, he will end up with painful chronic conditions that make it difficult for him to breathe, become somewhat stupid, have painful back pain and the chances are good that he may very well end up with a stroke and / or heart attack? Which works best, a doctor who doesn’t ruffle feathers or a Dr. Gregory House?

There was a day that I encountered a smoker at the bus shelter on my way home from work. He was smoking cigarettes directly beneath the no smoking sign. I pointed out the sign rather forcibly and argued with him that he should stop smoking. He was miffed. He said that he paid taxes and had every right to smoke where ever he pleased.

Months passed. I saw him again at a nearby bus stop. He wasn’t smoking. In fact, he told me that he hadn’t had a cigarette for 8 months. He was rather proud of his achievement. I must say, he looked a lot better.

Nervous man is smoking cigarette. Smoking causes lung cancer and other diseases.
Nervous man is smoking cigarette. Smoking causes lung cancer and other diseases.

Let’s step back a moment and consider this.

Those familiar with generations in the work place recognize the attitudes and properties of those disappearing denizens born during the early years of the 20th Century: They were oriented to highly structured hierarchical environments where a person earned respect before being given authority. Generally, those who were elders most experienced in a venue of particular expertise were prized among junior members.

Baby Boomers
Baby Boomers Millennials Generation X Y Z

Enter those born after 1945: The Baby Boomers.

Boomers are marked with the propensity to express their opinions. Some may look at the illustration above and conclude that since 1945 to the present there has been an evolution of generations in the work place, but all of them share this common feature: They all want to express their opinions — whether it is the Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials or the so-called Generation Z (which suggests that they take naps in the afternoon), they all have a penchant for self-expression.

Social Media
Social Media delivers an almost inexhaustible supply of self-expression.

This self-expression has a particular form: They have their say and go their way — rather expecting that just by expressing their opinion, some how, magically, mystically, someone somewhere will work out the details and bring their vision to fruition in reality.

In the 1990s, the Clintons demonstrated how well it works to let the Boomers come and talk, offer their opinions and then go their way. The issue was health care. There were many stake holders, including, but not restricted to, the poor and indigent who could not afford health care, the middle class who needed to survive the escalating health costs, the rich who needed a social health plan to reduce their expenses so they could make more money and, of course, the insurance companies who needed a new way to gouge the public for health care to make excessive profits. There were also doctors, nurses, mental health professionals, schools and universities of medicine, clinics, hospitals — all needing a reform in health care. They all agreed to meet together. The results were all too predictable: The Boomers were satisfied to get their say and everyone else was frustrated because they could not achieve their goals. The Boomers expected something to come of it with the polite discussions and all. Nothing really did during that decade because, after all, polite discussions produce absolutely no results with people and organizations defending their own agendas.

What does work, though, is brute force.

Brute Force works best to persuade those who merely express their opinions
Brute Force works best to persuade those who merely express their opinions.

With the election of President Barack Obama to office and the dominance of the Democrats in Congress, the stage was set to force a new health care program on the people of the United States. It was “too important to let the people vote on it” and it was also too important for people to see the document before it was signed into law. The Democrats had been waiting since the 1990s and they had a plan. This also shows that you can win using Brute Force and a lot of devious planning and manipulating. This time, the Boomers did not come to have their say and go their way — the whole thing was forced on the Americans. And to this day, not everyone is certain what’s in the package for them… they have to wait until it is fully implemented. Of course, the insurance companies took advantage of all this and the health care coverage for a significant number of people skyrocketed and not a few were unable to afford the health care.

One thing is certain: Brute Force and the strident approach triumphs over ‘polite discussion’. With polite discussion, people may or may not listen, but they certainly won’t make any changes as a result. They will forget all the data presented to them and hold on to their original opinions. This can be seen clearly in each and every edition of The Journal, where people express diverse opinions in an insane chaotic advertising venue and then promptly forget anything that does not jibe with their prejudices.

consider the data or rely on emotion
consider the data or rely on emotion

People need to consider the approach of Herbert Armstrong: Did he broadcast programs of presenting material as ‘polite discussion’ or was he particularly strident? Those who came into the Radio Church of God in the 1960s or the Wordwide Church of God in the 1970s (and early 1980s) with Herbert Armstrong were not persuaded by ‘polite discussion’. Rather they were attracted by being challenged in their beliefs when Herbert Armstrong loudly proclaimed his truths of extremism.

Extremism is the standard fare of Armstrongism

Herbert Armstrong’s ideas and opinions were certainly well beyond one or two standard deviations from the norm. For the normal rational mind, the doctrine of British Israelism is a very strange proposition: That the United States and British Commonwealth are descendants from the lost tribes of Israel is preposterous. In fact, it is so preposterous that journalist Donna Kossy wrote that Herbert Armstrong was a kook in the third chapter of her book:

Kooks: A Guide to the Outer Limits of Human Belief
Kooks: A Guide to the Outer Limits of Human Belief

Donna Kossy put Herbert Armstrong in the company of many of those who were the target of her investigations into crackpotology, such as those who believe in pyramidology, men capable of having babies, Hitler alive and living in Antarctica, Dinosaurs created by Satan (actually believed by some people in Armstrongism today) and that the earth is flat (actually believed by some people in the Ronald Weinland group — Church of God, Preaching the Kingdom of God). Herbert Armstrong is just another of a collection of lunatics who believe such things as the earth is hollow (with people living in it, flying out the North Pole in flying saucers), UFOs are God’s Angels (or like Eric William King who founded Church of God Speaking to the Remnant, believes that UFOs are piloted by demons). Metaphysics, conspiracies and enigmas of all sorts are imagined by dingy people devoid of sanity.

The real loser is the one who only listens to what he wants to hear

These sorts of people have followers. Herbert Armstrong had around 140,000 followers and even though he is dead, tens of thousands still believe that he brought the truth to the world. He really didn’t. He was freaking nuts. However, he was convincing because he sounded positive, sincere and was strident. He manufactured answers to so many objections even though he was completely proven a false prophet of dozens of false prophecies, he was undereducated and he had virtually no empathy or compassion for others as would be expected of a minister of a so-called Christian religion. He was a fraud. He was a fake. But he carried it off by being loudly obstreperous and rising to the challenge of challenging people with his faulty reasoning and distorted perceptions.

Herbert Armstrong was a kook.

This is not a trivial challenge which can be ignored.

People are fools and fools will only listen to what they want to hear. Polite discussion won’t cut it because the Armstrongists are incorrigible. They will only consider changing under great duress.

The only thing that really works for over 90% of the Armstrongists is to be strident. They got into the mess they are in because Herbert Armstrong was strident and the only viable way to leave is to encounter strident opposition equal to or superior to the projected emotions that got them into Armstrongism in the first place.

The endless prophecies of the past 80 years have failed. It is high time to admit defeat and get a life.

Get a Life -- it's time to put it on your calendar
Get a Life — it’s time to put it on your calendar

Armstrongists are like mental patients with a variety of mental disorders: They have symptoms such as addictions, paranoia, delusions of grandeur, alcoholism and the leaders usually have narcissism and seem to have antisocial personality disorder.

British Israelism Mental Hospital where the patients run the place
British Israelism Mental Hospital where the patients run the place

Here at the Painful Truth we strive to assist in helping those addicted to the Armstrong British Israelism disorder. We have our work cut out for us, since those afflicted with the disorder are unaware that there is anything wrong with them. They think they are just fine. They resent our assistance and are very belligerent, believing that we are just plain wrong. They are in denial and use every excuse to subvert any attempt to treat them. They refute facts and data so they can remain in their comfortable delusions. Often, we must confront them. ‘Polite discussion’ just doesn’t work.

It’s a thankless job, but we take satisfaction in providing the tools that a few can escape the torment of their affliction.

Painful Truth Mental Health Specialists ready to assist
Painful Truth Mental Health Specialists ready to assist