A religious commune in Russia.
Another cult leader who claims to be the voice of God.
A political commune in America.
Communism on a small-scale model.
Twin Oaks, VA.
“All systems of control, inanimate institutions or dictatorial men, displace human evolution with mental illness.”
-Reed Kinney
The Worldwide church of God attempted to annihilate peoples personality, individuality, will, and character. The stranded souls that hitched their wagon to this organization unknowingly supported a power-hungry pharisaic and fastuous authoritative cult leader and his son, Garner Ted Armstrong. For all the alarums and excursions, the fact remains that without knowing it, we nurtured these two ungrateful incubi's. For that I can only ask for forgiveness. After my WCG experience, I went to college to educate myself so I would have a greater understanding of the world about me and to understand why I ever fell for HWA's scam religion. This lead me to the conclusion that the appropriate action to take, in my judgment, is to provide people with opportunities to learn, develop, and exercise their potential as human beings, by freeing them from men who exploit and abuse them. This website and others are my vehicle to do just that.
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Quoti ng my old buddy Reed. Cool. I like hanging out at Ray Kurzweil’s site on accelerating artificial itelligence http://www.kurzweilai.net and some random thoughts came to me:
Kurzweil honestly believes will someday, not far from now, upload our brains into a computer , so our entire personalities will be fully computerized. Probably some smartass will download a virus with a “copy me” command, and you’ll have religion all over again.
Basically, religion as we know it is little more than a kind of mnental version of a computer “copy me” command that causes us to proselytize to everyone. Unfortunately, at a more basic level, our genes function according to a “genetic replicative algorithm” that works quite well with the “copy me” virus.
If it is correct to follow any man who says he represents God, there is no reason, ultimately, why we shouldn’t follow a computer that says it represents God, since all knowledge humans can know and translate into language, can also be translated into algorithms and programmed. Basically, that’s what humans do. If they can’t reduce religion to a correct mechanical program of behavior, they’ll turn to government and MAKE us live according to the programming.
And, the more government and religion team up, the worse the virus.
I prefer computers, since up to now they are not capable of lying.
Some day, of course, that will change and they will be indistinguishable from humans, or more accurately, politicians, which, I guess, isn’t really the same thing.