The Troubled World of David C Pack and the Restored Church of God The Armstrongists have become so self-absorbed that they truly can’t fathom that there is a whole world out there and they — the Armstrongists — are seriously out of sync with it.
Currently, over at Banned! is the entry of The Troubled World of David C Pack and the Restored Church of God. You know, it isn’t clear whether or not the slide into madness is going to result in a People’s Temple Jim Jones scenario. I personally don’t think it will get that far, but it might. Armstrongist leaders have just LOST IT! They don’t compare their behavior with the rest of society and don’t have any way to measure their lack of sanity. They are irrelevant to the rest of the world and have no realization how stupid they look.
Let us hope that the Armstrongist leaders don’t plunge their hapless helpless membership into a Halloween fright night resulting in the not so living dead.
Even a year ago, I would see any suggestions of danger in terms of hyperbole, but maybe we should start preparing for the worst.
After all is said and done, maybe with a tragedy there could come some good and the people left will begin to realize that they are not safe and abandon a long failed experiment in insanity. We would hope they would realize the danger they are in and it won’t come to that.
We offer The Prayer performed by Peter Hollens and his wife, Evynne, dedicated to his father who passed 7/24/2012, with the sentiment for all, “Give us faith so we’ll be safe”:
We’ll probably know more following election day. The craziness at this point in history doesn’t seem to be restricted to Armstrongism. If we can get past the election without martial law being kicked in, perhaps the ACoGs can continue with their slow disintegration. Otherwise, one or more of the groups will probably decide to flee.
At any time, David Pack could decide to give his final sermon — a sermon filled with delusion, telling the members sitting in his congregation that they would enter the kingdom that very afternoon. As his sermon reaches its crescendo, the deacons pass those little wine glasses to each and every member — sort of like the Passover. In each small glass, is a sweet and tasty liquid laced with deadly poison.
“Take this and be with our Lord and Master,” he will say.
After 3 or 4 years of everything going a direction he cannot understand, because nothing he thought would come true has and none of his prophecies have come to pass. He has wasted his inheritance passed by his parents through the Health Food Store and he has contracted debt to fund his grandiose schemes that he insists the members of RCG should pay. It is “God’s Will,” he declares. Confused, mentally debilitated, disoriented, he has seized in his rising mania the only thing that makes sense to him: Take the poison and die and everyone will instantly be in the kingdom.
Think it couldn’t happen.
We’ve seen this behavior and scenario before.
It may well be time we see this happening in the Armstrongist churches of God, given the despair over the unanticipated entropy the sects have encountered.
Some may protest that song, The Prayer, is too religious. There are those who do not believe in God. And yet, in spite of that, the truth is, if you have the right faith, it will keep you safe.
Certainly we can have a great deal more faith in observation and the scientific method, in proven technologies than we can have in a man who just makes things up without any basis in fact and never acknowledges his errors — a weakness exhibited not just by David Pack or Roderick Meredith (who managed to bring Armageddon to the Global Church of God), but by all of the leaders of the sects of Herbert Armstrong.
Beware of those who proclaim that angels will swoop down and save you by whisking you off to the Place of Safety, but rather trust the commonly accepted methodologies of identifying and avoiding the scam, lest you find yourself on some Sabbath afternoon imbibing something less than benign as your last day on earth alive passes.
“They don’t compare their behavior with the rest of society and don’t have any way to measure their lack of sanity.”
But they do compare themselves with the outside world, except they do it through projection. The outside world has been identified as wrong and not themselves. Scapegoatism. Hence, they desire to point out ‘the way’ to others, while they are still stuck on the side of the road looking for a goat! Authority will always trump ‘doing’ to these kind of people.
“Some may protest that song, The Prayer, is too religious. There are those who do not believe in God. And yet, in spite of that, the truth is, if you have the right faith, it will keep you safe.”
Beautiful lyrics and song. The lyrics reminds me of the Goldilox prayer.
Poor sound quality but magical atmosphere.
The Goldilox Prayer
*my lyrics*
I can’t believe summer’s almost here
I made it through another year even if alone
But there’s no tears in my eyes, life is still full of surprise
I’m not looking for a one night stand
I stand behind you and I watch you from a mile away
Wishing you could be the one but not here this way
I would like to know your name
I must know who you are
when I look up at the stars, for Right
but I can’t find where You are,
maybe You’re just a little bit too far from our home.
and despite how often we get things wrong,
even if our trip is everlong,
I hope we never sing our last song without Someone
The powermad and the walking dead,
deathmarch us into the end of days,
I’m wishing that there is someone out there,
Who won’t let things end this way.
I would like to know your name,
I want to know who you are
Guitar solo: [WW3, armageddon,then a strange silence]
Somehow it seems we have survived another one of those ‘end of days’
forever thankful for You, somehow not letting things end that way
I may never know your name,
I must know Who You Are
Angle 2
Spiritually Significant Songs “Goldilox”