Donald Trump has been elected President of the United States. The big question still on the minds of voters on both sides is “how in the world did he win?”

Through the election process, Democratic Candidate, Hillary Clinton was confident that she would be the winner. How could she not be? She had the popular support. She apparently had the experience. She was poised. She came off very well during the three debates. She was so confident that it was ‘a done deal’. Everyone wondered “what went wrong?”
It’s really simple. Here’s and answer from Thomas B. Walsh, author and retired executive on Quora:
Hillary had disrespect for her husband’s advice.
Hubris cost her the election.
She also had disrespect for her supporters. She saw the Presidency as an entitlement. She neglected her constituency and assumed that it was a done deal. In effect, she also had disrespect for the office of the President of the United States.
What of the alleged racism of Donald Trump? Take a look at what by Scott Alexander said in his Slate Star Codex article, You are still crying wolf. Scott Alexander is definitely not a Donald Trump supporter. His advice is:
Stop crying wolf.
The Democrats and liberals just made up the issue and it isn’t true, so those transgender people committing suicide, the people lining up to enter into Canada and those rioting in the streets are in a panic for nothing. Just stop it.
As soon as Donald Trump had been elected [by the vote count of the Electoral College], he hit the ground running. As a businessman taking office as the Chief Executive of one of the largest businesses on earth, he has been diligent in preparing not just for preparing for the Presidency himself, he’s been busy establishing a staff to support the effort and has been meeting with leaders, including current President of the United States.
What a lot of people don’t realize is that the ways of thinking and working of highly positioned entrepreneurs is quite different from the run of the mill middle class and working class folks. For one thing, Donald Trump objectifies himself and the people who work for him and with him. This divorces himself from the emotions that would cripple him in getting the job done. What jobs? In his own words, “I want to focus on jobs, I want to focus on health care, I want to focus on the border and immigration….”
The children of Donald Trump certainly speak well for him. They are a success in their own right. It is both a credit to him and an assurance that he has a better chance of doing things right in the Presidency than many critics claim. Moreover, Donald Trump does not drink alcohol — primarily because of his brother’s problems with alcoholism. And his children don’t drink alcohol either.
For someone 70 years old, he has a lot of energy and enthusiasm that people wouldn’t expect. He’s taken his future job seriously; he’s moving forward with vigor. He also has chosen those he is going to work with and has started delegating, with the full knowledge that he can’t do everything himself. He is not shown disrespect for the office of President.
It should be noted that Donald Trump has a high level of intelligence as well as a background in Business with a degree from an accredited University. The latest research seems to disclose that most of the Presidents of the United States have an I.Q. between 123 and 132 with a number of outliers beyond the first standard deviation from the mean. President John F. Kennedy had an I.Q. of 158. John Adams had an estimated I.Q. of 173.
So what is the I.Q. of those in the current events? Bill Clinton has an I.Q. of 156. His wife, Hillary Clinton has an I.Q. of 140. Now you may ask, what is the I.Q. of the current President of the United States, Barak Obama? He is a true man of the people: He has an I.Q. of 102 — one of the lowest I.Q.s of any of the Presidents ever. He’s more of an actor media type guy selling the Democrat’s agenda, which doesn’t really require that high an I.Q. and which puts him on about par with the average person — definitely a win-win.
And Donald Trump’s I.Q. is 156.
This means that he might not always be as understandable to the average person as, say, Barak Obama might be.
What does any of this have to do with the leaders of the sects of the Cult of Herbert Armstrong Mafia?
Well, for one thing, in comparison, they aren’t that bright. David Pack, Roderick Meredith, Gerald Flurry and Ronald Weinland aren’t exactly towering intellects. Neither is Victor Kubic nor Mark Armstrong. Yet — and this is so amazing — those who would completely flounder and fail if they were elected President of the United States, being completely over their heads and totally unqualified to even begin to appreciate the complexity of office, certainly have a lot of opinions about how a President should act, who or what he or she should be and what programs should be employed. They are out of their league. Their incompetence stands as an enormity which cannot be ignored (except that it is by their membership). They seem to forget Romans 13 in that Book they not only claim is the Foundation of all Knowledge, but that some how they feel qualified to explain (even though they are clueless). Sorry if some names like Eric King have been failed to have been mentioned, but the incompetence of the ACoG leadership is pretty much boundless (not unlike the bottomless pit).
No, but they do disrespect the person in the office of the President of the United States, they disrespect the office itself, they disrespect the government, they disrespect the Republic for which it stands, they disrespect the people of the United States and some how project that they are going to take over some day and do a better job of it all. Look, buckos, you can’t even solve the problems in your own cult. Why would anyone trust you to solve the problems of the world — even under direction, because, if there’s one thing we’ve learned about the leaders of Armstrongism is that they just don’t follow directions. They take portions of what they claim to believe, perform cut and paste and proof text to the hilt. Moreover, they can’t even be honest about it. By this time, they all know that British Israelism is total bunk, but, you know, Living University has a course on the subject… for credits, even — with a man on the staff who revealed back in 2008 that British Israelism is disproved with DNA evidence. How incompetent is that? And you expect these jokers to be honest administrators in the World Tomorrow?

Screw that.

We at the Painful Truth expect you Armstrongists to obey Romans 13 and not do the Gerald Waterhouse thing to dis our guy, because if you do, we will give you a headache by torturing you with science again! Just don’t do it. You will regret it! You don’t have structural visualization and we will give you truth you can’t handle! We’ll give you a Christmas present you won’t forget!
This brings us to a conclusion.
Just because we might not agree with the new President Elect, it does not mean that we can disrespect him or the office his to fulfill.
On the other hand, we have proved out over time by observing the patterns of behavior and the rank incompetence of the CoHAM leaders that they are certainly not deserving of our respect.
We highly recommend those still stupidly following the scoundrel moronic pastards to follow the admonition in the Bible commanded in II Timothy 3, enjoined upon all those who espouse Christianity:
“From such turn away.”

Boobie Thiel, the god of Thi’s.
You imbecile pathetic Armstrongists who follow the illusive Ph.D. from who knows where, when are you going to figure out that he’s a false prophet that you should completely ignore (unless you want to join us in mocking him)? Hillary Clinton lost. He didn’t see that coming. And worse, he wrote a whole book, compounding his error.
How can she be the AntiChrist if she just disappears into the twilight of past history?
It’s time to come clean and make the break.
Admit your folly and obey Scripture.
The Kitchen Clan giving advice from HWA to Donald Trump.
What utter stupidity to think that a man who has made such a great fortune would need advice from a dead false prophet. Armstrong’s expostulations were and still are based on a denial of reality, on the substitution of a deliberately falsified picture of the world in place of reality.
The clan needs to go back to its safe space and pout. Herbert Armstrong is dead and his utopian society idea died with him. Its buried, dead and gone. What remains is the rotting corpse of a degenerate movement which offered shackles in place of freedom.
“What did Hillary do that cost her the vote and presidency?”
We found out that Hillary was more corrupt than Bill, and by a HUGE margin too. It should be obvious now as to how they have always been so untoachable.
The land of the free and the home of the brave, America? Maybe or maybe not. Most of us have just woken up in a fog of A Brave New World. If we fail to change it, 1984 will become all too real. And that is what frustrates me, that we actually had an attempted coup d’état in our country! It was so painfully obvious to most of us in this election cycle that enough of us were able to turn the tide back our way. The MSM news was unable to silence or stop us, though they tried. And I’m sure they are rethinking their strategies to do so, now. Besides the evidence of election fraud and the latest evidence of post-election funding and flaming of discontent about an election that they thought they had stolen from us, it seems that now, we the people, have now decided that we shouldn’t hold them accountable? How are they now still untoachable?
I remember when Ronald L. Dart back in ’93 stated, these terrorists will not stop, they will try and try again till they succeed. That wasn’t prophecy, just common sense. And it seems that this country keeps losing it. Like the terrorists, the neo-cons will not stop either, even if US soldiers will. No worries for them, the world is full of cheap monsters lookin for fun. Either we stop them or the rest of the world will, including us through the collateral damage of defeat. We are the media, and we should support and protect it. Since freedom of thought and news brought down armstrongism. It can do the same for us today. So, be wary of how the MSM will claim to protect us.
Countering the Real Fake News
Very soon we will be publishing an extensive article that touches on the Brave New World. It will not be political but has to do with the Armstrong empire as it exists and the dysfunctional society they have created. I can’t say anymore at this time but look for it soon.
On another, but somewhat related front, it seems that Nancy Pelosi, though having some problems, will be reelected to be the lead in her party in the House of Representatives.
Pundits, though, are thanking her for her arrogance and making life easier for Republicans.
And here is a sterling snarky comment from Dave Varner of Hyannis High School:
“Give her a termination letter and we will read it later to see whats in it…….”
Voted to be the quote of the day!
[For those of you not in the United States, trust us, that’s funny!]
Well, a man can’t fight the patriarchy because he IS the patriarchy!
Some thoughts on Trump:
So long as people say, “Here’s what has to happen according to what “God’s Apostle” outlined for us, they will continue to be wrong, and therefore, false prophets. The message to the ACOGs and aspiring spokespersons who would have been Spokesmens’ Club washouts, is “hey! That ship struck an iceberg and sank back in 1975, and the Captain has died, but you guys keep saying its arrival at port has just been delayed!”
We chide “Dr.” Bob for not ever actually prophesying, and here is an example of him actually having done so (basing his prognostications on the Armstrongite theories that it is disgraceful for blacks and women to “rule” over “Israel”, and aannnnntttt! Wrong answer!
I wonder if the pseudodoc is giving refunds or offering free aroma therapy to the people who bought his book!