Deranged Sheeple and Covid 19

We all have heard of ‘social distancing’ and the 6 foot rule put forth by those prophets of doom within the CDC, WHO, etc. Some people who consider themselves as enforcers carry this to extremes. While it is not unusual for humans to behave this way as there are extremist in any movement, this trend of snitching on others is quite disturbing.  As a society when you pit one group against another you get division. Of course regular readers of the Painful Truth realize this, as this blog has mentioned time and again, human behavior never changes and those who seek power over others create division. Religious or political, all leaders are of the same cloth.

For your amusement….

According to respondents on Twitter who translated comments made by the woman filming the video, the completely deranged screeching lady is upset at the others for being too close and not properly social distancing.

“One of them was a girl whom he often passed in the corridors. He did not know her name, but he knew that she worked in the Fiction Department. Presumably—since he had sometimes seen her with oily hands and carrying a spanner—she had some mechanical job on one of the novel-writing machines. She was a bold-looking girl, of about twenty-seven, with thick hair, a freckled face, and swift, athletic movements. A narrow scarlet sash, emblem of the Junior Anti-Sex League, was wound several times round the waist of her overalls, just tightly enough to bring out the shapeliness of her hips. Winston had disliked her from the very first moment of seeing her. He knew the reason. It was because of the atmosphere of hockey-fields and cold baths and community hikes and general clean-mindedness which she managed to carry about with her. He disliked nearly all women, and especially the young and pretty ones. It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy. But this particular girl gave him the impression of being more dangerous than most. Once when they passed in the corridor she gave him a quick sidelong glance which seemed to pierce right into him and for a moment had filled him with black terror. The idea had even crossed his mind that she might be an agent of the Thought Police. That, it was true, was very unlikely. Still, he continued to feel a peculiar uneasiness, which had fear mixed up in it as well as hostility, whenever she was anywhere near him.”
-George Orwell’s 1984


Divide and Conquer

The organizer must become schizoid, politically, in order to slip into becoming a true believer. Before men can act an issue must be polarized. Men will act when they are convinced their cause is 100 percent on the side of the angels and that the opposition are 100 percent on the side of the devil. He knows there can be no action until issues are polarized to this degree.’
-Saul Alinsky

Continue reading “Divide and Conquer”

Arrogant and Condescending, The Bob Thiel Show

Back in 2012, Dr Bob Thiel, vitamin salesman, pseudo intellectual, and false prophet was chastised by his guru, the late, not so great, Rodrick Meredith.

Meredith was trying to reason with Bob and correct his know it all mentality.”

So what is this mentality Rodrick was talking about, and how do others view Thiel? Why did Rodrick write to the ministry that Thiel “has not been a reliable source of information in many cases.” ?

Let’s take a look at these letters. If your a member of Thiels troupe or are considering hitching your wagon too his, we suggest you read these letters carefully…

Continue reading “Arrogant and Condescending, The Bob Thiel Show”