As anyone living above the Earth’s surface knows by now, it is not enough to avoid doing what is wrong. We must actively do what is right. Specifically, we must communicate to people that people sometimes ask me why I seem incapable of saying anything nice about Bob Thiel. I’d like to—really, I would. The problem is, I can’t think of anything nice to say.
I guess that’s not surprising when you consider that some folks believe that Bob has an independent mind, rigorous intellect, impeccable credentials, and a record of excellence and integrity, reflecting a sophisticated, psychological warfare program designed by Bob to project a stream of callow images of death, disasters, material goods, political celebrities, and other fixtures in a mock-Olympian firmament.
Well, not to be disappointed, like clock work Bob Thiel once again asks his audience if watching football is wrong for a Christian. Never mind that most armstrongism groups dine out Saturdays at restaurants without regards to those who have to work on that day.
Thiel attempts to lobotomize everyone caught thinking an independent thought. Who is he to decide what is morally acceptable for us and what is not? The fault, dear Bob , is not in your stars but in yourself. While it is true that football can cause harm to the players, the choice remains for those who choose to participate. We all are responsible for ourselves and we live or die by our decisions.
Those who choose subservience to Thiel’s monolithic engine of tokenism are welcome to serve their master. Thankfully, his ability to impose his narrow theological agenda on secular society is limited.
So with that said, here on Super bowl Sunday we have this message for Thiel and his merry band of theological morons….