Seeing how I’m posting today some humor is suggested.
Who do you Trust?
There are three major things wrong with Armstrongism: British Israelism is a fraud and it leads to false prophecies by false prophets; church history is a provably concocted fraud (plagiarized from Ellen G. White) and the entire religion is based on rebellious heresy. No one in Armstrongism wants to look at the facts because it just doesn’t feel right to them.
Blast from the past…
Click on the title below
Herbert Armstrong Still Dead!
As predicted, Robert Thiel put up a article on this anniversary of Herb’s death 34 years ago today.

Guarding the gates of hell
Herbert W. Armstrong died 34 years ago: Many do not really understand what he taught or expected from the Church
Oh we know what he taught and we know what he expected. How can one have been in this cult and miss these talking points? Thiel introduces us to Herbie, and then progresses on to guess what? (Drum roll…..)
That he alone has the mantle to the so called ‘true church of god.’
Anyway, below we have a article from some years ago on the death of “that apostle” who was commissioned, and empowered by Satan the devil, to deceive and destroy as many human beings as possible.
There is just so much one can say on this subject, but…