The Arrow of Entropic Time, because you can never put Armstrongism back the way it was!
The Self-Made Armstrongist Experts
Herbert Armstrong didn’t even complete high school, but some how he read material in the Central Library in Portland, Oregon from G. G. Rupert, wrangled a ministerial certificate from the Church of God Seventh Day and for no particularly good reason was granted the title of ‘Apostle’ by the very Conference he later betrayed, going on and becoming one of the most prominent false prophets in the United States in the early Twentieth Century with nutty ideas and even nuttier kook predictions which fell flat, but yet, he became a foremost expert in the minds of his deluded followers. Continue reading “The Self-Made Armstrongist Experts”
I’m dreaming of a racially ambiguous holiday…
In keeping with the season and the fact that Armstrongists hate both Christmas AND science, we gleefully present:
For your holiday enjoyment from the self-proclaimed Preacher’s Kid, Jon Cozart:
We promised you Armstrongists revenge if you didn’t repent and turn to the truth, so here is the torture we have for you for being bad: