Thus the religion of Corporate Vampirism
has been and remains the
“Religion of the Rulers”
Vampires are the predators of humans. They have come from human stock but represent the next stage in human DE-evolution. They are who accept and glory in their predatory nature. They are the Masters of the World.
They fully accept and embrace their bestial instincts and origins while applying the power of the mind and of the Will. Their achievements and deepest desires are made real by earthly and magical means.
From the highest corporate executive offices to the most secluded country
estate, our membership includes virtually every profession and lifestyle. We have a plan for you and it not what you think. We laugh in scorn at the humans who find themselves believing in the superstitious nonsense which our kind created for their control.
We care only for our own personal and physical well being.
We are the few who truly rule this material world and those who throw their lot in with us are wise indeed. For many are called.
Few are chosen.
Fewer, still, enter.
One can associate vampirism within the corporate world of Armstrongism. These corporate churches have only one interest: money. The search for powerless victims with which they satiate their desire for money, thus, will never come to an end. They have no concern for the individuals, nor for the fact that they are literally robbing them of their means of survival.
The corporation starts with brainwashing the parents and deludes them into thinking they are obeying God by following the dictates of the religion. Their true desire is to own the hearts and minds of the children. If they can gain the hearts and control the minds of the children, then they can feed off this life blood far into the future. Some will be chosen as replacement ministers.
They start by binding the minds of these church kids from infancy. The children are restricted to church activities and church traditions only. They are forbidden to participate in such “pagan” customs such as Christmas. They are forced to embrace the holy days that are mentioned in scripture. They are never told that these days are based on pagan agriculture festivals from so long ago. In time anger and resentment grows. Mental scars that will follow them all their lives begin to form.
The Church is a Revolving Door
The dehumanizing architecture of the corporate Armstrong churches ensures that there will always be the fresh blood they desire for their own survival needs. But what happens when the blood runs low? This is the revolving door effect.
A efficient manager knows that when you use people up and they can give no more they leave. If they don’t leave you give them the boot. (This is the way you can avoid giving pay raises if your unscrupulous as a employer)
When one family is burnt out on trying to maintain the rigid requirements of the corporate church, they leave. Another will soon join the group as a replacement participant who thinks they just found the “truth” or “Gods true church.” The corporate presence on TV continues to pitch deceptive rhetoric that is used as a recruitment tool so that they can continue to feed without financial interruption well into the future.
Economically speaking, times are tough now-days and the family sitting in the corporate chairs within the corporate church, singing from a corporate song book at some point will be forced into a situation where choices will have to be made. Feed the minister or your family. The sad reality is they will make choices as so many in the past have. These church members will choose to feed the minister over their own families, those men who they see having the power of life or death over them. A man who they see as their mediator between themselves and God.
These are the church members who forsake their children for the benefit of the corporation. They have become infidels. Scarcity of goods is evident to all those who cross your path. Your children secretly resent you.
Mental Issues of the Church-ed
Who would have thought that you could get killed by simply going to a corporate church? But that’s the dirty little secret. The sermons. They have had an awful effect on so many people over time. Some leave the corporation due to developing mental problems that get to be just too much. Others leave because the church makes them feel deficient in some other manner of their personal lives. The corporation has a doctrine which says that if you leave “You’ll lose your salvation.” So you stay. And in your mind you begin to hate the entire congregation without realizing the real source of your hatred. Problems arise if you act on these emotions. People can and do die from others who become unhinged and act out their frustrations.
So Why Stay?
Quit playing Santa Claus to these thugs. Withdraw your consent! Resign and take responsible control of your life and that of your family!
In past centuries, churches served people and performed works that were of benefit of the local community. The modern corporate church is the anti-theist compared to those of the past centuries. They serve only themselves. Don’t believe me? Look at those palaces in the Armstrong church franchises. They are but monuments to men build with your money. These buildings don’t honor God, but they do stand as a testimonial. An indictment as to the egos of vain and worthless men.
The first step towards you sanity and freedom starts the day you quit going to the corporate church and hand in your letter of resignation withdrawing your consent to be governed.
The second step towards your own personal freedom is to be found in the instructional video below. Throw all those books and booklets away. You must learn to think for yourself and stop the corporation from doing it for you!
The third step to personal freedom and sanity is to get counseling for all family members. Talk therapy has proven to be an essential first step to understanding yourself within the context of your own personal cultist experience.
And remember you believers, you don’t need ANY corporate vampire to tell you the thoughts of God or what He might be saying. They are just making it all up!