Happy Thanksgiving to all. Below we have a few points for you to consider during this four day holiday weekend.
The Ballad of Dr. Bubba Thiel
Good old Dr. Bubba Thiel prophet THD, he thinks he’s fooling you and he thinks he’s fooling me, but in all reality, it’s his own delusion, Africa is conning him Big Evans and Radson. Their boss Satana is putting all the pins in place, spinning the wheel of fake dreams and gaslighting everyone’s face!
Good old, Dr. Bubba, I am telling you, eat some humble pie before your through ohh! Listen to the advice Dr. Rod gave you and brother you repent true before the con of Africa destroys you!
(2 verse)
Good old Dr. Bubba Thiel listen to what I tell you! You had an elder by the name of Sasha, who was true blue. He only tried to warn you, but you wouldn’t see it through! You chose to believe the witch doctor spiel of an old villagers tale! They blinded you to reality, that’s all I have to say. Good old, Dr. Bubba please get out of the way! Let the true Christians, do their duty true and have it Gods righteous way!
(3rd verse)
In conclusion, Dr. Bubba, Dr. Bubba Thiel, please stop sending tens of thousands to big Bana Africa because all it’s going for is Evans gold mining corruption and witch doctors spell. Listen to Sasha Veljic, he was so true blue, get rid of the African shim sham dance, that’s conning you!
Revisiting ‘Bad Neighbor’
Herbert Armstrong was certainly a bad neighbor. For the most part, he was a bad neighbor to the Church of God Seventh Day.