A heartwarming moment for Easter morning!
The Painful Truth-Herbert W. Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God
Understanding the psychology of religious seduction and spiritual abuse.
A heartwarming moment for Easter morning!
The following are questions I have about the Bible and Christianity
I’ve asked most of them of folks who have written to complain about my site. I have not yet received adequate answers. I realize that not all Christians are Bible-thumpers, and not all Bible-thumpers believe exactly the same thing. When answering these questions, feel free to skip those which do not apply to you. It might be helpful to explain why a certain question does not apply, but it’s not required.
Former website, now defunct (http://www.sonic.net/~jhuger/)
For our new viewers we present the following, Kissing Hank’s Ass, as one commentator said
“Brilliant way to sum up religion, and the arguments religious people always pose”