The Armstrong Churches of God and Their Lust for War

Why, even the membership is declaring war on each other!
They learn from their leaders….

Blast from the past….

“The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace.”

So why are the Armstrong Churches of God at war with one another? Each is competing for the dwindling resources known as tithe payers……

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Prophecy Bullshit comes Alive

Everywhere we turn in today’s world it seems we are beset by self-proclaimed “prophets” trying to make a profit by predicting the future for us. We can read our daily horoscope in the local newspaper, consult a palm reader in our area, read what the ten leading psychics predict will befall whoever, or tune in to radio evangelists proclaiming what the Bible foretells for the future. Most of these prognosticators do well to have a prophetic batting average as high as .200. Looked at another way, these seers are wrong more than 80% of the time!

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