Mr. Rogers Meets Peewee Herman
I have some memories of AC in Pasadena in the late ’70s, mostly about some of the more, shall we say, colorful individuals I roomed with.
The Painful Truth-Herbert W. Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God
Understanding the psychology of religious seduction and spiritual abuse.
Mr. Rogers Meets Peewee Herman
I have some memories of AC in Pasadena in the late ’70s, mostly about some of the more, shall we say, colorful individuals I roomed with.
“God permitted this to go just so far, and NO FARTHER. Dick was allowed to be carried as near death as is humanly possible and still live. But he was protected from death — and he will be delivered out of this, and healed.”
Herbert W. Armstrong
One of the most shameful letters that Herbert Armstrong ever put out. Trying to raise money as his son lay dying in a hospital.
For those who have followed the complex writing’s of our very own Ralph Haulk, we have a fresh perspective on the unity, or should I say divisions of the ACOG’s.