The Herbie Virus

By John Ouvrier. Ex-WCG Pastor.

About a week or so ago, my buddy Bill (who contributes to the site) sent me the following humorous piece .  It’s called the “Amish Virus Alert.” It says:

“You have just received the Amish virus. Since we do not have electricity nor computers, you are on the honor system.  Please delete all of your files. Thank thee.”

We all may chuckle, but there’s a truth behind all this virus madness.  I’m fully convinced that many of these, long haired and bearded, virus creators are housed in some sort of medieval body cage that’s hung by a green, fungus coated, rusty, creaking chain that swings ominously from some antiquated, upper steel beam.  These fanatical creatures of virus software, who haven’t showered in months,  smell like acetone,  and hunk themselves forward while grunting at their computer monitors.  They then salivate over their computers, but in order to feed them, you must supply them food, by poking a piece of raw meat on a skewer between those rusty bars.  They growl, they chomp, and then, they eat.

We all know what a computer virus is.  It can be minimal, or it can delete all of our files.  In other words, our past records have gone “south.”  Was that not the EXACT same thing that we did as part of the Worldweird Cult?  We’re our minds not infected by Herbert W. Armstrong’s Virus?  Many who are possessed by the splinter groups are still swimming in that virus of confusion and mayhem.  It is those folks that our hearts go out to, and it’s them that we’d like to help.  It is not simply their hard drives that have been infected, but their inner minds and rational thinking.  Their logical reasoning has indeed gone “south.”

Please, let’s not make light of this, but any teacher, or pastor, or leader who demands unswerving loyalty to themselves and to their personal ideas of madness, is him (or her) self a living virus.  They’ve have – in effect – corrupted our hard drives – namely, our minds.  They have corrupted our brains.

Like most guys, I do the “channel flicking” thing on the remote, and every so often, I manage (regrettably) to hit a Meredith or a Flurry.  I made a big mistake over twenty years ago when I attended AC as a night student.  Meredith was the teacher, and I’d never heard so much claptrap.  I’d never heard so much nasal squeaking, and pharisaical repetitious bilge.  So one night after class, I challenged him.  I asked him if I could write a paper that was different to his thinking on one particular subject.  This was in his Epistles of Paul class.  His answer?  To my best recollection, he said:

“Well, if you want to do that and write your paper, then you can.  If you think you know more than me, then go ahead and write your little paper.  I’ve studied this matter for many more years than you, but if you think you know more than me, go ahead  . . . submit your paper.  If you think you know more than an Evangelist, then go ahead  . . . submit your paper.  Submit your paper, and let’s see how far it gets.”

So much for open mindedness.

Despite the abundant evidence that I showed, in that paper, I proved that this guy was “full of it,” he would not deny his pre-programmed Herbie Virus, and he gave me a B-.  I noted that NOT once could he prove his theory correct.  There were NO notes of his  to contradict what I’d written.  And this character is now leading a bunch of – Herbie Virus – infected folks who are molded in the Herbert W. Armstrong Virus technology.  “The blind leads the blind until they both fall into the ditch.”

Flurry also pops up on TV.  How people can listen to this total bore (personal opinion) is beyond my comprehension.  Yet he has a following, and its subsequent – Yummy – income.  He too, in my estimation,  is flowering and propagating the Herbert W. Armstrong Virus.  Emails to me have said that Herbert W. Armstrong’s name in the PCG is always revered, and dead Herbert W. Armstrong’s  teachings are inviolate.

While most computer viruses can be eliminated by a Norton or McAfee anti-virus program, this “religious” type of virus can be destructive to our minds.  It’s not removable by a simple program.  A computer virus can get onto our hard drive, but a brain virus can drive us – and our futures – crazy.  A computer virus creator seeks to create destruction to our equipment, but a Herbie (and similar) Viruses seek to dominate our lives, thinking, finances, and futures.  It seeks to control our lives, and rule over us with “ . . .a rod of iron.”

“Don’t rush to be teachers,” it was once said.  But, I was too dumb to listen to that simple instruction.  I once – regrettably – taught the virus.

What drives a computer virus creator?  It gives him/her a certain amount of power.  He or she can disrupt your lives, and create havoc with your computer.  That’s a symbol of their power.  They enjoy having that power over us to mess up and make mayhem with our lives.  And the Herbie Virus character fits the same mold.  They want power too.  And the bottom line of it all?  Ego.  Hitler had a super ego.  Stalin had a super ego.  Mao had a super ego.  Pol Pot had a super ego.  Herbert W. Armstrong was also known to have a super ego.  And Herbert W. Armstrong’s cultmasters are charging in that direction.  Good luck guys.  Welcome to totalitarianism.

By this time, everyone who is “out” is really “in,” according to a saying Dave Antion once said.  Herbie’s virus was ruled by his insatiable ego.  “Look what I’ve done,” he once bragged to an old biz friend.  Ref:  The AC REPORTS.   A virus can be a madness, and unless checked in its early stages, it can be devastating to all those involved.  This is why I lay the blame heavily on Herbert W. Armstrong’s lieutenants.

Although the Matthew 18:14-17 tact is Biblical, its principles are still sound, and are often used in honorable businesses today.  Namely, you first approach the offending party, and if that doesn’t work, you bring two or more who think the same way.  From everything I’ve gathered, no one among Herbert W. Armstrong’s whores had the guts to do that.  In the end, it would have solved immense problems, salvaged peoples lives, their incomes, and their retirements.  But the lieutenants appeared to be gutless.  They had their own incomes to protect, and seemingly:  “The hell with anyone else.”

There were so many that KNEW that the tithing “law” was a obsolete one, and meant only for the Mosaic era.  But, no one had the guts to speak up.  Les Mac once told a group of us that:  “I believe in tithing, but ONLY the first tithe.”  Yet now, the UCG (Ugly Church of Greed) preaches more than that one tithe, and how “wonderful” was the Feast of Tabernacles in so-and-so, etc., blah, blah  . . . .  So, it appears that they were all infected with Herbie’s virus.  Anyone who could read the Bible with an open mind could see that there was NEVER ANY SUCH THING AS THIRD TITHE.  And tithing is NOT any sort of requirement.  The Pasadena contingent knew that, and I was told (after I left) that many chose to keep their wimpy mouths shut, because of a generous paycheck and perks.

Ask any of those former “evangelists” as to how much THIRD TITHE money went to decorating their homes.  Many of their arrogant wives used to love the “favored” of the congregation to come into their luxurious homes, and listen to those Evangelist wives brag:  “See how I decorated this place?  Look at what I’ve done.”  Yakkety Yak, on and on, etc.  Of course, what they didn’t say, is that they had a professional decorator come in and design the opulence, and the money came directly from a THIRD TITHE that never existed under any covenant whatever.  The congregation were being scammed.  I invite any contenders, prove me wrong.

At least two of these people live on Waverly Drive in Pasadena, CA, which is one block south of Del Mar Blvd., which boarders the once campus of “God’s College.”

However, it certainly appears that these (and many others) sponges drank liberally of the third tithe, feathered their own nests, and became more enmeshed in the Herbert W. Armstrong Virus.  Let’s face it, those perks were hard (if not impossible for some) to give up.  Even if it meant doing the right and honorable thing, they chose to ignore that fact, then they went their own way, and of course: “Pass the Dom Perignon.”  Glug!

However, although dead Herbert W. Armstrong now lies rotting in a fitting place, the Virus continues.  I personally cannot believe that – at this time – with all the info available, that Herbie’s Virus has NOT been purged.  His theology was mayhem – for any of us that wants to use an open mind.  Eventually, thousands did.  Obviously those who teach this stuff have not learned (or are deliberately ignoring) the lessons of what he plagiarized from the CG7 group and anyone else convenient.  Check out the CG7 doctrines at:  http ://   As time went on, he was fed with other ideas, as he appeared to have none of his own.  He preached them (like “new” teaching about D&R.  Other groups knew of this “new” teaching for years.) as if “God” had suddenly revealed them to Herbert W. Armstrong alone, and any past mistakes were simply a “testing” of God’s people.  So, we were told, to thereby – adhere. But this man was a theological ignoramus, and was never educated in any viable area as far as our as our records show.  This is not to exalt or diminish any form of education, but “by their fruits” you can certainly know this scam artist for what he was worth.

Obviously it appears more profitable for his offspring to cling to the “ole’ time theology of Apostle Herbie,” as most of his teachings were a mish-mash of anything he could observe through his (reportedly) clouded mind.  One former evangelist told me that if once the Armstrongs (namely Herbert W. Armstrong & Teddy) got some wacky idea into their heads, they would covet it, coat it with their own personal saliva, and preach it as if “God” had revealed it to them personally.  It certainly shows that they too, had never done their homework.  Maybe, with one exception, and that was in the area of $$$$.

It’s a tragic and regrettable thing that the Herbie Virus is still active.  I cannot keep up with the Herbert W. Armstrong WANNBES.  Their ego reigns supreme in so may of the would-be Herbies, and who are infected with the seemingly incurable Herbie Virus.

Please, let’s all keep the hard drive of our mind clear, and use the anti-virus of common sense.  Regrettably, there are thousands out there who are still brainwashed, and will stay that way, until they have the guts to honestly LOOK at the truth.  After all, what harm can it do?  If a thesis is wrong, then it’s wrong.  But any of us can examine the evidence.  Examining, proving, and checking everything is the mainframe of common sense.  But, so many of the ex-Worldwide Church of God are scared of doing this because their cultmasters have them totally bonded in fear.   Please remember, ignorance leads to fear.  Congregations are NOT allowed to examine any truth for themselves.

We are here to help and not only to point out the problems.  If we can help, then let us do it.  If you need help, a friend, or even someone to chat with, then please email us.

Romancing The Bones

Blast from the past…
By Alex

It’s unfortunate that the Herbiephiliacs are still praising and raising memories of HWA even after a decade of his death. They hold him in such reverence, they’d just love to raise him from the dead. Like those in another cult who killed themselves waiting for a UFO to transport them off this evil planet, some of Herbie’s diehards may be holding secret rituals and candle light s‚ances, intoning their mantras praying for the old pervert’s resurrection. They are so firmly ensconced in Herbert’s twisted philosophy of God’s master plan, that nothing, absolutely nothing, can jar them from that position. Even after his admitted guilt of sexual perversion. God called them into His True Church, and by God, that’s where they were going to stay. Similar to the three monkeys, they see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil as far as their beloved apostle is concerned. They cover their ears and squint their eyes as the flood of evidence of Herbie’s many misdeeds, long suppressed, blatantly appears before them in sight and sound. They fight back, accusing us who left as being “dissidents”, “Armstrong bashers”, “doomed to eternal hellfire”, “going back to Satan’s world,” etc. This is typical cultic reaction to those breaking away. We also were once entranced with Armstrongism. We remember the glory days. Our smugness, our self-righteousness, our “we know something you don’t know” attitude toward “Satan’s” world. We remember when:

The World Tomorrow broadcast was heard by 50,000,000 people every week over 329 radio stations worldwide and 38 TV stations in the U.S. and Canada. The Plain Truth had a circulation of 2,080,000 indicating a readership of over 6,000 for each issue, adding new readers to its’ mailing list at the average rate of 60,000 a month. Ambassador College occupied three campuses, two in the U.S. and one in England. Their free bible course was being received in homes worldwide. It had an enrollment of over 80,000 active students from around the world, including blue collar workers, housewives, doctors, lawyers, farmers, and even ministers. Mail from readers, listeners, and contributors had reached a total of nearly 2,000,000. A letter writing staff of ordained ministers and graduate students answered, giving guidance to those who wrote in seeking answers to bible questions.

As “converted” brethren, we were taught that Herbert held an important position in God’s hierarchical government under Jesus Christ. All literature emanating from Pasadena, booklets, pamphlets, the P.T. and PGR was regarded as the gospel and was to be taken quite seriously. This outpouring of literature plus local sermons gave advice on family management, child care, sex, diets, finances, divorce and remarriage, healing, etc. Everything but how to hold the Charmin when you wipe. This, plus being burdened with Herbie’s instituted rigid O.T. laws brought many households to financial and family ruin. Causing death to sick cases where doctors were forbidden. The husband, as head of the house, was placed in the same category as Christ over His Church and was to be obeyed by his more submissive mate who was considered a weaker vessel. Many husbands took advantage of this church ordained authority and became strict disciplinarians, as quite a few wives and offspring can attest to.

This resulted in sowing the seeds of discontent and frustration in the children, some now fully grown, who feel deprived of a normal childhood by Herbie’s restrictive measures. Friday night games and activities were out. (Even though this was Herbie’s dancing night). Attending football games and watching tv on Saturday was strictly verboten. You could not “do your own pleasure” on the Sabbath. Just stay home, read the bible, meditate and pray. It’s a wonder Herbie didn’t demand we wear a prayer shawl and a yamulka. All the normal pagan holidays were banned. Satan was the god of this world, that indulged in idol worship. All Christian churches were of Babylonian origin and worshipped Baal. Why didn’t some one ask the old egomaniac why we kept the sabbath on a Saturday since it was named after the god Saturn? We were programmed to keep our mind on our “calling”. To keep focussed on our “great commission.” The teaching and preaching of the coming Kingdom of God. We were exhorted to press for the goal. To hold fast to the “pearl of great price.”

When the enchantment shattered for most of us, we suddenly realized we had been duped. Anger and bitterness replaced starry-eyed dreams of becoming “kings and priests”. Smoldering resentment is rising in ex-members, especially the ones who grew up in the Worldwide Church of God. As a result of the fallout, some of the 40,000 or so are completely turned off of ALL religions. Some have become atheist, some have joined Christian churches, others stay home. Many are bitter and unforgiving, having felt that they have been abused, accused and used by the top Worldwide Church of God echelon on down to the local, lowly wannabe deacon. The outcome of Herbie’s warped concept of God’s true purpose for mankind’s existence, has proved to be a disaster. Many families were torn apart by his edicts. Lives were destroyed, figuratively and literally. Many have become financially destitute due to Herbie’s constant demand for money. He would lay a guilt trip on us by repeatedly quoting that worn out scripture that he loved so well, for good reason: “would a man rob God?”

Quite a few drop outs have become emotionally disturbed and others mentally scarred, perhaps for life. Many, exiting other cults are suffering from the same symptoms. In my own 27 year Worldwide Church of God experience I don’t believe there has been another cult that was so mind-controlled, so demanding, so corrupt, and exacted such cruel hardship on it’s members as the Worldwide Church of God. In Walter Martin’s book “Kingdom of the Cults” there is an entire chapter on Armstrongism. He exposes it for what it is with such statements as “The Worldwide Church of God is outside of the historic Christian Church because it denies foundational Christian truth”. And “The essential doctrines of the Worldwide Church of God are absolutely heretical and without any biblical foundation.” Quoting an ex-member, Charles F. DeLoach in “The Armstrong Error” (1971) “By many concerned church leaders, Armstrong has been labeled a heretic”. And quoting Armstrong on page 41, “if you appropriate the sabbath for your own business or pleasure, you are STEALING from God and you are guilty as a thief and a violator of the eighth commandment!” DeLoach answers him on the following page: “It is a fact that keeping the Sabbath was to be a “sign” between God and the Hebrew people, and it has been so from the time of Moses down to this very day. The Jews, who are the only people who know for a certainty they are descended from Israel, still keep the seventh day, in all the lands which they have been scattered. But the pact made at Mt. Sainai was between God and the Israelites. That pact was ratified by the Hebrew elders (Deut. 29;10-15). It was meant for the Hebrew people.

But Armstrong and his ministers insist that Christians today are just as bound by this “sign” as were the Hebrews because Christians are “Spiritual Israelites”. On the fly-leaf of this booklet appears this endorsement; “Herbert Armstrong’s Radio Church of God, while appearing Christian, is in reality a perversion of Christianity. This is clearly revealed by the author who was a member of the Armstrong cult before his conversion. This book should be read by all Christians, and should be given to those who have become confused by HWA and the Radio Church of God”. James Bjornstad Assistant Director Christian Research Institute Author, 20th Century Prophecy Jean E Dixon, Edgar Cayce. and, “Charles F. DeLoach has produced a highly readable and thoughtful refutation of Armstrongism. He obviously possesses a deep concern for the souls of those who are being deluded by a cult which is a masterpiece of Satanic deceit, and his study will be of great value both to concerned Christians and those who have been themselves deceived. Every evangelic Christian should read this book so that he may be prepared to help others who are less informed.” Herbert Vander Lugt Re search Editor Radio Bible Class Grand Rapids, Mich. 49501

This booklet was copyrighted in 1971. Even way back then a tight lid was kept on the perversion and corruption at Pasadena. We in the boonies didn’t have an inkling. But apparently the entire Worldwide Church of God clergy were aware of it.

So, after attaining an exhilarating high back in the 70s we have arrived in the late nineties and landed with a dull thud. What is the status now of the Worldwide Church of God? It has shrunk and Viagra wouldn’t help. The old pervert is dead, so it won’t help him either. The Russian is also dead and his son has taken over as head crook. The diehards are circling the wagons and making a last ditch stand. Joe bides his time, bags packed, engines idling ready to flee with the loot at a moments notice when the crap hits the fan. He’ll make a brief stop at a Swiss bank before continuing on to his “place of safety”. The little pipsqueak COGs are crowing about growing but facts prove otherwise. Members hop from one church to another. These are the only ones the little churches can get. Who the hell in his right mind on the outside would even THINK about joining such kookie cultic groups? Their locations have stayed the same for years: school auditoriums, Masonic halls, school libraries, abandoned storerooms etc. And by golly, no way are you going to tell them they ain’t God’s True Church. They have been “called” and that’s that. Case closed.

In the meantime the little churchettes (also the mother church Worldwide Church of God) are in dire financial straits. They are all desperate for dough and can’t wait for the holy paydays. To show you how desperate, here is a quote from a UCG newsletter dated June 18 1998 from President Les McCullough: (After David Hulme absconded with 200 of the brethren) “It was our hope that Mr. Hulme would be willing to serve in another capacity and work with us to solidify the Church and move forward. with our collective mission. We understood that there was a group who were strong supporters of him and that they might choose to start another organization. Sadly, this has come to pass. It has bled away members and diluted our efforts. The many rumors, innuendo, and accusations flying around have discouraged others. All this has affected us financially”. later, “The tithes and offerings of God’s people are the only finances we have with which to operate. They have fallen off for whatever reason. Why? (It’s our fault, remember? the accused? Here it comes–) have some forgotten Mal.3;9- 10? Look at what it says. (That scripture goes along with “would a man rob God? which old Les apparently overlooked.) and later the devil gets his due.” I believe Satan is taking his best shots at the people of God. He wants us to fail in carrying out the mission of our church”. (poor old Satan is getting blamed again, and again and again.) Les learned well from Herbie. Now the clincher– “I don’t like asking this but can you help? (Herbie wouldn’t have begged. He would have ORDERED them to take loan out on their house as he once did.) It is imperative. We need the largest offering you can personally make. We need help from the congregations as a whole. Will we all join together to resolve this problem?

Altogether now, folks: HELL NO!

I’m writing this on July 4th. which I think is quite apropos. This is Independence Day. This is the ideal time for COG fence straddlers to declare their independence from cultic abuse. Today we proclaim our liberty from tyranny and oppression. Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, Jefferson asserted. When government ceases to become the servant and becomes the master the people have a right to bring about changes, by force if necessary.(Didn’t Christ say something like that, but not quite so radically?) Thomas Jefferson went on to say “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

(And I personally want to add Freedom From Religion.)


And oh what fools we were……