The Legacy of HWA

If your prophet brings a wake of death and destruction are you wise to follow him?

Herbert W. Armstrong destroyed countless lives in the pursuit of riches.


Blast From the Past. An Inside Report On God’s Work.


Dear Editor,

First off, let me say thank you for this web-sight…which I didn’t even know existed until today!  You are doing a marvelous job…and just HOPE it will keep others from enduring the 25 year NIGHTMARE that I and my wife & three children ENDURED, at the hand of Herbert W. Armstrong, GTA, Imperial Schools, Ambassador College, WWC & all the top-ministers & their wives & children.

Let me introduce myself.  I was a teacher at Imperial School (Big Sandy) for 25 years, & a teacher at Ambassador College (Big Sandy) from the time the Big Sandy campus opened, until 1975.  Believe me….EVERYONE….that everything you have been told & read, in this website…..IS FOR REAL!    And, I COULD TELL YOU …..A WHOLE LOTS MORE

Continue reading “Blast From the Past. An Inside Report On God’s Work.”

An Epistle from an Apostle?

The manipulative techniques Herbert Armstrong used to milk funds from the membership.

Reports indicate that many have “come in” to God’s Church in this manner: They have come to really SEE and KNOW that this is, truly, GOD’S Church. They know there is terrible WORLD TROUBLE just ahead. They have heard how God’s Church is to be taken to a PLACE OF SAFETY.
Continue reading “An Epistle from an Apostle?”