The government of the United Kingdom has released new data showing that the vast majority of “delta variant” deaths are occurring among people who got “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Only one third of all deaths supposedly caused by the delta variant are occurring in people who did not get the jab, which clearly shows that “Operation Warp Speed” is an utter failure – assuming that “saving lives” was the goal, anyway.

From February 1 through August 2, the U.K. recorded 742 deaths allegedly caused by the delta variant. Of these, 402 were fully vaccinated while 79 had received just one shot. The remaining 253 cases were unvaccinated.

You can view the official government report outlining the data at this link.

“If you get covid having been vaccinated, according to this data, you are much more likely to die than if you were not vaccinated!” writes Chris Waldburger on his Substack.

“Obviously some allowance must be made for more elderly people being vaccinated, but not enough to change the bottom line: This vaccine is not nearly as effective as advertised.”

In every country where Fauci Flu shot uptake is high, including in Israel, deaths and hospitalizations are soaring.

A whopping 60 percent of all new hospitalizations in Israel are “fully vaccinated” patients who are now being told by their government that they need a third “booster” shot in order to stay “safe” against vaccine-caused mutations.

“The powers that be will not admit there is something terribly wrong,” Waldburger adds, calling for “a complete recalibration of global policy” as “the only moral option” here.

“They will not acknowledge the clear science that people with natural immunity, and the young and healthy, do not need to take the risks of these injections.”

Waldburger also explains that natural immunity, meaning real immunity, is the best way to go. Vaccine-induced “immunity,” if you can even call it that, lasts for only a very short time at best. At worst, it destroys natural immunity forever, leaving a person prone to a lifetime of disease.