This is what real persecution looks like. Not the type of persecution the armstrongites talk about, but a serious and deadly type of persecution that tests the faith of real believers…
Secular False Prophets
As we await the time when false prophets such as the fraud Bob Thiel will be rejected and injected into the lake of fire, let us take a walk into the past and examine another type of false prophet….
Sheep Among Wolves
Muslim background Iranians are leading a quiet but mass exodus out of Islam and bowing their knees to the Jewish Messiah. The Iranian awakening is a rapidly reproducing discipleship movement that owns no property, no buildings, has no budget, no 501c3 status or any identifier that the church in the west says you must have, and is predominantly led by women.
Those who who sit in comfortable churches every week should take notice. These brave people face TRUE Christian persecution, unlike the ACOG’s who claim they are persecuted but are not. The armstrongites are not worthy of being persecuted for Christ. They don’t believe in Him. Their faith is place in Herbert Armstrong, a man who lived a life of sexual perversion and hard core alcoholism. Let them have him.