Blast from the past…

By JohnO

It’s no secret that on Tuesday, 7/30/02, President G.W. signed the corporate accountability and fraud legislation bill into law.  This is probably a little late, in terms of the recent scandals and rip-offs, but at least, it now holds corporate CEO’s and their lackeys accountable for proper business practices to be used in their respective companies.  One can only hope that these laws will retroactively apply to the current investigations of Enron, WorldCom, and Qwest, etc.

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Gurus & Teachers

By JohnO

It takes all types, but people will usually listen to anyone who speaks, or yells loud enough, with any kind of authority.  Sometimes, this can be good if the info is profitable to the listener, but at other times it can be a disaster.  And this can reveal a BIG difference between a guru and a proper teacher.

A guru is anyone who usually tries to draw people to himself or herself at the expense of other teachers and/or teachings.  Such a person is also regarded by followers as a personal guide to living, and is invariably looked to by such followers as a source of vital knowledge.  Personally, I don’t know any gurus, even though I have read oodles of books written by wise people on different subjects.  But to empty one’s brain of common sense and logic in favor of anyone’s teaching is rash.  Everything needs proving – especially after our Worldwide experiences – and compared with what favorably links up with plain, simple, logical sanity.

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