Cult Ideology

My good friend Ralph inspired this blog by sending me a link to an article entitled
“The Covert Agenda Behind the Occupy Wall Street Protests.”

What caught my attention (besides the main point of this article) was a video by Garret Lo Porto entitled “The Wayseer Manifesto.” You may have seen this video on YouTube recently. After this upbeat and empowering video, one may feel inspired to feel “special” about themselves (a common tactics of cults). Lo Porto’s video then ends without offering a viable solution to your “new empowerment.” Why? One must look as to the motivation of the author.

The key to understanding this video is the knowledge you have already gained by your involvement with Herbie’s religious cult, the Worldwide Church of God.  So the next question is, who is Garret LoPorto, the author of the video below?

This man is a psychologist. In the article I linked to above, he is quoted as saying  “If you want people to believe in your brand, (and share that belief with others), your brand must be evolved into a cult brand. If you want buzz; if you want viral marketing; if you want sky-high conversion rates and you want customers to not just be customers, but total converts, then you’ve come to the right consulting firm.”

Here is the video, “The Wayseer Manifesto.”


So did you spot the cult tactics?


Below are two very good videos that refute  LoPorto’s video.




As you can see, cult tactics are not only used by religious charlatans, but marketing firms who replace your current ideology with a brand new one! Its called “The Haircut.”


Why Do We Need To Believe?

I recently saw a show on PBS titled “Prohibition”. I’ve always had some interest in this era of history, with the crime and violence resulting from the attempt of the people to do “good”. What I did not know was that Prohibitionists helped usher in the Sixteenth Amendment, allowing the federal government to directly tax people, and avoid tax dependence on alcohol sales. I also did not realize that Prohibitionists encouraged hatred of Germans in WW1 so that German breweries such as Pabst and Schlitz could be demonized as evil on two fronts, being part of the German enemy, and producing alcohol that weakened the resolve and courage of “true” Americans.

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