Exploring The Common Denominator
(*) Notes
The Politician.
What just is a politician? If we look this term up in a dictionary we will see that a politician is one who is a “member of a governing body that decides public policy or influences public opinion.” Another definition is “a seeker or holder of public office, who is more concerned about winning favor or retaining power than about maintaining principles.”
Then we have the “Urban dictionary which defines the politician rather colorfully, if not with regretful accuracy.
- A person who practices politics. “Politics” is derived from the words “poly” meaning “many”, and “tics” meaning “blood-sucking parasites.”
- One who has perfected the art of lying.
- A highly paid yes-man.
Sound familiar? What we have here is a group of people, mostly lawyers that are going to decide what is best for all of us. In the course of their duties these folks go about day after day trying to work out the best deal for their constituents and/or themselves. They will spend your money on the most inept concepts, useless pet projects and use the same old tired cliches about family, education and safer streets. Lest we forget, manipulative psychological techniques over honest discussion.
But it has not always been this way. There was a time when these animals in office served for the betterment of the nation. A time when the course of a nation and its people was decided on using the principle and ethics that represented the majority of the populous. Tantamount was the goal of preserving individual liberty and the advance of the general welfare of the people that they represented. To the discerning, it seems those days are the bygone of a time long since past.
In the course of a lifetime all of us have encountered various figures, both public and private that have their hand out trying to convince you that they have something you “need” or “must have” presenting you with a sales pitch that tries to convince you to buy into a product, a service, or a philosophy. Walk down the main street of Las Vegas and the panhandlers hand you sex cards trying to entice you to rent a whore. Turn on the TV and you have so called preachers trying to prostitute Jesus to you for a price. Vote for a politician and he will betray you for the benefit of some lobbyist as he hikes up your taxes once again.
In politics, if you chose to participate by voting or by running for office, you will have a front row in observing the unbridled greed and uninhibited excesses that run throughout the human genome. The nefarious, obdurate and simplistic politicians intend to keep us, the constituent, blissfully ignorant of the facts. Their mouths teem with useless and distorted information, their undertakings and grandiose plans are inefficient and doomed for failure. The people are pawns to be used and manipulated. If you listen to the politicians sing-song, chances are you won’t even notice his hand as it goes into your pocket. Only later, after you realize you’ve been robbed, will you truly understand that life isn’t fair. But support them we will. We must keep the “faith!”
Yes faith! Faith in the politician with his “new” ideas that will make your life better and solve all the social injustices in the world! Lets call this the American version of hegemony cultural change. *(The term was coined by the Italian philosopher and communist, Antonio Gramsci.) The eventual dominance (war of position) of one social group over another where the ruling class has come to be seen as the norm within the society as a whole. The hard reality is that these ruling class whores are experts at manipulating, dividing (totalitarian world view) and fleecing (debt) their constituents. They claim to represent the “people” but serve the needs of themselves and/or the special interest groups.
The Politician..
1. …tells you he is not going to raise taxes on the middle class. Instead, he’s going to raise corporate income taxes as means to get rich corporations to pay their rightful share of government. *(What really happens? The corporation raises the price of its products, lower dividends and lays off its workers.) Who pays the price for this deception? We do. Politicians of this ilk are intellectually and morally deficient. In defending their ideas, they promote injustice, poverty, and grinding despair. The chance for further prosperity is now foregone, unrealized and concealed.
2. …never responds to a problem by letting go of his power.
3. …controls the media in order to control the information the masses ingest.
4. …creates an atmosphere of fear where the masses surrender their freedom for security.
5. …creates illusions. *(They cite the sins of foreign rulers, and then ask us to join in killing their downtrodden subjects. The federal government was formed to protect Americans (defensive posture) and not foreign rulers and their subjects. Today we have a strong national offense, but a very weak national defense. America is surrounded by two oceans that protects the nation from invasion. What is needed is a missile defense that will repel a nuclear attack, and a border patrol that will protect us from those foreigners when they make their mad dash across the border.)
6. …offers the solution for problems he created.
7. …exploits situations such as a disaster for a photo-op and speech.
8. …most valuable skill is the ability to lie convincingly.
9. …panders to those who can help him, such as special interest groups.
10. …is always in campaign mode.
11. …is not what he says he is. One example would be a spendthrift liberal running as a fiscal conservative.
12. …comes into office with modest means and leaves office a millionaire.
In any case, I cannot believe how many actual, physical, breathing, thinking citizenry have fallen for the politicians subterfuge. Because of them, we are now observing the change in our society’s philosophy and values from freedom and justice to corruption, decay, cynicism, and injustice. All of these “values” are artistically incorporated within American politics.
Next post: The Priest.