Politicians, Priests and Pornographers


Exploring The Common Denominator

(*) Notes

The Politician.


What just is a politician? If we look this term up in a dictionary we will see that a politician is one who is a “member of a governing body that decides public policy or influences public opinion.” Another definition is “a seeker or holder of public office, who is more concerned about winning favor or retaining power than about maintaining principles.”

Then we have the “Urban dictionary which defines the politician rather colorfully, if not with regretful accuracy.

  1. A person who practices politics. “Politics” is derived from the words “poly” meaning “many”, and “tics” meaning “blood-sucking parasites.”
  2. One who has perfected the art of lying.
  3. A highly paid yes-man.

Sound familiar? What we have here is a group of people, mostly lawyers that are going to decide what is best for all of us. In the course of their duties these folks go about day after day trying to work out the best deal for their constituents and/or themselves. They will spend your money on the most inept concepts, useless pet projects and use the same old tired cliches about family, education and safer streets. Lest we forget, manipulative psychological techniques over honest discussion.

But it has not always been this way. There was a time when these animals in office served for the betterment of the nation. A time when the course of a nation and its people was decided on using the principle and ethics that represented the majority of the populous. Tantamount was the goal of preserving individual liberty and the advance of the general welfare of the people that they represented. To the discerning, it seems those days are the bygone of a time long since past.

In the course of a lifetime all of us have encountered various figures, both public and private that have their hand out trying to convince you that they have something you “need” or “must have” presenting you with a sales pitch that tries to convince you to buy into a product, a service, or a philosophy. Walk down the main street of Las Vegas and the panhandlers hand you sex cards trying to entice you to rent a whore. Turn on the TV and you have so called preachers trying to prostitute Jesus to you for a price. Vote for a politician and he will betray you for the benefit of some lobbyist as he hikes up your taxes once again.

In politics, if you chose to participate by voting or by running for office, you will have a front row in observing the unbridled greed and uninhibited excesses that run throughout the human genome. The nefarious, obdurate and simplistic politicians intend to keep us, the constituent, blissfully ignorant of the facts. Their mouths teem with useless and distorted information, their undertakings and grandiose plans are inefficient and doomed for failure. The people are pawns to be used and manipulated. If you listen to the politicians sing-song, chances are you won’t even notice his hand as it goes into your pocket. Only later, after you realize you’ve been robbed, will you truly understand that life isn’t fair. But support them we will. We must keep the “faith!”

Yes faith! Faith in the politician with his “new” ideas that will make your life better and solve all the social injustices in the world! Lets call this the American version of hegemony cultural change. *(The term was coined by the Italian philosopher and communist, Antonio Gramsci.) The eventual dominance (war of position) of one social group over another where the ruling class has come to be seen as the norm within the society as a whole. The hard reality is that these ruling class whores are experts at manipulating, dividing (totalitarian world view) and fleecing (debt) their constituents. They claim to represent the “people” but serve the needs of themselves and/or the special interest groups.

The Politician..
1. …tells you he is not going to raise taxes on the middle class. Instead, he’s going to raise corporate income taxes as means to get rich corporations to pay their rightful share of government. *(What really happens? The corporation raises the price of its products, lower dividends and lays off its workers.) Who pays the price for this deception? We do. Politicians of this ilk are intellectually and morally deficient. In defending their ideas, they promote injustice, poverty, and grinding despair. The chance for further prosperity is now foregone, unrealized and concealed.

2. …never responds to a problem by letting go of his power.

3. …controls the media in order to control the information the masses ingest.

4. …creates an atmosphere of fear where the masses surrender their freedom for security.

5. …creates illusions. *(They cite the sins of foreign rulers, and then ask us to join in killing their downtrodden subjects. The federal government was formed to protect Americans (defensive posture) and not foreign rulers and their subjects. Today we have a strong national offense, but a very weak national defense. America is surrounded by two oceans that protects the nation from invasion. What is needed is a missile defense that will repel a nuclear attack, and a border patrol that will protect us from those foreigners when they make their mad dash across the border.)

6. …offers the solution for problems he created.

7. …exploits situations such as a disaster for a photo-op and speech.

8. …most valuable skill is the ability to lie convincingly.

9. …panders to those who can help him, such as special interest groups.

10. …is always in campaign mode.

11. …is not what he says he is. One example would be a spendthrift liberal running as a fiscal conservative.

12. …comes into office with modest means and leaves office a millionaire.

In any case, I cannot believe how many actual, physical, breathing, thinking citizenry have fallen for the politicians subterfuge. Because of them, we are now observing the change in our society’s philosophy and values from freedom and justice to corruption, decay, cynicism, and injustice. All of these “values” are artistically incorporated within American politics.

Next post: The Priest.

What are the Limits to Religious Tolerance?

One of the greatest legacies of America’s Founding Fathers is the Bill of Rights which was made a part of our Constitution. Of particular note is the First Amendment which says,

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

While those “rights” have over the years been bent and battered by authority, they remain an essential part of the mythos of America as a “free country.” In the first and second clauses, it was the intention of the Founders to prevent the federal government from establishing a “national religion.” This provision is generally described as requiring “the separation of church and state.” What that actually means in practice has long been a subject of debate and a matter for judicial clarification. People generally take it to mean that the government is prevented from favoring one religious institution over the others by prescribing particular religious practices or providing public (material) support to any particular religious institution.

Americans tend to forget that many other countries around the world do not adhere to the ideal of the state as a “secular” entity. Most, but not all of those that have a state religion are Islamic. Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Greece each have as their official religion some form of Christianity, as does Argentina, which happens to be Roman Catholic.

Islam has of late, for a variety of reasons, been the focus of greater scrutiny by both Americans and Europeans. Until recently, there had been little direct contact with Muslims. They were “those people, over there,” in the middle-east or Asia. But now they are coming here in greater numbers and their presence is being felt. Mosques are becoming increasingly common and Islamic practices are ever more noticeable. The city of Dearborn, Michigan, with a 40% Muslim population, is now known as “America’s Muslim Capital.” How has that impacted the lives of non-Muslims in southeastern Michigan? I’ve not done enough research to say, but I did find a video that disturbs me. It is titled, Arab Festival 2009: Sharia in the US, and shows what happened when a video crew sought to get some answers on camera.


Now I consider myself a social liberal. My personal philosophy is “live and let live,” and one of my primary personal goals is to promote human unity. It is an undeniable fact that religion has throughout history been one of the most divisive forces, and all manner of atrocities have been committed in the name of one god or another. The fact is that religion has always exerted political influence in one way or another.

Islam has been particularly assertive in that regard. When speaking of a particular religion, one must be careful not to over-generalize. Islam, like Christianity has its multitudinous sects and schisms, and more than its fair share of crazy clerics. But I have a distinct impression that for Muslims in general, religious tolerance is NOT a two-way street. It seems that most Muslim clerics have as their agenda the imposition of “Sharia law” upon civil society. It would be prudent for Westerners to learn about Islam, its agenda, and its methods. Bill Warner has provided A Short Overview of Sharia Law, which highlights a few items from the Koran that I find very disturbing.

Over the past few years, I’ve spent quite a bit of time in Muslim countries, mostly in Malaysia, and had a chance to see the way things work there. Malaysia is probably the most moderate of Muslim countries. It is a federation of states, Sultanates, and former western colonies that was cobbled together in 1957. The official religion is Islam. Other religions are tolerated and freely practiced but they do not enjoy the same support as Islam. On the surface, there is the appearance of social harmony, but there is an undercurrent of tension that often bubbles to the surface. About two thirds of the population of the Malaysian Federation is Muslim. The remainder is comprised mainly of Chinese Buddhists and Indian Hindus, but the distribution of the minorities varies widely from one state to another. Some Malaysian states are overwhelmingly Muslim, and Sharia law tends to be more generally applied.

On my first extended visit to Malaysia I spent the first night at a guesthouse close to the beach. It happened to be located directly in front of a mosque and it was during the month of Ramadan, a month of fasting for Muslims. As you may know, it is Muslim practice to call the faithful to prayers five times a day. It would not be so bad if the call was not so strongly amplified electronically, but it was so loud, persistent and prolonged that it had to flee the area to find more peaceful surroundings in the city.

The sign pictured here was taken at a hotel where massage is offered, this in a state that is majority Chinese. Even there, Sharia law is enforced, but only upon Muslims. There are “religious police” that carry out unannounced inspections to assure that the law is being complied with. How do they determine who is Muslim and who is not? In Malaysia, everyone has an identity card that specifies their religious affiliation. “Born a Muslim, always a Muslim,” is the official position asserted by Islamic institutions and culture. It’s extremely difficult for anyone to renounce that religion, and we’ve all seen how touchy and vengeful the Imams can be with their fatwas. One celebrated case of a few years ago was the “contract” that was put out on the life of Salman Rushdie because some Imams found his Satanic Verses to be “offensive to Islam.” They actually offered a cash reward to anyone who would kill him.

My experience with Muslims as individuals has been generally positive. My Muslim friends are warm, generous, and hospitable, but the institutions of Islam bear watching. The general assertion of any particular religious views and practices tends to repress others and create an atmosphere of fear and submission, and leads to widespread hypocrisy. Hence, the regular visits of Muslim men to neighboring Thailand where they can more safely pursue their carnal pleasures.

The most disturbing thing I’ve come across lately was a video so grizzly and repulsive that I even hesitate to mention it. It was sent to me by a friend and it shows the stoning of a young girl that occurred recently in some unspecified Islamic country. I’m still haunted by the image of the final blow, a young man smashing a cement block into the girl’s head. The girl’s alleged crime was her refusal of an arranged marriage to a much older man.

To my Islamic brothers and sisters I offer this bit of wisdom from an article that appeared recently in the Huffington Post. In it, religious scholar and former Catholic nun Karen Armstrong quotes “the great thirteenth-century Sufi philosopher” Muid ad-Din ibn al-Arabi:

“Do not attach yourself in an exclusive manner to any one creed, so that you disbelieve all the rest: if you do this, you will miss much good; nay, you will fail to realize the real truth of the matter. God, the omnipresent and omnipotent, is not limited by any one creed, for He says, “Wheresoever ye turn, there is the face of Allah” (Quran 2.109). Everyone praises what he believes; his god is his own creature, and in praising it he praises himself. Consequently he blames the beliefs of others, which he would not do if he were just, but his dislike is based on ignorance.”

The looming global economic, social, political and environmental transition is going to be difficult enough; we should not complicate it by too much mixing of divergent cultural and religious traditions. The future of civilization will depend upon those of us who can put aside religious, racial, cultural, and political differences to work together in common cause to create a sustainable, convivial, equitable and peaceful civilization.

I’m no fan of Newt Gingrich but I think he may be right on this point: Speaking at the Value Voters Summit, Gingrich proposed a federal law banning Sharia (Muslim) law in America. He said, “I am opposed to any effort to impose Sharia in the United States, and we should have a federal law that says under no circumstances in any jurisdiction in the United States will Sharia be used, in any court, to apply to any judgment made about American law.”

I think John Lennon had it right when he was inspired to write his song, Imagine. Note the phrase: …and no religion, too.

Here are the complete lyrics:

Imagine – John Lennon

Imagine there’s no heaven,
It’s easy if you try,
No hell below us,
Above us only sky,
Imagine all the people
living for today…

Imagine there’s no countries,
It isn’t hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace…

Imagine no possessions,
I wonder if you can,
No need for greed or hunger,
A brotherhood of man,
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world…

You may say I’m a dreamer,
but I’m not the only one,
I hope someday you’ll join us,
And the world will live as one.

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