Enemy Mine

…Feast was kept in Washington State in 2008 here: http://www.fruitlandbiblecamp.com/fbc_2008_002.htm The “services” are quite a bit different too. It isn’t all hymns, opening prayer, sermonette, hymn, announcements, hymn, sermon, hymn…

Vaccines and the Law

…The CDC records reports of the adverse events already reported to date concerning the current Covid-19 vaccine.( https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/vaers.html ) With Regards, Employee of the Year https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/42/300aa-22   (e)Preemption No State…


com (undisclosed sum) LiveRail ($500 million) Threadsy (undisclosed sum) This is a link to the complete list of FaceBook Holdings. But wait! We’re not done! There’s Twitter! Here is the…