From Shots To Clots

Expertise Of Former Pfizer Executive

In June former Pfizer executive Dr. Michael Yeadon added his voice of deep expertise on vaccines to the blood clot issue.  “These covid vaccines are not safe,” he said.  “The gene based design makes your body manufacture virus spike protein, and we know and we’ve known for years that virus spike protein triggers blood clots,” Yeadon explained. “That’s a fundamental problem.

Dr. Yeadon revealed the astronomically high adverse events from the vaccine alone should have shut them down.  “Young people are not susceptible to covid-19.  They’re not at risk,” Dr. Yeadon said. “It’s a crazy thing then to vaccinate them with something that is actually 50 times more likely to kill them than the virus itself.

Dr. Yeadon said the CDC VAERS system has reported roughly 5,000 vaccine deaths in the first six months of 2021.  “Normally there’s 200 a year for all vaccines combined,” he said.

I’m very pro vaccines,” Yeadon said. “My biggest beef with the [COVID] vaccines include serious concerns about safety.  They have not been sufficiently tested,” he explained. “They were approved for emergency use fraudulently, in my view, because they shouldn’t do it if there are safe and effective medicines.  And there are.  They have just been hidden.

Yeadon said hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, azithromycin, and inhaled steroids are all safe and effective at treating the coronavirus.

Each was suppressed by Dr. Fauci, the scientific establishment, and the media. That is exactly the truth.  Truth suppressed to promote use of COVID vaccines.

Read MORE from Principia Scientific International