In a radio interview, Deborah related that the family had kept quiet about Dorothy to protect her. Deborah’s mother had told her it was true. She was also was told by her grandson. Interestingly, Deborah noted that the only thing HWA had given her was a hand signed copy of his “Missing Dimension in Sex” book.

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1975 in Prophecy.

The video is back up.

Herbies view of the future was as you know, a total bust. His false prophecies concerning America and Great Britain never came to fruition. Most of those who sat in a cold hard seat back in the day have died. So much for the generation that would see the return of Christ.

A future scenario:

I would say that the downfall of the U.S. and U.K. will not come from the EU/Germany, it will come by the alliance between Russia and China. The EU is economically weak, its bond market destroyed by years of negative rates. Flooded with foreigners from Romania, Poland, the Middle East and beyond, people who care not to be assimilated in society, the outlook for the EU’s future is very bleak.

The alliance with NATO is the main factor in Germanic/EU defenses. As of January 2022, the German Army had a strength of 62,766 soldiers. Not much more they can afford. So much for Herbies vision of the future.

Based on the 1958 edition of 1975 in prophecy.

Best viewed in full screen. Enjoy.