WCG History: Dr. Ernest Martin’s Resignation Letter to Herbert W. Armstrong

Ambassador College, Pasadena, California

Department of Theology

Ernest L. Martin, Ph.D.

27 January, 1974

Dear Mr. Armstrong,

My family and I want to thank you and Mr. Ted Armstrong for the spiritual and material benefits which you have bestowed on us over the years. Indeed, I think my association with Ambassador College has been of extreme value to me in so many ways. I have also appreciated the comments you have made that I have been a profitable servant to you, the college and the church with major contributions both in educational matters and international projects. The confidence you have expressed in me has been very satisfying to me personally.

But, Mr. Armstrong, of late many serious doctrinal and administrative problems have emerged within the church and college. The problems have become frequent and widespread. Ted and other evangelists, In a meeting which Ted asked me to attend, told me that they would take it upon them- selves to inform you of the crises areas now facing the work. Believe me, doubts are rife! Credibility is at an all time low! People all over the United States are questioning whether the church really wants to grow in grace and knowledge. And among the important questions which continually comes to the fore is that of Pentecost.

There are many ministers and laymen which have deep misgivings about the validity of a Monday Pentecost. Because of this, Ted told the minister in the recent conference that the subject would be thoroughly discussed and analyzed. I was pleased that he honoured his word. Over the past two weeks, four meetings were convened to consider the question. Ted asked me to attend them and to comment. This invitation I had to decline (though I desperately wanted to be there). But I could not p–o! You will recall telling me in 1970 that I should never attend any doctrinal discussions among the top ministers unless you called them yourself. The orders you gave me have been faithfully obeyed. This is the reason I could not (and did not) attend.

However my Pentecost paper that was written to you back in 1961 was reproduced at Ted’s request and circulated to all those who participated in the meetings. After having read the paper, many now acknowledge that the real evidence shows that Sunday is truly the biblical Pentecost. I understand that nothing was presented by anyone that seriously challenged the conclusions of my 1961 paper. The central facts for a Sunday Pentecost remain crystal clear and this has to be admitted by all.

There now seems to be two schools of thought on the matter of Pentecost among the top authorities. One school would accept what the Holy Scriptures say and admit that Pentecost should be on a Sunday. The other would probably accent the authority of the church and continue with a Monday. One Vice President was reported to have said, “If the church said that Pentecost should be on a Thursday, that’s good enough for me.’, .Mr. Armstrong, I am certain you would repudiate such an extreme position as untenable. However, the moderato of the conference at the conclusion of the four meetings, finally decided that nothing could be done about the

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question of Pentecost and that there was no need to have a full and open forum with you concerning it.

Whatever happens in this matter, I want to concur with the teachings of headquarters. I have always been an individual who has never wanted to deviate from the teachings of headquarters. And I do t propose to go astray from those principles now. But, sir, herein lies a problem! Real headquarters — the headquarters we must all obey .. happens to be in heaven! And that headquarters has given to me, and to everyone, a divine constitution to which our lives must conform. That constitution is the Holy Scriptures. And they have made it plain; Pentecost is on a Sunday’. Yet, the Worldwide Church of God has Pentecost on a Monday.

Changes are necessary! But even the changing of one wrong doctrine is far short of the mark in reaching the fulness of the teachings of Christ. As you are aware, the church has taught that it “hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.” This belief has given many people the conviction that the church hardly needs any changing at all in most doctrines. However, there are numerous teachings that desperately need alteration to bring them into conformity with the true doctrines of Christ.

The position of the church forces my wife and me to follow your example of more than forty years ago when you found it impossible to work within the framework of the Church of God (Seventh Day). Really, it is not fair to you for us to remain in the Worldwide Church of God when we feel responsible to teach the doctrines of the Bible which are not accepted by you or the church. This is a very regretful decision to make but our conscience allows us no alternative.

Let me say, however, that we hold not the slightest bitterness towards you or anyone at the college or in the church. Indeed, I personally love you as a man and admire you for the works which have been accomplished. I do not intend to denigrate you, Garner Ted, the college or the church. There is no need to do that whatever. I sincerely hope that you will give my wife and me the same grace that we intend to give to you.

In Christ’s Service,

The Martins

cc: close friends.



Forty and still counting…

There are a few moments in history I can still remember vividly – the Cuban missile crisis, Kennedy assassination, landing on the moon … and Pentecost 1974.

On the Sabbath before the first WCG Sunday Pentecost, we listened to a tape from Pasadena with “new truth” regarding D&R (Divorce and Remarriage) and the correct day for Pentecost. I remember GTA went over D&R, including some glaring problems he saw in hindsight with the old doctrine. After the tape was played, one local minister actually said he had some apologies to make to some people he had counseled years ago…

Then HWA explained how something had been brought to his attention regarding Pentecost. He said he contacted a Hebrew teacher about “counting from” and found his “common sense” counting of Pentecost was … well, not exactly correct. So, of course, he immediately fixed the problem, and the day changed from Monday to Sunday. “Immediately” fixed, amidst claims that for possibly ten years this issue had been a hot potato.

About a week before June 8, Bob Thiel posted the Pentecost section from HWA’s Holy Days booklet. (Does PCG hold copyright on this? If Flurry sues, just claim “fair use”.) Feeling it was time to put together a posting, I wrote a few paragraphs about the errors and assumptions HWA made in the article. Following a few days of procrastination, I noticed Bob’s June 8 Pentecost posting, and realized I wasted my time. Taking HWA’s theological framework, and expounding in more convoluted detail, I felt Bob, inadvertently perhaps, made it worse, and there was no point in trying to unscramble it.

For brevity, I’ll just say the claim that Pentecost is “the birthday of the Church” is just part of the “one true church” myth. Protestants see Acts as a “transitional” book, showing how Christianity evolved. COGs view snippets of the story in great detail while glossing over other parts – what is useful from the old system is transferred to “the Church” and the rest is tossed. But, even after the Acts 15 “conference”, Paul is still taking part in Temple worship, including a Nazarite vow, which involves animal offerings. Didn’t he read the book of Hebrews? Just joking of course; books like Hebrews and Galatians are great resources for “proof texts”.

Jews consider Shavuot (Pentecost) the day Moses received the Ten Commandments on Mt Sinai. Tradition holds that on that day a voice came from Mt Sinai that was heard in “Seventy Languages” – considered the languages of all the nations. So, the “speaking in tongues” could have been viewed the same way – Peter’s zealous quoting of end-time prophecy may have been because he thought the word had gone to all nations. Not the same as hits on websites that are mostly in English.



Pentecost 1974


Of Course He Was!

Pentecost 1974 – Many weeks ago…

The other day while scanning the COG sites, I noticed Dr Thiel informing us that Pentecost will be on May 19 this year.


On a Sabbath in 1974, a combined service was held so all in our area could hear a tape from Pasadena. We were assembled together for a double dose of doctrinal correction New Truth. As I recall, GTA came up first and explained the new rules on D&R – divorce and remarriage; next, HWA told us Pentecost is on Sunday, rather than Monday. Of course, HWA tried to vindicate his long-held Aristotlian exegesis interpreting the command for counting the Omer to Shavuot by explaining the Hebrew words with English grammar. Perhaps a tale is in order.


Herb was driving through a city looking for Pentecost Lane. He read that it was off Fiftieth Avenue. Starting at what he thought was First Avenue, he reasoned Fiftieth Avenue must be 50 streets from First Avenue. So he drove along and started counting streets. Eventually he got to Fifty-first Avenue, and reckoned an unmarked alley was Pentecost Lane.


Although there were some indications that Herb was in the wrong place, he was sure he was at his intended destination. It is obvious that Herb was driving alone, because if Loma had been with him, she would have nagged, Herb, get out and ask someone for directions!


From what I remember, HWA said he consulted with someone who taught Hebrew, and, what do you know, he had been wrong was revealed new truth! In Hebrew, he learned, the word translated to from is inclusive, as in the first day from today is today, not tomorrow. So in a sense, counting 50 days from (in Hebrew) was counting 49 days from (in his logic).


Of course, there is the other matter of which day to count from. In the command “the morrow after the Sabbath” (Lev. 23) the Sabbath could been taken to mean the weekly Sabbath, or the First Day of Unleavened Bread; “the morrow” is the Day of Firstfruits, when the Wave-sheaf offering is made.

Apparently the Sadducees had taken the Sabbath to mean the weekly Sabbath, and modern rabbinic Judaism takes it to mean the First Day of Unleavened Bread.


I don’t know if HWA just assumed that Sabbath meant the weekly Sabbath, or he got that from another source. There is some additional symbolism added when taking the weekly Sabbath, as that puts the Day of Firstfruits on the Sunday after Passover. This day would then be the day of Jesus’ resurrection (assuming Saturday night) or  “Easter Sunday”.
