November 11, 1949 Co-Worker Letter. Why Did God Let Us Win WWII Despite our National Sins?

The answer? So The Radio Church of God Could be Founded!

This bit of propaganda from the pen of Herbert Armstrong is striking in that he tries to convince his readers that the church he founded will have a future falling away. He wrote:

“But Christ foretold a turning away from His Message. He said MANY FALSE TEACHERS would rise and mislead nearly all.”

What he couldn’t have known is that he himself would plant the seeds of destruction by appointing Joseph Tkach as his successor.  So much for Herbie being a prophet.

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The Inside Story of The World Tomorrow Broadcast by Roderick Meredith, Copyright 1963A look back at the delusional distorted perceptions of Roderick Meredith, circa 1963.

It’s hard to believe that none of any of this exists today, save for the Last Man Standing, Roderick Meredith.

And we’re pretty sure that the “Inside Story” isn’t really the complete story.

And thanks, GTA, but what are “True Facts”?

Is that opposed to “False Facts”?

1963… Nostalgia just isn’t what it used to be.