Peak Davos

Here is a article that might interest you folks…

Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, ‘n Guns blog,

If you look around the headlines from the past week or so, you will see a startling similarity among them.  Coming in from all over the world are mandates from one country’s government after another instituting medical apartheid over the COVID-9/11 jab.

Where these restrictions are the most draconian are within the walls of the European Union, that region where The Davos Crowd’s influence is undoubtedly the strongest.

Latvia will bar unjabbed legislators from voting.  Slovenia made the jab mandatory to go to the gas station. Austria’s new Chancellor, who’s been on the job for around a month, is now fining and arresting the unjabbed for even leaving their homes.

A month ago this guy was a minor political hack in a mostly irrelevant central European country, now he’s issuing orders like he owns the place. Unfortunately, for most of Europe, that is actually the case, if not in name but in practice.

The list goes on and on and on — Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, just to name a few.

To describe this behavior as Orwellian is a kindness.  We’re closer to Terry Gilliam’s nightmarish bureaucracy of Brazil than we are Orwell’s 1984.  

At the same time, you have to squint really hard to find any mention of the massive protests in these same countries against these mandates. But, the videos flow freely around the internet if you are willing to look for them.

The protests in Rotterdam turned violent on Friday when two people were shot dead by police during the mayhem. Rome was literally overflowing with people on the streets saying no to this arbitrary and indefensible stratification of society.

Vienna saw police stand down and join the protestors.

In short, I’m seeing a whole lotta #Ungovernables out there and they are growing in number not falling.

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God Bless the Second Amendment State. Idaho!

Hundreds of Idahoans voiced their incendiary views towards mandatory mask mandates and the hospitalization of American society in a “Burn the Mask” rally on Saturday at the State Capitol, with children and adults alike participating in the burning of face masks in an empty oil drum.

Idahoans touted their state’s tradition of rural freedom and self-determination, tiring of the nanny authoritarian culture that has rapidly grown in coastal elitists states. Many of the demonstrators identified themselves as political refugees to Idaho, having left California, Oregon and other states with a “no tolerance” policy towards traditional American liberties.