Black Charity

In the 1970s, the ministers of the Wordwide Church of God were pushing older members to change their wills to give all their money to the WCG rather to pass it on to the next generations of their own families. After all, the WCG was doing the most important work on the face of the earth and anyway, the world wasn’t going to last much longer. You might as well give away your heritage because you won’t have one….

The following story could just as well be told for the Philadelphia Church of God, the Restored Church of God, Living Church of God or any of who knows how many splinters are left:

Bonus: For you servants of false gods, know the damage you have done and know that there is no forgiveness for you:

Giving your life over to another

Around ten years ago, I was conversing with a fellow single man during the feast of tabernacles in Anchorage, Alaska. I was planning to take a drive through the magnificent Alaska scenery to see the Matunuska Glacier. I knew his second tithe funds were running low, and I asked him if he would like to come along.

The Family