Wow! My two predecessors got this new blog off to a rockin’ and rollin’ start! Thank you, Allen and Ralph for an awesome job, and thanks to James for providing the venue! I’d like to see us continue to grow in numbers here, and to see if we could especially get some of the ladies to begin commenting. So (this is NOT an April Fool’s joke!), April will be wine and cheese tasting month. I hope it will be a joyous celebration. Tell a friend!
I understand that we guest editors enjoy a modicum of discretion in these parts during our month, so here is what I have in mind. Basically, I’ll cut the cheese and you cats and chicks can pour the wine! What that means is that I’ll throw out some basic ideas, hopefully things of common interest that might deserve further exploration, and you folks go ahead and do most of the commenting. Bend it, stretch it, take it anywhere you want to go, as long as nobody gets the bright idea of slipping a little vinegar into one of the wine bottles! Freedom!!!!
So, settle down into some nice comfortable furniture, and let the fun begin. I’ve got some Stevie Ray Vaughan, some Jeff Healey and some Cracker cued up on the ol’ ipod, and we’ll be taking some requests for later on.
-Byker Bob