Welcome to the Painful Truth Blog

I have chosen to host this blog on my server due to what seems to be the unreliable service that google gives. A simple software issue took down all my accounts rendering the former blog,  e-mail account and what I was doing at the time, (setting up a new YouTube account) along with disabling my account for a day. I don’t appreciate that fine treatment!

Anyway, I invite everyone to grab a “Gravatar” (the link is at the upper right of this page) as a way to identify yourself. Easy to make and better yet, it’s free.

For the month of June we had Dick Armstrong as guest of the former blog. He had wrote me mid-month that he was going to post some more as time allowed.  I was hoping for a fresh post on the 28th due to him signing in and saving a draft without text.  Perhaps another day.

On another note, if you try to post a comment to one of the former posting before the month of July, it will not show up. I was able to import the former blog postings of the editors, but the comments did not import. Hence I supplied a link to those comments.

In a few days we will have another guest editor. I hope you like what we have come up with here and if you have any suggestions feel free to post them here.

Later this summer we will have some other interesting guests! Stay tuned!

15 Replies to “Welcome to the Painful Truth Blog”

  1. I’ve been both on Blogspot and now my own WordPress blog hosted in my own domain. Blogspot has been reliable for me, but I like the WordPress interface better. I did have some issues recently, a matter of my hosting company.

    WordPress is more vulnerable to comment spam, but the Askimet plug-in has worked well for me. It has an accuracy rate well above 99%, but does falsely flag a few comments as spam. I scan through the spam folder quickly every few days and then press a single button to delete all of it.

    1. Thanks for that Mike. I am still learning this wordpress program. I like to not rely on other services that might decide that what you post is inflammatory.

  2. So far the new blog didn’t give the number of comments which is helpful to see if there is something new from our last check. Otherwise, I like the new setup, especially the listing of past editors to make going to their posts easy.

    1. Mike, the comments refused to import. That is why the comments link to the old blog. After some time it will become irrelevant. So be it.

      Now, about our new guest blogger.

      July 3rd will reveal our new guest host and the topic(s) that just might knock your socks off! You will need no introduction to this man, as he is known far and wide to all of us who have followed his observations and writings.

  3. Good. Except for comments, June was a dead month. Sorry Richard didn’t come through with more, but after some of the negative comments, I’m not too surprised. Here’s hoping July will net more discusssion and less attack.

  4. I wanted to respond to comments regarding my thoughts on law by saying that I’ve done some essays on such things as “the bible and the Bill of Rights”, parts 1 and 2, along with “What is “Due Process” under “doojie’s pen” over at http://www.churchofdoojie.com

    The “church of doojie” idea was not mine. I was arguing ideas of religion, law, and government over at http://www.scam.com when one of the editors there started putting “proud member of the church of doojie” on his tagline. Next thing I know, someone starts up a web page for me and I just write articles.

    There’s also a forum there you are welcome to use, to list and separate various discussions. I offer it so that we can do our cussin’ and stompin’ there and keep things nice and tidy here.

  5. Heh, we finally dragged you over to the dark side, did we James? 😉 WP is good for Q&D, I-don’t-want-to-bother-with-setup issues, and the interface is actually not that bad, once you get used to it (and if you have a paid account, you decide when to change it, unlike the free accounts, which tend to change the interface every year or so).

    Also, if you have an avatar linked with your email through WP, it should come up automatically when you enter your address in the mail field…I’m leaving this comment to test mine.

    (By the way, love the “Wake up and smell the COFFEE” graphic on the upper left, James.) 🙂

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