Lorde’s Suppressed Grammy Award acceptance speech (Full Transcript) 26 January 2014 | Snoopman News


Thank you soo much everyone for making this song explode because this world is mental. (Laughter). Planet Earth is run by psychopaths that hide behind slick marketing, ‘freedom’ propaganda and ‘economic growth’ rhetoric,[1] while they construct a global system of corporatized totalitarianism.

via Lorde’s Suppressed Grammy Award acceptance speech (Full Transcript) 26 January 2014 | Snoopman News.

3 Replies to “Lorde’s Suppressed Grammy Award acceptance speech (Full Transcript) 26 January 2014 | Snoopman News”

  1. The first step to peace is justice firmly served.

    Yes, psychopaths are running the world — rooted firmly in Corporations and transplanted to government, which was supposed to be the last line of defense against totalitarian Corporations. As one who was a manager in a Misfortune 50 company, I can avouch for the sentiment given in the speech: The world is mental.

    Corporations and governments are now filled with psychopaths at the very top of the hierarchy: Witness the chaos and divisions created by the games playing. In the United States, there is no health care plan: There is no plan at all — it’s just visions of fantasies spun from lies and redacted in broken promises in order to bring… new taxes. There’s no really good definition of the “middle class” any more because they are victims of collateral damage which has not yet been brought to full flower. And anyone who thinks things are just fine don’t understand one thing about how psychopaths work.

    The big problem is not that government has adopted the worst of Corporate methodology and implemented it badly, it is that everybody has adopted the silly idea that opinions change how the Universe (and finances) work. As long as the Boomers have their say, they go their way and assume that by expressing their worthless opinions someone will take care of the problems. It is psychotic delusional fantasy which is a religion within itself, replete with idolatry of the worship of the charismatic character responsible for the chaos.

    Religion — and particularly the Cult of Herbert Armstrong Mafia (CoHAM) — adopted the processes of the psychopath Corporations to make their mini, micro and nano copies of the totalitarianism decades ago. Corporations really took off to dominate the world in the 1920s when their lawyers successfully lobbied to make Corporations “legal persons” capable of owning property. Religions took that idea forward in the 1930s and began building totalitarian states of their own for the modern era. Oh, well, you can’t say that religion doesn’t keep up with the times.

    The biggest feature of the psychopath Corporate world is the selling of the image, as described in “Moral Mazes” by Robert Jackall. The world is transmogrified into the CGI animation of an alternative reality which becomes whatever the progenitors want to project — and the public buys it.

    Unfortunately for religion, this has its limits and unless you have very deep pockets to carry on the illusion, you have no more mass market. During the 1970s, Herbert Armstrong had created that image with Ambassador College, representing the fantasy that if you joined the Cult you would become prosperous. The core basis for the Worldwide Church of God at that time was the rich Corporation filled with wealth and attractive performers. As people entered the scene the found the reality was far from the fantasy and the WCG became a revolving door of people being seduced by the promise of prosperity and leaving when it became apparent the whole thing was a scam.

    In any con, there are going to be the die hards and this was certainly true of the WCG after the death of the founder. Most semi sane and reasonable people left when they perceived the whole thing was a hoax, but the true believer remained, having been duped and ruined by the overwhelming propaganda spewed forth from Herbert Armstrong.

    Nearly any scientist can tell you about entropy. The WCG splintered and there was no more resource to gain energy to offset the entropy to come. The entire venue is now winding down slowly to oblivion.

    What Corporations don’t realize is that in their success they doom themselves because they have not learned the lessons gained from the religious corporations among them: Once you have all the resources, entropy sets in and there’s no place from which to offset the entropy by stealing resources from outside the closed system.

    And that is why the future is science fiction is so often portrayed as a dystopian one in the model of 1984 of George Orwell: When you have constrained resources that have all been used up, you must resort to Draconian restrictions to the freedoms of people to insure that there’s enough to sustain the population you have — there can be no stasis — there is only growth or demise.

    Up until now there have been new “worlds” to conquer. We can frack. There are still jungles to exploit. There are still remote regions with room left. But when they are gone, they are gone and the evil domination of despots will no longer be able to be concealed underneath the gloss of very thin attractive veneer. It’s like a dump after a snowstorm: It looks pretty, but watch where you step… and when it thaws, you don’t want to be in it.

  2. Excellent lesson in reality. One thing I will add is how corporations now use handlers to coddle and control the 20 something kids coming into the corporate world. This is of course a result of the public education system.

    When Johnnie answers 2 + 2=5 the teacher says “good job, close enough”.
    When you teach a child for years that he/she can do no wrong, you create a narcissistic little bastard that is incapable of self evaluation and hard work. You see, they believe the world owes them a living. Personally, I would never hire these losers. I would point them to the welfare office. They’re worthless.

  3. James, Generation Whine is a victim of Generation Zero (it’s useful to get the video). Their place is to buy all the gadgets and pay for all the social media created by the Corporate Royals.

    In return, they are supposed to sign up for government programs like Obamacare to pay for the seniors that created them and their problems in the first place, but the GWs don’t have enough mental power to do much more than party and live off of other people, slaves to the power structure they strive to use to feel good.

    Government, Academia, Religion and Corporations have failed to provide anything but a severely dysfunctional environment that’s so bad that no one can rely on anything any more and people have just given up trying to make sense out of the lies and broken promises to scrabble to find some way to continue their miserable existence.

    All except the Royals, of course.

    Integrity is out and compromise is in.

    And if you know even a bit about history, this cannot end well.

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