April Fool’s Day: God’s Not Dead 2 movie review

Embolden by the success of God’s Not Dead, the producers decided to provide a new chapter without Hercules and Superman.

Somehow, the guys at The Bible Reloaded weren’t particularly impressed (except for the biracial pastoral bromance). The first movie never resolved the issues. Just how is it that Christians never seem to have read in the Scriptures that men shouldn’t have long hair and that believers shouldn’t be unequally yoked — not to mention that Christians shouldn’t be committing fornication? Anyway, moving on….

No doubt this movie will be a hit and make back its budget. And don’t worry, you’ll be able to hear the Newsboys again.

Be sure to post your responses to why in the world this ‘Christian’ movie would be released on April Fool’s Day.


7 Replies to “April Fool’s Day: God’s Not Dead 2 movie review”

  1. Somebody has got to fool somebody today, they would say, but I realize it happens everyday.
    These videos, non-stop ridicule,…I would rather watch “Life of Brian”. Even religious people can enjoy laughing at themselves, except maybe muslims. The Qur’an Reloaded is the same lame formatted ridicule. Where is the bold, gravitas comedy? If you haven’t seen it yet, watch the british-made movie “Four Lions” from 2010. I don’t think that movie could have been made here in P.C. America. Who would have thought a comedy about Islamic suicide bombers could even rival “Life of Brian”. Bomb The Mosque
    Don’t spoil it by watching all the spoilers on youtube either. It’s worth the rental or however you get it.


    april’s fool

  2. Another April Fools day prank by Bob Thiel is on line today at: http://www.cogwriter.com/Apr-Jun_ENGLISH_2016.pdf

    There is a bible knowledge test in his rag. Let’s take a look at some questions shall we?

    False or improper education
    A. helps to enslave us.

    B. may result in a little discomfort to us but it does
    not enslave us

    C. results when God’s Word is taught in the public

    D. is not one of the ills today in the United States and
    Britain, for we have relatively modern schools.

    Jesus wants men and women to
    A. renounce all earthly interests.

    B.have abundant, happy lives

    C. work through the “accepted” political and religious
    channels for world peace.

    D. strive through denominational churches to bring
    about Utopia.
    I will spare you anymore embarrassing assaults upon your intellect.

    Seriously, why would anyone want to even entertain such childish questions? And of course, I am assuming that this rag is for fully grown educated adults. Or am I missing something here?

    1. I read that quiz of his while I imagined him all alone with his hand puppet named sideshow bob(sorry matt groenig), looking into a mirror to practice his presentability for the masses. He starts out okay, but the puppet, sideshow bob, kept getting distracted by what the other freehand was doing!


      1. DBP, in some ways, Bob shows a similarity to the Simpsons character.
        I imagine Sideshow Dave (Pack) would be more like Gabbo.

    2. Easiest ace ever! And without even reading the lessons!
      Multiple choice quizzes are simple to give and grade, but writing good questions can be difficult. There is also cultural and background bias – I remember protests from Arts students who claimed the tests were unfair, as science students always got higher scores on multiple choice exams.
      As Bob wrote, his lessons were mostly rehashes of the original Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course (and I recall from Ambassador Report that HWA wanted to drop the word Bible) which was largely indoctrination rather than biblical instruction.
      As the original lessons were written during the Behaviorist era of teaching, they were a bit like frame-learning directed education.

  3. After reading this, I watched GND but haven’t been able to get GND2.
    In GND, the challenge in the philosophy class reminded me of when I took philosophy as an elective. The instructor seemed to hold the opinion that existence of the supernatural was neither provable nor disprovable, and offered time to anyone to argue either side. Prepared with WCG material, I was ready to use “Seven Proofs” to respond to the offer, but decided to let it go. I eventually used some “proofs” on the final exam, but don’t know how that contributed to my mediocre pass mark.
    And as in GND (first movie) I’ve met people who claimed to be atheists or agnostics because they prayed for something and didn’t get what they wanted. Not much of a “proof” in that.

  4. You’re right, Hoss. Praying to a god for something and not getting it is not proof of that god’s non-existence. Shallow reasoning is all it is. The atheists I know don’t disprove gods, they simply dismiss them. The rule they go by is, “Any claim made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.”

    Most atheists are agnostics, in theory, because they acknowledge that no one can know with absolute certainty whether the ultimate answer to “Is there a god?” is yes or no. In practice they are atheists because they run their lives as if there is none.

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