In this upcoming election we have two choices.
One is for war. (long article)
The other for peace?
The first one is Hillary who swims in a sea of Leninism, the waters of which roil with anger and resentment towards the American people (see this) and the other, Donald Trump who seems hell bent on imprisoning the Clinton’s (not a bad idea in itself) and restoring the country to its dominate position in the world. His concept of cooperating with Russia and Syria to finish off those religious fanatics is a no brainer.
But in the end, say four years from now, will anything truly have changed? It seems you never know what you will get out of this bunch no matter who gets elected. If Hillary spends four years in the highest office of the land, will she inflict more death and destruction than Genghis Khan’s hordes? And the Donald. What will he have bought to the table after serving four years? To vote or not to vote. Its your choice.
Below is a article by Jack Perry who is a writer living with his wife in the Sonoran Desert where he writes, reads, bakes bread, makes arrows, walks, and documents the foolishness of government itself.
Thereâre three questions strangers pose to me that cause me to lose hope in the long-term viability of the human race. The first one is, âDid you watch (insert lame TV show or sports game/program here) on TV last night?!â The second is, âHey, you gonna play the Powerball?! The lottery is up to ten million bucks!â And third and last is, âWho are you voting for?â Ok, in order: Television is the best circus to pacify and entertain the masses since the Roman Coliseum went Chapter 11. If anyone thinks the government isnât telling you what they wish you to believe on that device, you are sadly mistaken. The lottery is a gambling game run by your state government. So, let me guessâŚyou also play those games on the carnival midway and think youâll win those, too, am I correct? Lastly, voting is just an iteration of the government-run lottery. Except the âprizeâ, so to speak, couldnât be sold for a mangled, road-found penny if it was for sale in a vending machine. In fact, I think they should just put the election ballots where they belong: In those vending machines sitting in supermarket lobbies, along with all the fake tattoos and plastic hip-hop jewelry.
Think about it for a moment. The state government runs a gambling system that is pretty much a gigantic money-making enterprise. Plus, they get to tax the winnings! Man, they get some of it right back! They also often dole out the big winnings in yearly payments, probably so you canât abscond the country with it all. But everyone I know that has played this regime rip-off has never won so much as ten bucks but has lost cash up into the hundreds of dollars. I tend to think the guy who wins the jackpot is probably a government shill to begin with. Thatâs how most gambling scams work and the government ought to know since they run the biggest one called âelectionsâ.
The feds run the absolute biggest one because they havenât got a lottery to bilk the people with. Instead, they have what amounts to a âvoting lotteryâ where you get a ticket in the form of a
ballot and you pick who you think the winner will be. Now, you can âwinâ this lottery and still lose. Thatâs the beauty of the scam, and Iâve got to hand it to them on that note. Look how many people thought when Obama won, they also âwonâ because they voted for him. Yay! Free health care! No more wars! No more poverty! Uh-huh. And what have we here? Obamacare which is getting close to making affordable health care unaffordable and already has for millions of Americans. Another war in the Middle East over some vague objective similar to something from George W. Bush speak. And escalating poverty made even more so by forcing people to buy health insurance they really canât afford.
I saw on the news the other day that Hillary plans to âaggressivelyâ push Obamacare enrollment. âAggressivelyâ, huh? What does that mean? SWAT teams on standby to cart the unObamacared off to re-Obamacare meant camps where theyâll be forced to watch âAn Inconvenient Truthâ on a non-stop feedback loop and eat a vegan diet based on legumes and pulses? Or perhaps a federal ID card proving you have health insurance, which will be used as necessary ID to get a job like a Social Security card? People will vote for Hillary thinking theyâre going to âwinâ and she wonât also deliver up another war (or continue the one Obama has begun.) Yeah, youâll âwinâ all right. Just like all those discarded lottery tickets sitting in front of convenient stores across America, feverishly scratched off with the last penny to reveal the following: SUCKER!
The difference between the lottery and voting is you donât need a penny in your pocket to vote. You donât need to scratch off the grey film to reveal who will win. Although that might not be a bad idea. Scratch off the grey film and: âYou just elected Hillary Clinton and won a free snowcone, redeemable at government buildings where government Powerball Politics ballots are honored!â Gee, what flavors of snow cones have they got? Oh, yeah, right. Baloney, government cheese, and MRE frankenfurters. Thatâs always a given with the government.
Iâm old enough to remember how the public schools would have their own âelectionsâ to brainwash us into thinking we lived in some kind of genuine democracy instead of this Potemkinocracy constructed from government cheese, graham cracker fallout shelter rations (thatâs what was in those cansâI checked), and the biggest lottery scam in the history of the world. Theyâd pass out these copied ballots, still wet from the copy machines they had back then and have us mark our choice with those big, fat pencils they had back then. The pencils that didnât have erasers, by the way, so we couldnât erase those mistakes just like when voting for real now. Weâd seen the Fall of Saigon on the news and the 1973 Arab Oil Embargo, and enjoyed free government milk, so we marked the ballot for the guy least likely to make us do homework. As if we knew any better who to pick back then, than we do now.
By the way, another tiresome TV question I get is, âDidjya see the debates on TeeVee last night?!â No, actually. I was busy oiling my bicycle chain and following up by julienning some carrots and trying to craft them into a new vegan breakfast cereal I can make into the next fad-food with a little showmanship and the right celebrity endorsement. âJackâs Carrot Crunch! What a great way to start your day! Just add soy milk! Gluten-Free! Sustainable! Dog-Friendly!â And I wonât promise free health care or college in every box, either. Instead, the prize in the box will be a lick-and-stick election ballot tattoo. âHow come youâve got a smudged Hillary on your forearm?!â âBecause thatâs the one that came in the box!â
But, hey, be my guest. Play the lottery. Go vote. Same thing.
–Jack Perry from his article “Play the Lottery, Vote, What’s the Dif?”
Of the Origin and Design of Government in General.
Truncated essay ~
SOME writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins. Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness POSITIVELY by uniting our affections, the latter NEGATIVELY by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher.
Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one: for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries BY A GOVERNMENT, which we might expect in a country WITHOUT GOVERNMENT, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer. Government, like dress, is the badge of lost innocence; the palaces of kings are built upon the ruins of the bowers of paradise. For were the impulses of conscience clear, uniform and irresistibly obeyed, man would need no other lawgiver; but that not being the case, he finds it necessary to surrender up a part of his property to furnish means for the protection of the rest; and this he is induced to do by the same prudence which in every other case advises him, out of two evils to choose the least. Wherefore, security being the true design and end of government, it unanswerably follows that whatever form thereof appears most likely to ensure it to us, with the least expense and greatest benefit, is preferable to all others.
-Thomas Paine
Here are five leaks that came out just this week about Hillary, any *one* of which in a sane world with fair elections (instead of rigged ones run by psycho elites) would have been enough to end her entire campaign for president by now.
Hillary Clinton will do just fine as President as she issues executive orders from her comfy prison cell, one of which may be a pardon for herself.
Like we have some sort of choice?
You’d think out of over 300 million people we would be able to find two viable candidates for President.
Do you suppose that the people are really fundamentally at fault: Boomers wanting to have their say and go their way, believing that just because the discussed the problem, someone somewhere will fix it — spending so much time validating their feelings using social media when they should be using objectivity, facts and logic to determine the course of the most important aspects of their lives.
But they don’t really feel like doing that do they?
This propaganda is getting worse. When you use certain key words that pertain to the topics that the MSM has chosen to black-out and you search by upload date, your results will tend to become lost in a maze of seemingly endless playlist floods to drown out sources, among other reasons too. Even the thumbnails have started to now show unrated explicit xxx porn and beastiality. These highjacking memes are designed to steer you away from content, sources, and much more. Several media outlets in Saudi Arabia have been doing this shit for over several months, but that is another topic. But now, it looks like our government or someone has decided to do the same. Why would a search of ‘east aleppo corridor al nusra blockade’ generate a playlist flood with a thumbnail of beastiality?,the one without the moji’s and arabian script?
Just for fun, go to youtube.
Search wikileaks, and filter by upload date.
I never seen it this bad before and I assume it will get worse.
Here are just a couple more crazy examples of the Saudi propaganda war against the USA.
In the end, we can blame government for allowing this mess to be set up.
However, the source of the real problem is that they made the charter for corporations require that the sole purpose of a corporation is to make a profit. Corporations then do the most outrageous things violating both the rights and benefits of the people. Governments compound the problem when they see the supposed ‘success’ of corporations and adopt the worst of the corporate model and implement it badly. Government long ago forgot that it was supposed to be for the benefit of the people in favor of setting up their own business for profit and failing miserably at it.
And then the politicians come along and promise the people that they will fix it, when in fact they can’t because the corporations won’t let them.
Let’s ask a question here: Obamacare — are the people the major beneficiaries of it or are the medical insurance companies? Suddenly people can’t afford health insurance and the medical insurance companies and the pharmaceutical companies are making price gouging windfall profits. Pharmaceutical companies can already patent your personal DNA and make a profit off of you.
The kicker here is that Herbert Armstrong railed about government and how it had to be replaced by “a strong hand from someplace”. Unfortunately, that someplace turned out to be multinational corporations. Never did Herbert Armstrong ever propose bringing a message to corporations that they needed to repent of their sins and change, even with the unbelievable evils they perpetuate — including murder and charging the poor for rain water on their own property. Herbert Armstrong gave them a free pass because he was a part of them. He was blind to them and instead of putting the blame for the evils of the world where it belonged on corporations, he was a corporate shill who put the blame on government. His policies were ‘conservative’ partly because he was a part of the 1% corporate cult leadership.
There’s an easy solution to this part of the problem: Change corporate charters to include, along with making a profit, to do so in the public interest. This used to be the charter of radio and television broadcasting until the law was changed so there was no more accountability under the FCC.
So yes. We need to change government. So government can change corporations. That’s how to fix things.
But it will never happen because lawyers write the laws and, of course, they come from the corporations.
“However, the source of the real problem is that they made the charter for corporations require that the sole purpose of a corporation is to make a profit…..Government long ago forgot that it was supposed to be for the benefit of the people in favor of setting up their own business for profit and failing miserably at it.”
And that is one of many problems facing this country. Everything done is for profit over people. Corporations need to lose their legal status as ‘people’ and be held accountable for their crimes.
Of course this cannot happen in a world where corporations write laws. It seems corporate personhood has resulted in the wholesale theft of our individual liberties and restructured as corporate liberty. We are but slaves (as I have pointed out many times) to a system that is similar to the matrix. We feed the machine giving it life at the cost of our freedom and wellbeing.
And this election… we have a candidate who is a billionaire who has spawned corporations.
Many think that the other candidate has fewer ties to the corporate world, but think again: We can dispel this sort of thinking with two words.
Clinton Foundation.
And it’s really hard to say who is giving what to whom for what reason.
Not really. Check this out: http://tinyurl.com/j5zascv
We no longer have a choice!
It’s too late! Everybody pick Trump, it won’t matter. The only thing that could come close is a true revolution led by people like Trey Gowdy with the world watching every move we make so they would feel safe to join in.
Never happen. This country is over with. What follows is the big mystery.
Rumor has it that the wikileaks will grow in intensity of corruption and crimes. If you couple the fact that Trump is pulling ahead and Assad looks as if he might survive this USA funded “regime change”, then the current propaganda about Aleppo will become increasingly transparent and wasteful. Besides, the USA is causing way more collateral damage in Yemen in contrast to the Russians and Syria. It is only the average “every-day American” and Brextian that they seem to be able to fool. The rest of the world is on to this dangerous game. Where can the USA regime go from here? They failed at turning Syria into Libya, the whole world has begun to realize that the terrorists are funded by US dollars, they failed at establishing a no-fly zone, they will fail at sanctions, is the Qatar pipeline worth laying waste to Aleppo and Syria with a supposed terrorist’s nuclear weapon???
Hillary can only win through overwhelming corruption! Vote for justice! Trump, Pence, Gowdy, etc. Sadly, Hillary will NOT go to jail. But this can still buy all of us some more time.
Expose the propaganda!
HUMANITARIAN CORRIDORS WILL BE OPENED TO ALLOW CIVILIAN EVACUATION OF ALEPPO – 28 July – Russiaâs Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Thursday that three routes will be opened to give civilians and unarmed rebels safe passage out of the besieged opposition-held eastern neighbourhoods of Aleppo city. A fourth route will be opened for armed militants.
“The Russian Center for reconciliation of warring parties will open three humanitarian corridors together with the Syrian government to provide assistance to people who were taken hostage by terrorists, as well as for militants who want to lay down their arms. Mobile centers will be opened near these corridors to provide food and medical assistance to people,â Shoigu said, according to Russiaâs state-run Tass news.
These efforts will be done along with the Syrian regime.
Shoigu also said that Russia is not satisfied that factions of the Free Syrian Army in Aleppo have not full separated from Jabhat al-Nusra.
âWe still hope to receive from our US colleagues the coordinates of areas where units of the Free Syrian Army are stationed and information about a typical unit of moderate opposition,â he said.
âSince our US partners have not provided information on disengagement between Jabhat al-Nusra and Free Syrian Army, we will create the fourth corridor in north Aleppo toward Castello Road for safe passage of armed militants,â he added.
“They need to stay in their homes!…” John Kirby, State Department Spokesperson
Truth regarding Syria
Aleppo, from a real journalist who was there
White Helmets Exposed as US UK Agents Embedded with Al Nusra and ISIS
U.S. allows 9000 ISIS into Syria from Mosul
Thanks for the links but that is a overkill and the blog automatically blocks your comment (links over 2).
The substance of what you posted is good. I have seen some of it beforehand and will watch the rest as time allows today.
Ok, watched everything you posted.
I never saw that meeting with the true NGO’s online before. Thank you. That really cuts to the chase with the information provided.
Saw this today about Russia. Time to stock up on pork, so says Sergei Markov, a member of the Civic Chamber, a Moscow-based state institution.
Then of course if one was not convinced that the ‘shit might hit the fan’, we have this by a real man,who happens to be the leader of a truly great country.

And if your still unsure about Putin, read THIS.
Sloppy, link-ladened, and calorie-dense on purpose, kind of like a triple-decker bacon cheeseburger. That approach seems to work better for some reason.
I know that I am in the minority, but I want to see the US fail at regime-change in Syria. In the long-run, American Imperialism is bad for the world and us. A beast like that can’t be maintained by a republic democracy. How can the social-engineering be stopped or derailed? Does the everyday American realize that it is not just the sloppy and brazen Clinton cabal, but the Bush’s too? The mainstream media doesn’t realize who they are truly serving and enabling, yet!
Most of the Amerikan people are fucking stupid. There stuck in a mold that they can’t climb out of. I know this on a personal level as I try to talk to liberals and some conservatives. I am told I don’t know what I am talking about, but when I point out to them the contradictions they hold I am shut off and am told I am stupid. Some even so boldly tell me to fuck off. They don’t need the challenge to their cult like intellect. Some of these folks are x-acog’s unfortunately.
“I know that I am in the minority, but I want to see the US fail at regime-change in Syria”
I agree with you as you can read below.
Having watched that Putin video, I wonder if our military’s R&D has already discovered some radical new technology for a missile shield. Maybe that could explain the Bush’s support for Hillary despite her laughable clumsiness in geopolitics.
Clinton (female whore) Bush’s and Obama are the new Amerikan neocons hell bent on Amerikan hegemony. For those of you in a cult like mindset that means taking over the entire world in a leadership position. A damned bad thing. No country should have that power because in the end you will inherit ……(fill in the blank and respond)…..
By the way, did you see this?
No, but I’m not surprised. What still surprises me though is that bonafide evidence is so easily ignored. It’s like thugs, from top to bottom, all the way down. What is it going to take for ‘everyday Americans’ to revolt and vent their disgust? I’m not talking about internet campaigns and phonecalls to senators, it would have to be done the old-fashioned way! People in mass at government facilities demanding justice would work but unlikely to be carried out by ‘everyday Americans’, how sad. They have brilliantly enginerred the attitude that Huxley warned us about from “Brave New World” into people handing over their power to the Orwellians!
With the president elect (whoever that may be) facing possible removal from office, perhaps one should consider who is the preferred vice president.
My choice is still None of the Above…
k1ll Hillary, and you have Kaine.
Dump Trump, and you get Pence!
I’ll vote for justice, or our best chance at getting it through the likes of Trey Gowdy, Jason Chaffetz, including the shocked and frustrated FBI agents ready to revolt. I’ve wondered if it would be better for us if Trump decided to end his campaign and let Pence be the nominee. Republicans and the undecided would back that ticket with renewed vigor! Even if Clinton drops out and backs Michelle Obama, Pence would still win because President Obama is now tainted with collusion and corruption.
“Iâve wondered if it would be better for us if Trump decided to end his campaign and let Pence be the nominee.”
Pence doesn’t have much of a clue. I listen to him and he sounds a bit like the neocons.
A change is at hand. When a country has a radical leader (obama) he is countered by another radical leader. Trump is that man. An equal and opposite reaction.
I hope this means what I think it means!
The break up of NATO. I hope so. End this senseless Amerikan hegemony.
Ok, here is one you never saw. If you read the altrnative press you most likely never saw this: http://daisyluther.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Clinton-foundation-leak.pdf
Damned interesting. Especially when you think about the floating cities seen in China. Ah, now we understand!
The page you are looking for seems to be missing. Perhaps searching can help.
Did you mean one of these?
When will the Bush family decide she is too dangerous to be left alive and talking?
The link is dead. The material was not for publishing in the public sphere. I do have it as a pdf if you write me.
Here you go:
Thanks for the share!
HRC said, âIf that f – – – ing bastard wins, we all hang from nooses!â
But what about the neo-cons who are covertly backing her? What could they be willing to do, other than trying to rigg the election, to cause the elections to be postponed? I think they will do something nuclear, especially if Assad appears, with the help of Russia, that he might pull through and prevent a regime change. Would the USA in a last ditch effort for a regime change, enact a scorched earth policy that would weaken any regime that controls Syria?
Or, how would the USA respond to Turkey being the next regime in both Syria and Iraq?
Turkey is fighting the terrorists while the USA is transporting them to Syria. And with little doubt, the USA was behind the attempted coup in Turkey in July, causing Erdogan to think that Putin would be a much better ally.
Did you know that Turkey already has it’s own nuclear weapons since 2000?
After having said all of that, I would prefer the salvage option to be the Tequilia Sunrise(the alien light show). At least that wouldn’t start WW3.
Obama, Clinton third WW nightmare heading our way unless someone intelligent steps in to save the day. That’s what happens when you elect a community organizer (which is communist if you ever read Saul Alinsky).
And no I did not know Turkey had those nasty weapons. That will help with better sleep no doubt.
It seems that the document is fake. The PDF metadata dates it from October 16th, 2016.
Ahhh………..I get the message!
I desperately wish that the wikileaks 27, 28, 29 were fake! My idea that they would do anything they could to get their way which is to have an obedient president, unlike obama who has been stalling with Syria. Now, my worst fear has been increased by a factor of 10.