Trends: HWA vs. JW’s and Mormons

Comparing the Armstrong movement to others.

Which group leads the pack when it comes to fringe religious organizations outside the 7th day movement?

Click on graphic to see the answer….

Interesting that the JW’s can’t keep up with the Mormons either. Another dystopian movement that will fail.

The Guru, the church, and the teachings are always right, and above criticism, and beyond reproach.

Armstrongism fails because it is ruled by tyrants who suppress human creativity and freedom of expression.  They are high pressure control groups that can never trust the membership to do the right thing and suppresses those that disagree with the cult about anything.

In some of these hard-core armstrongism cults, the members are not even allowed to communicate with nonmembers. Thus, no nonbeliever can plant a seed of doubt in a member’s mind by saying negative things about the cult or the leader.

Cult members such as the ones you find in armstrongism believe that what they are doing is of a higher purpose than anything anyone else is doing. Other people are just living — breathing, working, paying the rent, surviving — but the cult is transforming lives, and preaching the gospel and saving the world.

The truth is, armstrongism is failing at a increased rate. As time goes by, it shall perish from the face of the earth. Such judgments are of God!

2 Replies to “Trends: HWA vs. JW’s and Mormons”

  1. Even if the tenets of Armstrongism were correct, they still get an F on presentation, and appeal. Would God use a group that made His truths repugnant, either by presenting them in an irrationally overbearing method, or through excessive enforcement? I can’t imagine that that would be true. It just doesn’t make sense that a loving Father would deliberately sabotage the imparting of His values and character to His children.

    Armstrongism lays the heaviest of all burdens on its adherents. It amazes me, the lengths to which members put their mind through its paces fighting the perfectly normal attitudes that Armstrongism automatically provokes. Apparently, it never occurs to them that there could be a better way.


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