HWA’s Last Co-Worker Letter Six Days Before The Death Event
Guru’s ask yourselves, What Would Herbert Do?
“Remember, brethren, this is not the work of Herbert W. Armstrong, nor will it be the work of Mr. Tkach, or any man. It is the (1)Work of the Living Creator, God.”
HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG, Editor January 10, 1986
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers,
This is my first letter to you in 1986, and could very well be my last. Now in my 94th year I am in a very physically weakened state enduring severe pain and with virtually no strength whatso- ever. I briefly described my condition in last month’s co-worker letter to you, and now it has worsened. It may be that the Work God has given me to do is complete, but not the Work of God’s Church, which will be faithfully doing God’s Work till Christ, the True Head of this Church, returns.
After much counsel and prayer over the past months God has led me in announcing a decision last week to appoint Mr. Joseph W. Tkach, director of Church Administration, to the office of Deputy Pastor General, to assist me while I am in a weakened state, and should God choose to take my life, to place himself totally in Christ’s hands to lead God’s Church under Christ, succeeding me as Pastor General, in the difficult times ahead. Christ will lead in the decision about which men will continue the telecast.I am in a very physically weakened state enduring severe pain and with virtually no strength whatso- ever. I briefly described my condition in last month’s co-worker letter to you, and now it has worsened. It may be that the Work God has given me to do is complete, but not the Work of God’s Church, which will be faithfully doing God’s Work till Christ, the True Head of this Church, returns.
Remember, brethren, this is not the work of Herbert W. Armstrong, nor will it be the work of Mr. Tkach, or any man. It is the Work of the Living Creator, God. You are supporting this Work of God, and it is the Great God who will pour out His blessings on you for your generosity. Continue to sacrifice through 1986 to finish the commission God has given his Church. The greatest work lies yet ahead. Christ confirmed that in John 4:35, “Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” Never before in the history of the Church has it been possible to reap so great a harvest. It has only been made possible through modern technology, beginning with the printing press, radio, television, and rapid mass transit and mass communication. I personally have seen nearly all of these technological advances in my lifetime, starting in the last century through the horse and buggy age to the current space age.
It was prophesied in Daniel 12 that in the last days knowledge would be increased. This has been fulfilled, yet with this awesome progress we are experiencing even more appalling and continuous evils, which will culminate in the Great Tribulation ahead of us now. Then, just before humanity blasts human life off this planet, God will once again send his Son Jesus Christ. This time in power and glory as King of kings and Lord of lords to rule with all the power of the Great God and usher in utopian peace, happiness and prosperity. Thank God Satan will then be gone.
Are you ready for the return of Jesus Christ? Will you escape the Great Tribulation soon to occur? Christ said to watch and pray always, that you will be accounted worthy to escape (Luke 21:36). Now is the time of the end.
Each of you must commit yourself to support God’s Work, to fast and pray. God’s Work must push ahead this coming year as never before. God is opening new doors in television and in the PLAIN TRUTH distribution. Help us walk through them. Praise and thank God, and pray for his Work. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart for your prayers for me personally.
In deep gratitude and love, in Jesus’ name,
Herbert W. Armstrong
(1) If the “Living Creator” was behind Herbert’s work, why was Joseph Tkach appointed to the office of pastor general, which would ultimately result in the destruction of the ‘work?” Why is it that none of the splits ever talk about this obvious contradiction?
There are 2 possible answers:
(A) God did not back Herbert’s “work.” Truth be told, the “work” was nothing more than a effort by a simple minded man who used the name of God to promote his ideas and to supply himself with a endless supply of people who would serve as his narcissistic source and furnish his financial needs.
(B) The other side of the coin is that God did lead Herbie to appoint Joseph Tkach so that the work might be destroyed on Herbert’s death, and that the hoax perpetrated using His name in vain would not continue after Armstrong’s death.
(C) Using the edge of the coin, we present this idea: God allowed the WCG to implode to test the hearts of certain men. From the beginning of time God knew those who would betray Him and allowed both the false preacher(s) and false prophet(s) to gather together those destined for the final death in the lake of fire, those men and women who would follow after men instead of God.
In Summary:
The ACOG’s and the various organization that promote their own version of the “work” do not have the backing of God. The religion started by HWA and promoted by those who wish to sit in the chief seat, those men who continue to promote a extremely cruel hoax perpetrated on theologically ignorant and gullible people, it is those who stand condemned.
What ever you think the answer is, know that HWA HAD NOTHING EVER to do with a Living Creator God. Keep in mind however that the membership of these false churches follow after these men who tell them what their “itching ears want to hear”, they also will pay with their lives, for they have betrayed the Son of Man.
The Worldwide church of God attempted to annihilate peoples personality, individuality, will, and character. The stranded souls that hitched their wagon to this organization unknowingly supported a power-hungry pharisaic and fastuous authoritative cult leader and his son, Garner Ted Armstrong. For all the alarums and excursions, the fact remains that without knowing it, we nurtured these two ungrateful incubi's. For that I can only ask for forgiveness.
After my WCG experience, I went to college to educate myself so I would have a greater understanding of the world about me and to understand why I ever fell for HWA's scam religion. This lead me to the conclusion that the appropriate action to take, in my judgment, is to provide people with opportunities to learn, develop, and exercise their potential as human beings, by freeing them from men who exploit and abuse them. This website and others are my vehicle to do just that.