Britain Say’s Goodbye…

Nigel Farage’s final speech to European Parliament

The EU started as a free trade area and a customs union. Over time, it has become a supranational entity that resembles a federal state and is governed by a byzantine bureaucracy in Brussels.

This is the beginning of the end of the European Union. The mask of Democracy has been lifted to reveal another cold, brutal, and tyrannical European entity that stifles national sovereignty in exchange for a economic order, and political institutions. Institutions that are proved a ball and chain for peripheral European economies.

This is the EU super-state:

  • The state that made laws meant to serve as a roadblock to parties that would like to dismantle the EU in a democratic and peaceful way from within.
  • This is the EU super-state that says it doesn’t need the support of the citizens of the member states. They will simply do what they please without the support of its citizens.
  • This is the EU super-state that invaded its own lands with hordes of Muslims who will never assimilate into society.

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