Israeli Professor Shows Virus Follows Fixed Pattern

Coronavirus peaked and subsided in the exact same way, so says Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel of Tel Aviv University. The Wuhan Virus follows its own pattern, he told Mako, an Israeli news agency. It is a fixed pattern that is not dependent on freedom or quarantine. “There is a decline in the number of infections even [in countries] without closures, and it is similar to the countries with closures,” he wrote in his paper.

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6 Replies to “Israeli Professor Shows Virus Follows Fixed Pattern”

  1. Frankly, I wonder if some well-backed scientist will soon call a press conference, in which he states,”You fucking fools! This is a designer-virus which we deliberately created to demonstrate that, like the elk population, or any other herds, there needs to be a periodic thinning of the human population for the survival of the planet. Humans are the #1 predator wandering the face of the earth! There are far too many humans populating Earth here in our current era and it is affecting the world’s ecology and climate in unprecedented ways! In times past, global pandemics would periodically thin the human herd, so that the system could remain healthy and survive! Nobody would listen to us as we sounded the warning regarding the carbon footprint of mankind, even as you watched the glaciers and icecaps melt, the oceans warm and become choked with plastic, and the jetstreams shift the weather patterns! Now that everything has been shut down by our virus, and you see the blue skies returning, and the smog vanish, perhaps you will get a clue as to what needs to be done!

    The virus will continue to decimate the human population until you change your ways significantly! We will release the antidote to the virus when we are convinced that you are sincere in cleaning up the planet, and allowing the remaining species to recover and survive. Make no mistake, if you do not do this, you will suffer much greater decimation and inconvenience from our corona virus. This is your last chance!

    Aw, hell. That’s as good a conspiracy theory as any!


    1. “Aw, hell. That’s as good a conspiracy theory as any!”
      Why not?

      Humanity has and will continue to be decimated by pandemics. Nature at its best or worse, depends what end your on. If at some point fossil fuels are limited or removed as a source of energy we will see massive death on a scale not seen since the days of the black death. With the sun going into a solar minimum we can expect to see more death, volcanoes becoming more active and colder weather. Back in the 70’s it was global cooling, then in the next decades it became global warming (when sun spots are more prevalent) now it has changed to climate change. Well the climate is always changing. Always has, always will. Back in the 1800’s there were newspapers bitching that the population growing meant that people were soon to find themselves starving. Also they wrote about the globe getting cooler. Its the same old shit, different century.

      Now we have a “pandemic” with less deaths than the flu every year. This, like everything with those with money and power that can buy influence, look at how to increase their power, their influence, their money. Its a human thing. We call it greed. If you believe people like Bill Gates are altruistic you would be wrong. There are the nations that Gates vaccines where used. The report a huge amount of side effects. Like death, crippling effects. The guy is a shrill. His support of the CDC buys influence. The CDC takes donations, what could go wrong???

      What will result from this is lockdown, will lead to a worldwide rebellion like you never read about and certainly never seen. A SHTF moment is not far away. A cycle of revolution for the world IMHO.

  2. Well, whatever is happening is definitely global. It’s got the entire world spooked, and it seems to be one of those rare occurrences in human history that spawns massive changes. Seems silly and redundant to use a cliche from our current internet era, but Covid 19 has gone viral!

    I can’t honestly say that I am surprised at the protests to the lockdowns, and I personally have been compliant as much as possible. My job description allows a limited amount of work in support of essential businesses. A sizeable percentage of the population has always lived paycheck to paycheck, and up until the virus hit, mostly everyone felt secure doing this in the good economy. It would be difficult to imagine $1,200 providing any sort of meaningful relief.

    There’s a fine line we’re all walking right now in terms of our responses. If the restrictions are lifted, and if there is a second wave of infection requiring another shutdown, then all of the hardships and sacrifices from the first shutdown will be total loss, and there will be greater expense and hardship dealing with a second wave of deaths. I can foresee quite a number of possible missteps as scientists and the business community get the responses dialed in. Speculation is that while the first wave mostly affected the coasts, the second wave will hit the heartland. Although I generally do not hold the state of California in very high regard, I am very impressed with how the responses there have limited exposure and death as compared with what we see on the East Coast.

    Interesting times. Stuff is happening that I never thought we’d see in my lifetime. There were previous scares, like with Legionaire’s disease, the hanta virus, SARS, and Ebola, but this one appears to be the breakaway.

    We have a number of medical doctors in my family, and a nurse, all of whom are on the front lines fighting this. I worry for them.


  3. The question is Bob, is the saving of lives really the goal here?

    If this continues we will go into a depression. If another lock-down goes into effect the game is over. War will result as it always does and we start a repeat from the last century.

    Human beings follow a pattern. The pattern repeats because humanity never learns. Very much predictable. It is human psychology. That NEVER changes.

  4. Yeah, actually President Trump is buying 75 million barrels of oil for our strategic reserves. Obviously that’s not enough to shore up the price of oil, which is now well along the path of a deflationary cycle and not in a vacuum as there will be soon be repercussions in related industries. It was not too long ago that Europe and parts of Asia were into a negative interest banking situation. And, yes, war could be in the future as all the Middle Eastern countries have other than oil is sand, leaving them with no business related interests in maintaining peace.

    ACOG leaders and members will most likely attempt to shoehorn this into HWA’s failed prophecy mold, but it bears little to no resemblance to that. It’s like 9-11 ended up being for them coming in from the wrong camp and totally out of phase. None of the ACOGs gave any sort of audible, credible warning regarding it, because they were not gifted with any foresight.

    But, it doesn’t matter where it came from, or who would get the ego of forecasting it, because unless some fortunate things happen to turn it around, things are really going to suck for a while. And, as usually happens, most folks are just running around repeating the cliches started by their favorite talking heads. As John Lennon once sang, “Just gimme some truth!”


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