Can Metaphysics Discern God?

Metaphysics is the deepest probe of reality. It is the branch of philosophy that discerns the most general features of the world. When focused on God, metaphysics seeks insights not readily apparent, such as possible contradictions (or coherence) among various traits of God.

Comparing the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak to the 1918 Spanish flu

Found a interesting article about the virus that is now spreading throughout the world. There is a lot of conflicting information out there so who knows. We will have to wait until the dust settles.

“In a climate of international conflict and turmoil, a disease begins to spread across the globe. It hits the United States on the way to becoming a worldwide pandemic. While most infected survive, the fatality rate is well above that of an ordinary flu. Eventually, one in three humans on earth is infected. At leastĀ 17 millionĀ people, and maybe as many asĀ 100 million, perish.”

Gurus & Teachers

It takes all types, but people will usually listen to anyone who speaks, or yells loud enough, with any kind of authority. Sometimes, this can be good if the info is profitable to the listener, but at other times it can be a disaster. And this can reveal a BIG difference between a guru and a proper teacher…

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