The biggest problem of all is that the Armstrongists don’t actually know when to keep the Feasts. If you are going to keep them when they don’t need to be kept at all, you should, by all means, get the dates right…
L.A. Times : Why this Nobel laureate predicts a quicker coronavirus recovery: ‘We’re going to be fine’
The press has woken up that they fact that they are committing financial suicide and assisting in the destruction of the economy, for they themselves loosing advertising income.
It seems the press has shit in their lunch bucket.
The good news is that Italy’s slowdown in new cases, suggests the outbreak may be peeking.
Italy leads the death rate in the world at 5% due to the high population of elderly people.
Read more HERE
Three Strikes and You Are Out!
When Ellis LaRavia took over the Landscape Department it was in a total state of hostile disarray. No one knew what was going on, most of the older employees wanted to be top dog, so the scheduling of work projects was a disaster. He walked into one of the biggest screw-ups and calamities on campus… Continue reading “Three Strikes and You Are Out!”