The Worldwide Church of God was established using
Why So Many Church of Gods?
Hard upon the heels of the demise of the Worldwide Church of God as we knew it, the casual observer may be shocked to discover a regiment of splinter groups that have sprung up in its place. Where once there was “one true church of God”, now there are hundreds, all claiming the same charter, all claiming to carry out the same commission. How can this be?
The Armstrong Churches of God and Their Lust for War
Why, even the membership is declaring war on each other!
They learn from their leaders….
Blast from the past….
“The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace.”
So why are the Armstrong Churches of God at war with one another? Each is competing for the dwindling resources known as tithe payers……
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