Time to Revisit “David Pack’s Reign of Terror”

Compassion literally means “to suffer together.” Among emotion researchers, it is defined as the feeling that arises when you are confronted with another’s suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering. Compassion motivates people to go out of their way to help the physical, mental, or emotional pains of another and themselves.

A man is known by his actions….

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Just what do you mean by apostle?

Qualifications of an Apostle

  • An apostle as defined strictly by the New Testament, no longer exists today, since these three conditions had to be met:
  • The person had to have been an eyewitness to Jesus after his resurrection (1 Corinthians 9:1);
  • Had to have been chosen by the Holy Spirit (Acts 9:15);
  • Had to have ministered with miraculous signs and wonders (Acts 2:43; 2 Corinthians 12:12).

A modern-day apostle would typically function as a church planter—one who is sent out by the body of Christ to spread the gospel and establish new communities of believers.