Loma’s dream:
“Suddenly there appeared an awesome sight in the sky above. It was a dazzling spectacle — the sky filled with a gigantic solid mass of brilliant stars, shaped like a huge banner. The stars began to quiver and separate….
The Painful Truth-Herbert W. Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God
Understanding the psychology of religious seduction and spiritual abuse.
Editor of the Painful Truth
Loma’s dream:
“Suddenly there appeared an awesome sight in the sky above. It was a dazzling spectacle — the sky filled with a gigantic solid mass of brilliant stars, shaped like a huge banner. The stars began to quiver and separate….
Dear Co-Workers:
Please read this at once. It’s very important, It’s URGENT!
Continue reading “Christmas is PAGAN! So Send Me Your Gift Money!”
Blast from the past….
By John B.
(Author’s note: This article is not an attempt to persuade anyone else to my point of view. It is offered solely for whatever it may be worth, and expresses my opinion only. Jb)
Continue reading “The (not so) Painful Truth About Christmas.”