Information Wanted!

The Painful Truth asks if any of you can identify who the minister was in the Bangor, ME congregation in New Hampshire, in late 1960’s – early 70’s.
Please contact the Painful Truth if you have information that I can pass on.

Hi there,
I came across your website, the painful truth, after emailing to a similar site earlier today.  I am a former member of the WWCG.  When I was born (1975) my parents had been in the church for several years and I stopped attending in 1994 a year after I left home for college.  We were members of the Bangor, ME congregation and prior to my birth my parents attended a congregation in New Hampshire.  In any event, I write because I am looking for information – any information you or any of your readers can help with.  It has recently come to my attention that in or around the late-60s, early-70s, my father and uncle as well as others were sexually abused by a minister I only know as Mr. Cheatham.  I am not even sure that is the correct spelling of his name.  Apparently he sexually abused many children and did other bad things (being vague because it’s hard to get people to talk about it).  Anyway, my father and uncle both have significant mental health issues consistent with child abuse and now I understand why they are so messed up.  I am trying to come to terms with this, and to help my family members who were abused.  I am sure at this point that the statute of limitations has run out, and I have no idea if this guy is even still alive.  But I’d like to find out who he is/was – his identity, and possibly connect with any of his other victims.

I am happy to have my post published (anonymously please!) on your site if appropriate.  Also happy to simply receive a reply with any info or leads you may have.  Thank you for hosting your website.  It has been really eye-opening for me all these years later to come across it and see the faces of these guys who robbed me of my childhood, and my dad of his sanity.

Video Depicts Full Development of Baby

Found this online today. Fascinating!
It brings into question the practice of abortion.

“The magic of the mechanisms inside each genetic structure saying exactly where that nerve cell should go– the complexity of these, the mathematical models of how these things are indeed done are beyond human comprehension. Even though I’m a mathematician, I look at this with a marvel of how did these instruction sets not make mistakes as they build what is us. It’s a mystery, its magic, its divinity.”
-Alexander Tsiaras


Your thoughts?

Cult Ideology PT II

Do people do evil if their environment dictates to them to do so, and if so, for what reason?

Conformity to group ethics can cause some to change their behavior into something other than who they really are. In this experiment, it is shown how humans can inflict severe levels of pain to a complete stranger. Even if they know it can cause permanent harm or death.

Part One

Part Two

Part Three.
Pay attention to the answers given by these “people” who thought they were inflicting harmful or deadly electric shocks to a stranger. At point 1:38 we have someone who has personal ethics outside the “group think” as to obedience to perceived authority.

This projection towards personal violence is in all of us. The question is, in a mind control cult, where does the leader of the group draw the line? And more forth, at what point does personal responsibility begin?

After World War II, the German public was forced to view the onslaught of destruction that their leaders wreaked upon the innocent. The public was compelled to view the corpses of the Jews, Russians and other enemy combatants. What was the justification of the German people in allowing this holocaust to take place? Just where were these people when it came to combating this force of evil that ruled over them?

For an example of what I speak of, try this:

In conclusion, people will not only allow evil to exist, they will support it.
In the Armstrong empire we were taught that the world was evil. In reality, we were the world. People do evil in or out of religion. Our indifferent behavior and holier than thou attitudes came from the pulpit just like genocide came forth from the Nazis.

We are no different if we are unaware of the lessons of the past!