Labor Day 2023

Labor Day with a British spelling

Labor Day is a national holiday in the United States mid way between Independence Day on the 4th of July and Veteran’s Day / Thanksgiving to celebrate the American workers. The day has real significance and isn’t just the last hurrah before the end of summer and the beginning of a new school year. The American worker has worked to provide the goods and services that support the United States. They create the infrastructure that feeds, clothes and houses those living in America, whether they are residents, immigrants or visitors. Not only that, tens of millions are highly skilled and competent at their jobs, producing high quality work and services, often employing amazing innovation: They are good at their jobs. They are the unsung heroes of the nation who usually get little attention unless something goes terribly wrong. So Labor Day is a necessary benefit to recognize those who who work smarter, not just harder to provide us what we need and want. Continue reading “Labor Day 2023”

Labor Day, 2021

It has been a rather bleak year for Americans this year. With a nation running amuck, going full Nazi with this covid mRNA shot, seeing military pilots starting to resign in protest, it seems we are entering a worldwide dystopia in creation.

Let us look at a article we published back in 2013, a world much different then what we are experiencing at the current moment.

Honoring the Great American Worker on Labor Day!

Are these the authorities you should trust???

The True Story Of Labor Day: Debunking The Myth



Labor Day and May Day: Two Workers’ Holidays

As we enter the Labor Day weekend, many on the left will repeat the myth that Labor Day has no historical significance and is simply a “gift” from capitalist politicians to break up the international solidarity of American workers by providing an alternative to May Day. For many years, I accepted this myth, even while marching with my union comrades in the annual Labor Day Parades in Wilmington, California. Then I learned that the first Labor Day was in 1882, four years BEFORE Haymarket and eight years BEFORE the first international May Day in 1890. How, then, could it have originated as an alternative to May Day? A little historical research revealed a much different, and more complex.

This research showed that both Labor Day and May Day grew out of American labor struggles in the 1880s and, surprisingly, that the same man, Peter J. McGuire (1852-1906), who founded the International Brotherhood of Carpenters, is claimed as the “father” of both Labor Day and May Day! However, as the labor movement developed in the 1890s and into the 20th Century, different factions favored one rather than the other and began to pit the two against each other. But as Yale historian David Montgomery notes, “Little is gained by calling one holiday real and the other phony. We need to know what both have meant to workers.” Otherwise, an opportunity to educate the U.S. working class about its real history will be lost.

Let us, then, review the intertwined history of Labor Day and May Day within the general struggle for the emancipation of the working class.

Read more at popular The True Story Of Labor Day: Debunking The Myth