While there’s been plenty of criticism of this PT Site, and that of theĀ AMBASSADOR REPORT, there has NEVER been any evidence provided to show that what has been stated anywhere in these areas has been wrong. Continue reading “The Great Falling Away. PT 1”
Rod Meredith goes to his final reward
Bible prophecy reveals the significance of today’s world events, and how they will lead up to Jesus Christ’s return to this earth. No other book does this, and in such detail. The first years of the 21st century have seen the resurgence of militant religion around the world, the rise of international terrorism, devastating earthquakes and global climate changes that have spawned famines, floods, hurricanes, and disease epidemics threatening the future of life on this planet. The Bible has long predicted that these same events will be part of an end-time scenario that will precede Jesus Christ’s return to this earth (see Matthew 24; Revelation 6). The Scriptures also predict the end-time appearance of a revived European superpower with links to the Roman Empire, and a powerful religious figure of global stature (see Daniel 2; 7; Revelation 13; 17; 18). At this time, Scripture predicts, the United States and British-descended nations will decline as major world powers (for more on this topic, request our free booklet The United States and Great Britain in Prophecy). Though skeptics may scoff, these events prophesied in the pages of the Bible are coming to pass today. Just read the news! The Bible can be trusted!
-Douglas S. Winnail

We know what you’re thinking. How insensitive. How rude. How horrible.
We agree.