The Scourge of Judicial and Prosecutorial Immunity

In the last post we presented the problem of a militarizes police. The solution is obvious to the thinking person. Now, in light of the current problems within the United States, I give you this offering as just one more part of a workable, long term solution.

Is America an honorable society? Our institutions have move towards total corruption. Ben Franklin wanted a system based upon the Scottish model where judges were nominated by lawyers and not politicians. He lost that argument and that we are paying dearly ever since.

Continue reading “The Scourge of Judicial and Prosecutorial Immunity”

Useful Idiots

Americans should pause and reflect on the lies they are being sold. Masks are just a form of psychological manipulation.

Shutting down the entire United States over a virus that looks to be less deadly than an average flu virus – particularly among those under 80 who are not already sick – has resulted in mass unemployment and economic destruction. More Americans may die from the wrong-headed efforts to fight the virus than from the virus itself.

To all you weak minded people who fear the virus and believe government over common sense, you deserve your slavery.