Donald Trump evicted a black family from public housing today causing riots in cities across the nation. Click to enlarge.
What is it like to live at the White House?
President Gerald R. Ford said it was “the best public housing I’ve ever seen.”
Truman Reconstruction : 1948-1952
President Harry S. Truman referred to the White House as a “glamorous prison,” the “great white sepulcher of ambitions,” or the “taxpayers’ house.” Link
Right after the Inauguration in 1989, Barbara Bush said she wanted to use a smaller car rather than a big black limo and to travel by train or commercial airline when she had to go out of town. The Secret Service approved the smaller car but nixed the commercial travel “since the number of threats against the first lady is higher than that for the vice president.”
Nancy Reagan said that about a month after moving in to the White House, she was surprised when the usher sent up a bill for their food. “Nobody had told us that the president and his wife are charged for every meal, as well as for such incidentals as dry cleaning, toothpaste and other toiletries.”
“The isolation of the president in the White House is not so much self-imposed as it is imposed by others and by the nature of the office itself. The ushers, military aides, and key staff members all try to ensure that the president’s energy is reserved for the big decisions; to spare him the petty details of life; to fulfill as quickly as possible his requests, large and small. His family is similarly isolated, and are oddly unaware of most of the rumors that sweep through Washington,” according to Julie Nixon Eisenhower in Pat Nixon, The Untold Story.
“The Executive Mansion of the United States is far more than a temporary home for the family who lives there for four or eight years. It is now a museum containing priceless works of art and furnishings, a national monument open to 2 million tourists a year, a guest hotel for entertaining visitors of state and, in recent years, an impregnable fortress for protecting the life of the commander-in-chief.” – J.B. West, Upstairs at the White House (1974).
“I think we sat down to eat together only once, and as I looked around the table, Barbara and Jenna [George W. Bush’s twin daughters] were not anywhere to be seen. One of the butlers spoke up and said that they had just telephoned the kitchen and ordered sandwiches to be delivered to the bowling alley. The bowling alley! We put an end to that before it started, and they ate with us.” – Barbara Bush, A Memoir, on Inauguration Week, 1989, when her entire extended family stayed at the White House.
First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and John F. Kennedy, Jr. at Children’s Party, April 1963.
“Jack took both pride and interest in the rose garden. He wanted to know the varieties. He had ideas about the juxtaposition of colors, and if there were yellow leaves or other signs of distress he wanted to know what ought to be done and who would take care of it. I must say I was a bit surprised, for I had never heard nor seen him demonstrate any interest in horticulture at home.” – Rose Kennedy, Times to Remember, about John Kennedy’s interest in the rose garden outside the Oval Office. Link
“Every evening, while I took a bath, one of the maids would come by and remove my clothes for laundering or dry cleaning. The bed would always be turned down. Five minutes after Ronnie came home and hung up his suit, it would disappear from the closet to be pressed, cleaned or brushed. No wonder Ron used to call the White House an eight-star hotel.” – Nancy Reagan, My Turn.
“When the press on the outside wanted to know what she was doing inside, even when Tricia was ‘at home,’ there was little privacy. The Secret Service was not with us on the mansion’s second and third floors, the family quarters, but the minute we stepped onto the public floors below our rooms, we were guarded.” – Julie Nixon Eisenhower, Pat Nixon, the Untold Story, discussing her older sister, Tricia Nixon.
“It’s the story that I witness every single day, when I wake up in a house that was built by slaves, and I watch my daughters – two beautiful, black young women – head off to school, waving goodbye to their father, the President of the United States…
While I think it’s fair to say that our Founding Fathers never could have imagined this day… you are the fruits of their labor. Their legacy is very much your legacy.” – First Lady Michell Obama. Link and Link
To the Obama’s, only the slaves built American. For the rest of us, “you didn’t build that!”
The Great Leader cannot depart prematurely from his duties. You can see from the background that his work is unfinished. There are still things standing!
“President Obama is the first two-term president in US history to have America at war throughout his entire presidency. The peace candidate turned out to be the most warring president of them all.”
President Barrack Hussein Obama delivered his farewell address in Chicago last Tuesday night.
Honesty is not an Obama Virtue
Obama wasted no time uttering his trademark lies. In his third sentence, he stated that his “conversations” with the American people “are what have kept me honest.” Honest? Are you kidding? This guy’s the sneakiest, most deceitful pathological psychopath of a lying president in US history. Two of his biggest whoppers out of the gate numbering in the thousands will go down in infamy:
After the damage inflicted on the world by the Bush-Cheney regime, Obama opportunistically came to power preying on America’s desperate need for change and hope. But he only delivered more damage to our nation and world, faithfully carrying out the very same malevolent policies both foreign and domestic as his war criminal predecessors. And the transformational change he promised turned into a nightmare gone from bad to worse that we’ll be stuck with for years to come. That a Democrat or a Republican occupying the White House doesn’t matter points to the same actual power controlling the figurehead in Washington.
After two stolen terms in office by the Bush-Cheney duo, and the nonstop war in both Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama campaigned on a promise to end those senseless conflicts but instead only prolonged them. At the expense of American taxpayers, Obama continued waging those costly wars to the tune of $6 trillion (or more) and near 14,000 American lives (military and civilian), most of which were lost on his watch. Obama ensured that the neocons’ “endless war on terror,” now over 15 years and counting, remain endless. With Afghanistan going down in American history as our nation’s longest running war, Obama’s legacy in both Iraq and Afghanistan as well as Syria and Libya, and indirectly in Yemen, are the Obama regime’s “ENDLESS WAROF TERROR.” On top of that despicable fact, President Obama is the first two-term president in US history to have America at war throughout his entire presidency. The peace candidate turned out to be the most warring president of them all.
As a case in point of his legacy, earlier this week on the same day of Obama’s speech, three bombs blasted three separate cities in Afghanistan killing 50 and wounding 100 Afghan citizens. All these bloodbaths in the Middle East and North Africa stand as a glaring and disastrous outcome to the US façade of “bringing democracy” and “nation-building” to the world – 4 million dead Muslims later. In actuality the ruling elite’s systematic plan is to misuse the US Empire and NATO to militarize and destabilize the entire planet, then misuse millions of war refugees to destroy Western nations by inciting religious, race and class wars utilizing its always effective divide and conquer strategy, all for the nefarious purpose of creating a one world government tyranny. And as the destroyer of America, the CIA-bred and groomed puppet, followed his marching orders to the T.
After Bush presidential candidate Obama boldly promised to be the most transparent and open president in US history, but then Pinocchio nose just kept telling whopper after whopper for the next eight years. Obama has a track record of being the most dishonest, secretive, vindictive, least open and least transparent president in US history. He’s been at war with a free press and indicted more journalists and whistleblowers than any other president.
Obama’s “Yes We Can” Chicago Roots
In the next paragraph of Obama’s farewell speech, he begins patting himself on the back, nostalgically using his Chicago days in his early twenties as a supposed community organizer working for “positive” change. Obama must be referring to learning to be a future nation destroyer still under the tutelage of a close friend of his CIA white grandpa who happened to be Obama’s secret real father – card carrying Communist Frank Marshall Davis, in addition to confirmed terrorist mentor Bill Ayers who once proclaimed that 25 million Americans may need to be exterminated in concentration camps for refusing to go along with the radical left’s reprogramming agenda.
Then in the same breath, Obama goes on to claim that his youthful belief in grassroots level change still resides in “the beating heart of our American ideal – our bold experiment in self-government.” What planet is this guy living on? The ‘self-government’ he refers to, the one that’s supposed to be “of the people, by the people and for the people” simply doesn’t exist anymore, killed decades ago by oligarchic special interest bribes that buy and control elected spineless puppet politicians like himself to faithfully do their dirty bidding, waging violent conflicts around the world while invasively at home unconstitutionally spying on citizens to deny their liberties and freedoms, of course, all justified under the pretense of national security.
Obama says when trust in government is low (and it is, presently only 19% of Americans trust their government):
We should reduce the corrosive influence of money in our politics, and insist on the principles of transparency and ethics in public service.
Yet it was Barack’s Supreme Court that gave license for the wealthiest to buy off politicians through unlimited legal bribery. Obama did not lift a finger to oppose it. Again hypocrisy runneth over when the least transparent and perhaps most corrupt and unethical president in US history calls for virtues he so sorely lacks.
Orwellian Doublespeak Obama-style
And then Obama has the audacity to actually quote our Founding Fathers’ “conviction that we are all created equal, endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Though these are sentimentally empowering ideals to strive for, the bottom line is they’ve never been practiced in real life. The majority of the creators of our Bill of Rights and Constitution owned slaves and 9 of our first 11presidents were slave-owners, engaged in a policy of genocide against the First Americans, and to a man failed to extend these “certain inalienable rights” even to their own wives. But then the arrogant hubris and over-the-top hypocrisy that’s come to infamously characterize the Obama presidency wouldn’t have it any other way because the man’s a fraud, an imposter who right to the end in his farewell address repeats lie after lie in his best polishedOrwellian doublespeak.
“Embrace all, and not just some”
Obama then goes into a wannabe “Grapes of Wrath” diatribe about patriots choosing “republic over tyranny,” again what republic? Tyrannical fascism in the Obama totalitarian dictatorship reigns supreme now. He cites America’s “call for citizenship,” that pulls “immigrants and refugees across the Rio Grande.” It was Obama’s and DHS’ stand down order to maintain eight straight years of unprotected wide open border policy, not unlike his manufactured wars that led directly to the flooding of millions of Muslim refugees by manufactured design to destroy both Europe and America using the lie of “humanitarian multiculturalism” intended to create strife, chaos and tension leading to race wars, religious wars, class wars, civil wars.
Later in the speech, the departing lame duck refers to America’s “founding creed to embrace all and not just some.” This, of course, is his feeble attempt to justify his open border policy that welcomes a constant flow of unvetted refugees from his Middle Eastern and North African wars as well as drug cartel gangs from south of the border. Recall it was the Obama administration’s Fast and Furious gun running operation and attempted cover-up that bestowed preferential treatment to the Sinaloa cartel in exchange for intel to eliminate Sinaloa competition. International drug smuggling under Obama’s watch has been a boom.
The Obama speech threw in that same “call for citizenship” “powers workers to organize.” Under his watch, the rights of “workers to organize” has taken a hit. In 1983 American workers belonging to labor unions stood at 20.1%. In 2015 the percentage has nearly been cut in half at just 11.1%. Since 1983 when 42 of 50 states maintained at least 10% of its private sector workforce as union members, five years ago that number dropped to just 8 states. Whatever’s left now of labor unions and their bargaining power to protect workers has largely gone the same route of every other American institution, becoming corrosively corrupt, co-opted and no longer truly representing the best interests of America’s working population. Of course similarly, pension plans have virtually dried up across the nation, with the exception being those generous lifetime retirement salaries for former presidents and Congress members.
Obama’s Inspired History Lesson
Obama then finishes delivering his civic history lesson with:
“It’s why GIs gave their lives at Omaha Beach and Iwo Jima; Iraq and Afghanistan – and why men and women from Selma to Stonewall were prepared to give theirs as well.”
With an established record as arguably the worst presidential leader and weakest commander-in-chief in US history, Obama has a lot of nerve even bringing up the two wars that he still has us mired in, responsible for pending defeats in both Iraq and Afghanistan. And then he mentions Selma as a supposed man of color when as the first black president he’s done absolutely nothing for his fellow African Americans but only thrown them under his race-baiting bus while the majority become only poorer and more disenfranchised, far more than whites and Hispanics since he first took office.
And though Stonewall may have been a laudable moral stand to champion the rights of gays, Obama’s in-your-face gender-bending and rampant sexual and social engineering ushering in the tyranny of his LGBT and Political Correctness agenda, are stomping all over free speech while usurping parental rights and force feeding mass confusion and sexualized overload on children long before they’re developmentally capable of understanding the LGBT brainwash. Generations of young people are being irreparably harmed in the process. But then the end result of dysfunctional adult relationships and skyrocketing divorce rates that obliterate the institutions of marriage and family is all by malevolent rulers’ targeted design. Again, Obama’s New World Disorder wouldn’t have it any other way. Per globalist design, part of that irreparable harm manifests in the emasculation of the modern Western male. The sorry state of affairs between men and women today is part of the larger assault on the family.
That’s why Obama was CIA-groomed from family birth as the Manchurian president handpicked by globalists to not only be America’s first black president but America’s first closeted gay Muslim president married to an anatomically transgendered man. Joan Rivers likely died for publicly saying so just two months prior to her “routine” surgery. Infowars journalist Alex Jones has gone public drawing this conclusion. One gay former sexual partner Larry Sinclair made claims with multiple backup testimony about Barack’s coke snorting gay liaisons.
And then regarding the Muslim question, quite a lot of evidence indicates the veracity there as well. Obama’s closest longtime friend and aide, senior advisor Valerie Jarrett is likely Muslim and shares a strikingly similar background. Barack was raised in a Muslim country for a number of years and shaped by Communist ties. While Obama identified himself a Muslim living with his mother and Muslim stepfather in Indonesia, Jarrett was born and grew up in Iran until age five. Obama’s biological father and Jarrett’s father were both active in Chicago’s Communist Party together. Add all that to Obama’s choice of CIA director John Brennan being Muslim, his alleged half-brother Malik linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, and it’s no accident Obama’s would-be successor Hillary’s right-hand woman Huma Abedin is a Muslim covertly promoting Sharia law as a Wahhabi Saudi implant.
Obama’s American Exceptionalism
As the historical name dropper darts from the Rio Grande to Iwo Jima to Afghanistan to Selma and Stonewall in one breath, in the next he states:
“So that’s what we mean when we say America is exceptional… and make life better for those who follow.”
It wouldn’t be an Obama speech without his spouting off on America’s exceptionalism that automatically grants US Empire the right to remain the endgame’s sole world superpower hegemon even if it wipes out the human race. The fact that Obama has dutifully followed the neocons’ homicidal tradition to an OCD degree, embarking on a renewed nuclear arms race costing up to $1 trillion while encircling two fully emerged world powers Russia and China, deceitfully vilifying them both, is pure madness! The choice to consistently and willfully push America into a forced West versus East confrontation in his rush to World War III, Obama’s exceptionalism has been his calling card trademark to justify his every aggressive, war-provoking move calculatingly misplayed, promoting his masters’ agenda to destabilize the entire world through increasing conflict, war and economic instability and destruction. Throughout Obama’s race to WWIII, his co-opted mainstream media is nothing less than a deployed front that’s faithfully protected him and Hillary as their propaganda ministry intended to brainwash and con the American public into acquiescence, acceptance, and complicit submission. Non-Americans must think that Obama’s America is exceptionally grandiose in its hyper-inflated self-importance, and perhaps only exceptional in its arrogance and destructive tendencies to tamper, interfere and ruthlessly attempt to control the rest of the world.
Our Bright Future
Obama touts a record of “making life better for those who follow.” Again, he’s nowhere near living in the same galaxy as the rest of us who have sadly witnessed under his watch America and the world in a state of freefall chaos and destruction. Under his watch college students with their record high loan debts now over $1.2 trillion have become lifetime indentured servants, with America’s job security nowhere in sight for decades now, after graduation fighting over job scraps competing for minimum waged part-time dead-end employment. Under Obama’s watch for the first time in American history, the current coming of age generation can no longer expect to live better or longer than the preceding generation, in either holding down jobs (lost to an age of AI and robotic automation), or actualizing the American dream of owning their own homes, or even enjoying life as an independent adult. For the first time in 130 years, more adult Americans aged 18-34 are currently living with their parents than living with a spouse or partner. 40% of Americans under 30 live with their parents. Upward mobility and the American dream are long since dead now. Obama’s lasting legacy is the certainty of an extreme and bleak future for America that he destroyed while dutifully complying with his puppet masters’ marching orders.
My Wonderful Legacy in a Nutshell
Obama then goes on to actually claim his so called victories:
“If I had told you eight years ago that America would reverse a great recession, reboot our auto industry, and unleash the longest stretch of job creation in our history…if I had told you that we would open up a new chapter with the Cuban people, shut down Iran’s nuclear weapons program without firing a shot, and take out the mastermind of 9/11…if I had told you that we would win marriage equality, and secure the right to health insurance for another 20 million of our fellow citizens – you might have said our sights were set a little too high.”
And later claims:
“After all, we remain the wealthiest, most powerful, and most respected nation on Earth.”
Again, this man is totally delusional if he believes “a great recession” has been reversed and that “the economy is growing again.” Additionally, Obama makes the bodacious statement that today “wages, incomes, home values, and retirement accounts are rising again; poverty is falling again.” When the cost of living and inflation are accounted for, wages have either fallen or remained stagnant for decades now. Yet Obama stated:
“Last year, incomes rose for all races, all age groups, for men and for women.”
Reality shows that nothing could be further from the truth. Perched from his ivory tower White House, when not teeing up on multimillion dollar tax paid vacations (totaling near $100 million), Obama’s “facts” just never seem to add up. For instance, in 2007 the year before Obama was elected, Pew Research found that 50% of Americans rated the US economy as good. Last August after near eight years in office, only 44% of Americans shared that same optimistic outlook. During Obama’s first five years as president, Census Bureau data showed that full-time workers’ salaries for men dropped by nearly 3% and women by 1%. Wages for black men sank even lower by near 6% and over 3% for black women. A little over two years ago government income reports demonstrated that over the last quarter century the US household median income remained stagnated and unchanged at just under $52,000. Yet the value of the dollar drastically shrank. But from 2000 to 2014, nearly half with Obama as president, the average American median income dropped significantly by 8%.
The so-called recession economy has progressively slid from the 2008-09 housing market crisis (with the banking industry’s grotesque tax paid bailout after which Obama protected the banksters from prosecution for fraud and no jail time) to an all-out major economic depression (that Obama and his minions still deny) that will inevitably and tragically surpass the 1930’s Great Depression in human suffering. Obama and the Feds managed to kick the can down the road just long enough for Trump to step into the Oval Office. Likewise, the entire global economy is anemic and faltering, including even China’s.
Obama states that “the unemployment rate is near a 10-year low.”
The truth is Obama’s job numbers are methodically crunched and cooked every month to deceive the public into not realizing that up to 40% of America’s working-age population is not full time employed. If those working part time hours but desiring full-time jobs along with those whose unemployment compensation has run out, and those chronically unemployed who’ve become so discouraged they’ve given up, that percentage of Americans would be nearing half our population.
Virtually every honest economist has for months been warning that we are teetering closer to the edge of a complete economic collapse. Obama’s assertion that we’re in “the longest stretch of job creation in our history” is pure fantasy. Since the recession virtually the only jobs Obama created are part-time, seasonal or temporary, minimum wage positions that no one could actually live on. The boastful lie that Obama created 15 million new jobs is just the opposite from the truth. First, Obama artificially counts part-time employment in his artificial job creation boost. Secondly, his actual number of jobs created (including part-time) in his time in office amounts to 5.6 million. However, with his open border policy, the number of entrants into the US has soared to over 20 million, so his actual record has arguably added 14.4 million to the unemployed ranks.
During the Reagan years, America went from the largest creditor nation on earth to the largest debtor nation on earth, digging its deepest hole under Obama who has nearly doubled the national debt from $10 trillion to near $20. During that same post-WWII period, the US has gone from owning half the world’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product as the indicator tool measuring nations’ purchasing power parity) to now just 15%. Three years ago China overtook the US as the number one economic superpower in the world. As of last year, China now has more billionaires than America – 594 to 535. And the margin is widening.
Obama mentions that currently “the stock market shatters records.” That has nothing to do with Obama and everything to do with Trump. So for Obama to try and take a bow due to Trump’s honeymoon post-election swoon is a case of intentionally distorting reality. But then deception is Obama’s signature. Also, in a troubled, unstable economy, the stock market fluctuates widely from one day to the next. Record highs one day are as apt to be followed the next day with record lows. And market volatility ain’t a good thing.
Returning to Obama’s lie that “poverty is falling again,” unfortunately the pathological liar is oh so wrong. Poverty in America has risen from 11% in 2000 up to 15% of Americans in 2014. As mentioned earlier, blacks under Obama are suffering the most with 26.2% of African Americans living in poverty. But near 1 in 4 (23.6%) Hispanic Americans are also poverty-stricken. 10.1% of whites fall under the poverty level. The South and California are the worst hit areas although the largest drops in the middle class were in West Virginia, Michigan and Indiana. Just to make ends meet, more Americans are working two or three jobs than ever before.
During the Obama years, the poverty rates have been climbing beyond America’s inner cities to its suburbs as well. Add the decimated, fast disappearing US middle class that as of 2015 is no longer the vibrant majority that has always characterized America, and the rich-poor disparity gap is soaring to unprecedented levels. Income inequality lies at the heart of the problem. As productivity increased, wages didn’t for the lower and middle classes. When the richest 20 Americans own more than the poorest half of all Americans, you know something is dreadfully wrong. Three years ago income inequality in this country reached an all-time high not seen since the eve of the Great Depression in 1928. But now the gap between the rich and the poor in America is at its all-time worst disparity ever, and the highest in the developed world. Despite what Obama claims, today’s economy is in dire straits. And as a result, Americans either have no money to spend or worried over their uncertain future, are holding onto what little they have. An incredible 76 % of Americans live from paycheck to paycheck, just one away from homelessness.
Hence, all across America shopping malls are becoming extinct. Their demise is accelerated by a record number of closures of major retail outlet stores. 14 of the biggest – Target, Kmart, Macy’s, Office Depot and Sears among them, are all closing at least 100 of their stores. Even the world’s largest retailer Walmart is taking a hit. Of course thanks to alleged secret federal contracts and not so secret $1 billion federal subsidies, Walmart’s can serve as FEMA processing centers and potential military requisition centers when the shit hits the fan, the world’s richest family in America – the Walton’s – won’t be going hungry anytime too soon. Eleven other industrialized nations have more start-up businesses per capita than America as entrepreneurship has fallen. According to the Annual Prosperity Index, the US dropped out of the top ten most prosperous nations for the first time in 2015. Also as of 2015, over five years after the recession, small businesses are still hurting as only 21% have recovered. Again 2015 was a very pivotal year for the US as it was the year that China eclipsed America as the number one economic power on earth according to IMF’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) computations. The GDP margin between China and the US is .6 of a percentage point ahead and growing.
So you can see that clearly Obama is wrong, as he leaves office in 2017, the United States of America is no longer the wealthiest nation on earth. And the primary reason is that President Obama dutifully followed his rulers’ orders, padding the coffers of Wall Street and the military industrial security prison complex rather than investing in his own nation’s sorely needed infrastructure and the well-being of his own fellow citizens. The US military has been and is still misused as the elite’s corporate bodyguard to rape and pillage the earth, gobbling up and stealing precious energy, mineral, and other natural resources. And the affluence of North America and Western Europe was viewed an obstacle that had to be eliminated prior to implementing a one world government.
Obamacare Plug
In his farewell speech Obama dared to sneak in a plug for his abominable Obamacare, at the end of his braggadocio repeating the boldface lie that 20 million more Americans are benefiting from his “right to health insurance,” the same right that gives you no right to opt for no insurance without incurring increasing fines for refusing to buy his corrupt brand of snake oil that has rates obscenely skyrocketing by 24% this year on average. Obama’s fuzzy math must be referring to those same 20 million new immigrants he allowed into the country complete with insurance entitlement. In any event, even Obama’s main claim to fame – that the least number of Americans in history are uninsured – is bound to start rising again with his now Unaffordable Care Act. Yet despite this reality, Obama insists that “healthcare costs are rising at the slowest rate in fifty years.” The man’s delusional. His boldface lies glosses over the truth that in August last year alone healthcare costs rose higher than at any time prior to 1984.
More on Obama’s True Legacy
Over two years ago it was noted that the US leads the entire world in any number of dubious ways. And we know that in two years things have only grown from bad to worse. As the nation that grants the most outrageous and unfair tax breaks to the rich, the US also leads the globe in tax evasion and corporate welfare. And with multi-billionaire Trump coming to power assembling the wealthiest administration in US history, that statistic will not be changing anytime soon. While good for the wealthiest class, America leads the planet in declining public services, child poverty, and homelessness. While the rich get richer and the poor poorer, America’s number one in citizens in prison, supplying 25% of the world’s inmates containing only 5% of the world population. We’re also number one in police brutality, and police murdering unarmed citizens (70 times the rate of other developed nations), sadly three times worse if you’re African American than white and two times more likely than if Hispanic.
Obama is correct in saying the US is the most powerful nation on earth if measured strictly in terms of human genocide and global destruction. With US Empire’s nonstop record of aggression and slaughter committed against rest of the world, killing 30 million other humans since World War II alone, the United States is by far the world’s biggest murderer as well. If US exceptionalism is measured in terms of number of invaded smaller countries (37), murders of foreign leaders (several dozen), 59 government coups since WWII, engaging in economic warfare by enforcement of trade embargoes (Yemen, Venezuela, North Korea, Cuba), as well as imposing various economic sanctions (Russia, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Sudan), and countless tampering in others’ elections, all with total impunity, then yes, the US is uniquely exceptional in its unmatched evil. And that was just the short list. America ranks as the world’s worst offender.
No other nation on earth comes even close to making war over 93% of its time in existence. No other nation on earth has over 130,000 soldiers occupying more than 150 nations at nearly 1,000 military posts worldwide, with another4,000 US troops this month lining up along Russia’s western border, joining NATO’s 300,000 troops on active alert. Ready to ignite the next world war, Commander-in-Chief Obama has the US military occupying over 77% of all other nations on earth. In comparison, the number of foreign nations where Russia deploys its troops remains a single digit figure, and in all nine countries Russia is an invited guest, unlike America. If power in the world is measured in terms of causing grave risk to every living inhabitant on the planet dying from nuclear holocaust, then once again Obama’s US of A is number one.
The liar-in-chief also boasts that America is the “most respected nation on earth.” What a pathetic laugh that is. The reality is with so much US aggression and violence inflicted on the rest of the world, America has to be the most hated and feared nation on earth. A Gallup poll found that the United States is the biggest threat to world peace. Though few nations can openly call America out for its never-ending transgressions, for fear of being overthrown, invaded or severely punished, behind closed doors, many the world over cannot wait to see the Empire crash and burn. The entire planet has suffered immeasurably for more than a century at the hands of the brutal world bully and unilateral executioner. Other nations see through Obama’s lies and hypocrisy, and his wormlike leadership from behind is secretly mocked as mealy-mouthed and weak. On the world stage he has zero credibility and is hated, and unfortunately due to the sins of his seamless Clinton-Bush-Obama cabal, Americans get lumped in and are hated too. But hate and fear have nothing to do with respect, however, smooth talking Obama’s fork-tongued doublespeak bullshit may be to his so-called liberal sycophants like Springsteen and Streep.
Normalizing Relations with Cuba
Getting back to more of what Obama believes are his bragging rights, he touts normalized relations with Cuba among his most notable accomplishments. The Empire’s embargo lasting more than half a century cruelly caused untold human suffering on the little Caribbean island. But the resourceful nation survived and even thrived in ways in spite of it. So who benefits by the thawing relations? Doubtfully Cuba as much as the US oligarchs swarming Havana like sharks in a feeding frenzy, the same way they jumped in bed with Russian organized crime once the Soviet Union broke apart… and under pre-Castro’s Batista corruption as well. Tourism revenue is pouring in while the Cuban elite may begin reaping the benefit of less restrictive trade after decades of isolation. Yet despite these obvious perks, since Obama opened the US embassy in Havana in August 2015, the first full year of normalization saw the Cuban economy shrink by .9% after a 4.4% growth in 2015. No doubt Western predators are eagerly pouncing on Cuba’s natural resources to turn that country into another banana republic. Perhaps an undefiled Cuba was better off during the nearly six decades the island proudly and defiantly stood independent of the constantly threatening imperialistic Empire 90 miles away (not to mention the failed US Bay of Pigs invasion and alleged 634 attempts on Castro’s life).
The Iran Nuke Deal
Next Obama references his controversial nuke deal with Iran as another gold star achievement on his short list. Last August it was seriously marred when it was learned that Obama paid a $400 million ransom in US taxpayer dollars to free 4 American hostages from Iran prisons that Barack was caught lying about. When the UN and Congress ratified the nuclear deal last September, I welcomed it, hopeful it might restore peaceful relations with yet another so-called “pariah” nation unfairly targeted by the Anglo-Zionist Empire that for too long had blindly followed a Middle East policy straight out of the Greater Israel Project playbook. Iran is another country that defied the global bully and paid for it after CIA overthrew its democratically elected leader in 1953 and installed the dictator Shah and his murderous CIA-trained secret police lasting over a quarter century. Once the Iranian Revolution ousted the Shah in 1979, Iran was always considered America’s enemy.
As far as developing nuclear power to meet Iran’s energy needs, in the long run, it’s never a wise move after Fukushima and Chernobyl. But when Washington not only silently condones but covertly assists Israel building a large nuclear arsenal (not to mention the immorality of handing over $38 billion in US military aid promoting Israel’s genocidal apartheid), for years to constantly threaten war against Tehran should it pursue nukes in self-defense parity, though it makes for a more dangerous world, Iran certainly possesses a reasonable argument for having nuclear weapons. Yet Iran has led a non-aligned 120 nation movement for a nuclear-free zone in the Middle East to no avail. Meanwhile, Israel continues sitting on 200 warheads aimed at Iran. With a pro-Zionist US president in less than a week who during his campaign promised to tear up the nuke agreement and move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, more hostile tensions toward Iran may be in store in the Middle East. But it was likely more rhetoric than reality as Trump would be going it alone to renege on the deal backed by all five other UN Security Council nations that signed it.
Pulling the “I Killed Bin Laden!” Card
Back to Obama’s speech where he is still basking in the lie that he actually took out Osama bin Laden as 9/11’s alleged “mastermind.” That US commando raid in Pakistan was all an inside fake job just like 9/11 was. The truth is the Bush-bin Laden family connection goes way back throughout the 1980’s when Osama the US proxy mercenary in Afghanistan could fight Russians to help break up the Soviet Empire and then again in the 1990’s to help to break up Yugoslavia. Finally reprising his groomed role as the official fall guy on 9/11, Osama bin Laden became deep state’s cardboard cutout who had little to do with the 9/11 false flag operation carried out by the real criminals Cheney-Bush/CIA-Israel/Mossad-House of Saud. The strong likelihood that Osama’s failing kidneys that had him dying in December 2001 belies the fact that Obama conveniently uses bragging that he killed Osama in April 2011 as his crowning albeit fake foreign policy achievement just in time for his 2012 reelection.
He followed that speech lie with yet another enormous deception – that he and those in government serve “to make people’s lives better.” Is that why three years ago a joint university study confirmed that the US government functions as an oligarchy, and neither a democracy nor a republic? It’s been all too painfully obvious that politicians are opportunistically self-serving while foremost serving the interests of the elite that bribe them and puts them in power. Puppet politicians like Obama serve to make the lives of the globalist rulers better, definitely not the people they’re supposed to represent who elected them.
UN Climate Change Agreement
Obama used his farewell speech to include yet another feather in his cap:
“[We’ve] led the world to an agreement that has the promise to save this planet. But without bolder action, our children won’t have time to debate the existence of climate change; they’ll be busy dealing with its effects: environmental disasters, economic disruptions, and waves of climate refugees seeking sanctuary.”
He expresses smug satisfaction in conning the world with fake science to propagate the lie that human CO2 levels are wreaking earthly havoc by causing extreme weather and climate change, bragging how the UN climate agreement will “save this planet.” No doubt his puppet masters are pleased as they know it’s a necessary precursor and milestone to their one world government. Obama played a pivotal role in manipulating 175 nations into signing the UN climate change agreement that delineates a time schedule to reduce CO2 emissions through the issuance of carbon taxes.
Never mind all the fake science consensus, Obama and Al Gore’s globalist rhetoric and dire warnings, it’s all based on a lie, a hoax. Extreme weather and climate change are not the consequence of manmade greenhouse gasses, but the ruling elite several decades ago latched onto “global warming” as the new common enemy facing the entire globe that will be their deceptive vehicle used to promote the need for one world governance.
The information war in this age of deception often is waged by omission. Heavy metals through geoengineering in Western nations are poisoning our atmosphere, ground soil, groundwater, food chain, lungs and brains and obviously contributing to chronic health problems and shorter lifespan (along with fluoride, vaccines, Monsanto and GMO’s, processed food, industrial pollution). Yet this covert phenomenon along with HAARP systems relating to weather modification likely have a far more negative impact on climate change, extreme weather events and “unnatural” disasters than any CO2 emissions. Yet deep state and the UN refuse to inform us, continuing a policy of denial that they even exist much less disclose their hidden purposes and effects. As long as dis info cheerleaders like Gore, Pope Francis and Obama are around, millions may go to their graves never really knowing the why or wherefore.
“I committed to President-Elect Trump that my administration would ensure the smoothest possible transition, just as President Bush did for me.”
So that explains the Obama-Clinton-Soros’ post-election purple revolution paying mercenaries to incite violence and mayhem across America’s cities in protest and defiance of Trump getting elected. Or the payoff to get their shill Jill to demand a recount in three key states that fast fizzled out. Or all the death threats and behind-the-scenes, subversive pressures to manipulate the electoral votes against Trump also doomed to failure. So again the Obama-Clinton crowd resurrecting their go-to mantra “Putin did it,” deployed CIA to falsely accuse Russia with hacking that changed the election outcome rather than face the fact that Hillary is the most hated major party presidential candidate in US history. From the get-go she and the DNC had rigged the election, stealing the state primaries, denying Bernie Sanders his rightful nomination. Then the Clinton-controlled MSM was caught cheating to give Hillary the advantage during the debates only to arrogantly predict Hillary’s “landslide victory.”
Let’s face it, the over-the-top corruption and hubris of Hillary, the DNC, Obama and MSM lost her election despite the 17 Hillary controlled (un)intelligent agencies led by CIA director John Brennan bogusly claiming Russia’s guilt without supplying a shred of evidence. And for alternative media’s role in exposing the ugly truth, over 200 of the more legit alt news sites were then blacklisted as “fake news” for McCarthyite censorship. 2016 revealed just how utterly broken and corrupt the US political system is. And every step of the sordid way, Mr. Lame Duck had lots to do with pulling every dirty trick in the book to prevent Trump from the inauguration.
As recently as last week Obama was still attempting to invalidate the election. In a laughable, desperado Hail Mary fiasco, Obama and his DHS head Jeh Johnson were huffing and puffing in front of the cameras about US election infrastructure being critically violated by alleged Russia’s “tampering,” falling under the DHS jurisdictional domain as sufficient grounds to cancel the Trump inauguration. All of this last minute blustering just goes to show the sheer desperation and panic setting in that the whole treasonous Obama-Clinton-Bush cabal will eventually be defending themselves one day before Truth and Reconciliation Commissions.
Obama believes “our diversity and openness” means that “the future should be ours.” Does he mean the polarizing effect he’s had on making the US populace the most contentious, angry, conflicted, confused and fractionalized than it’s ever been since America’s Civil War? If he’s saying that it’s about to cause America’s second civil war, then he might actually be right for once. In the next minute Obama’s talks of America’s “solidarity” and either rising or falling “as one.” Again, he’s deployed the elite’s divide and conquer principle as cunningly as any predecessor, leaving office with America more divided and conquered than any time prior in history. As America’s first black president, he was supposed to be the uniter, not the divider, yet his race-baiting tactics have incited racial tensions.
“Fake News”
Of course, Obama just had to reiterate his familiar lament that too many Americans are basing their world view on “fake news” sources, which he blames for further polarizing the nation instead of admitting his own divisive role. As a psychopath, he will never admit that his own race baiting and his own deceitful, aggressive agenda have polarized Americans in the worst way. It goes without saying that his perception of legitimate and accurate news comes from mainstream media, the six oligarch owned mega media giants that control over 90% of the news outflow. The same news that’s been proven repeatedly to be false, from echoing the neocons’ WMD’s in Iraq to predicting a Hillary landslide to the sour grapes accusing Putin of hacking the election. The enemy of his totalitarian regime are the blacklisted alternative news sites that regularly expose both his and his MSM fake news lies. That’s why just prior to Christmas he snuck through signing the 2017 NDAA designed to censor the real truth by designating his MSM minions as his “ministry of truth” gatekeepers.
“Resisting the lure of fascism and tyranny”
After destroying whatever was left of our democratic republic after the Bush regime’s preemptive strike, Obama the fascist dictator who made it his habit of circumventing Congress with executive order end-arounds, the propagandist ironically speaks of resisting “the lure of fascism and tyranny during the Great Depression.” Yet he takes no responsibility for currently creating his own fascist tyranny within his Obama-made depression. He hypocritically adds salt to the wound when he addresses “post-World War II order” that emerged with other democracies based on the very things his eight years have targeted for elimination – “the rule of law, human rights, freedoms of religion, speech, assembly, and an independent press.”
The irony of it all. Because the ruling elite chose to heavily invest in the military industrial complex and US military to fight nonstop dirty oil wars, as a direct result America now finds itself drifting deeper into unpayable national debt fueling an economic depression. In the process, Obama and his neocons have systematically destroyed our constitutional rule of law that once guaranteed all those civil liberties and freedoms that his fascist totalitarian oligarchic police state swindled from us. Note the pattern of Obama’s doublespeak. He constantly warns against the very same crimes that he notoriously commits.
America’s Enemies According to Obama
Obama next identifies two challenges to his so-called postwar “order”(in actuality his NWO kind) – “violent fanatics who claim they speak for Islam,” referring to the very terrorists that he created, and “more recently by foreign autocrats in foreign capitals who see free markets, open democracies, and civil society itself as a threat to their power.” Here, of course, he’s referring to Putin and China, and perhaps the Philippines’ Rodrigo Duterte because he rejected Obama’s pivot and aligned with China. By reversing everything Obama says, a simple truth formula can be had. Obama insists that the terrorists, the Eastern powers he targets as the enemy, and any other independent nation that refuses to submit to his authoritarianism and US hegemony, is rife with:
“A contempt for the rule of law that holds leaders accountable; an intolerance of dissent and free thought; a belief that the sword or the gun or the bomb or propaganda machine is the ultimate arbiter of what’s true and what’s right.”
His articulate words above describe himself perfectly. Again, all the very same transgressions Obama is guilty as sin of, he conveniently projects onto all his designated enemies. It’s Obama’s exceptionalism that authorizes his exemption from ever being held accountable by any rule of law, be it domestic or international. And it’s Obama’s belief that he can use global violence against any deemed enemy, real or imagined, anytime, anywhere in the world along with his fake news propaganda machine to sell it. Why? Because he can. And this unbridled, brutal arrogance for extrajudicial murder as judge, jury, and executioner extends to any American citizens in the US or foreign soil deemed enemies of the state. He’s killed four confirmed Americans by a predator drone, his personal favorite warfare despite its actual target kill rate of just 4%.
“No foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland these past eight years.”
Obama mentions Boston and Orlando as examples of radicalized homegrown terrorists going off the deep end despite “our law enforcement agencies being more effective and vigilant than ever.” Of course, the truth is Obama sponsors all these false flag terrorism attacks on American soil, from Boston to Chattanooga to San Bernardino to Orlando. In every case, the US intelligence community had extensive dossiers on each and every radicalized patsy. Obama uses his FBI and CIA as handlers to regularly recruit and coordinate young, angry, misguided Muslim Americans to carry out these state sponsored false flag operations. Former US Marine intelligence and CIA officer Robert David Steele has confirmed that virtually every terrorist event on US soil is just another inside job like 9/11, but obviously on a much smaller scale. Again, Obama and his Muslim CIA boss John Brennan are traitors who regularly aid and abet both domestic and foreign enemies. In fact, they are America’s enemy within.
Keeping Us Safe
Obama boasts that “we’ve taken out tens of thousands of terrorists” while in actuality as the ISIS founder, he has been repeatedly caught arming, supplying, financing, training, alerting, protecting and providing air cover for the terrorists on dozens of occasions. It’s called aiding and abetting the enemy. And then when Putin called his bluff on his fake ISIS war at the UN in the fall of 2015, upon Assad’s request Russia proceeded to kick terrorist ass in Syria. While after allowing ISIS to invade Iraq the year before in 2014 in order to oust President Malaki and reestablish a military foothold with permanent bases in Iraq, Obama infamously vowed to “hunt down the terrorists.” Yet suddenly in 2015 and all of the last year the actual terrorist supporter Obama refused to partner with Putin to eradicate Obama’s Christian-killing ally. Instead, Obama and Kerry cunningly played along with Russia negotiating a fake peace proposal till last September launching an airstrike on Assad forces killing 62 and wounding 100 Syrian Arab Army soldiers, then falsely pretending it was an accident. That’s how Obama takes out “tens of thousands of terrorists.”
And then the faker himself has the audacity to claim “it ha been oes on to claim n- a Christian killing allies to hunt them down suddenly transmuted into a refusal to partner with Russias been the honor of my lifetime to be your Commander-in-Chief.” More than any other president in US history, Obama has singlehandedly forced into early retirement over 300 top generals and admirals. The purge of top leadership is just part of the problem. Obama has gravely undermined the morale of our armed forces and severely weakened their strength as a fighting force as well. Many officers have complained that his policies have emasculated soldiers. It clearly hasn’t been their honor to serve under his inept and weak style of leadership.
From his speech another blatantly false Barack Obama gem:
“That’s why, for the past eight years, I’ve worked to put the fight against terrorism on a firm legal footing. That’s why we’ve ended torture, worked to close Gitmo, and reform our laws governing surveillance to protect privacy and civil liberties.”
By ending torture, he can’t mean his continuation of the illegal CIA torture rendition policy perpetrated by the Bush-Cheney gang. Or his refusal to prosecute the torturers and their leaders because he’d then have to indict himself. Speaking of another false promise made in 2008, Guantanamo prison still remains an open torture chamber, for decades still incarcerating individuals who’ve never even been charged. As the founder of ISIS (along with Hillary), against the recommendations of his own military advisor, then-Defense Intelligence Agency head General Michael Flynn (now Trump’s national security advisor), maintains that against Flynn’s recommendation Obama went ahead and armed and trained the terrorists in Syria for regime change purposes to oust Assad and go after their ultimate prize Iran. Kerry was recently caught on tape confirming Obama administration favored ISIS against Assad, providing yet more proof that Obama is a traitor.
As a mere pawn in the global chessboard pecking order, Obama was assigned to oversee and let drag on two unwinnable leftover wars from the previous administration, restarted war in Iraq, declared a fake war on ISIS after initiating several more wars by proxy using his terrorist ally ISIS in Libya and Syria to further the regime change policy finally outed in 2007 by presidential hopeful General Wesley Clark. Then there are the atrocities Obama supports being committed daily by his terrorists, his contingent of Special Forces advisors coordinating US ally Saudi Arabia’s genocidal war in Yemen.
At the same time he’s pledged to keep his global war on terror alive, Obama was also tasked with surrounding designated cold war 2 enemies Russia and China with hostile neighbors at their border with deployed NATO troops and Obama’s failed Asian pivot. While amassing US-NATO forces at the Russian border, Obama has also launched a nuclear arms race, installing warhead missiles in Romania and Poland aimed at Moscow. But rather than isolating and weakening the Eastern powers, Obama’s aggression has backfired, brought them closer together to face off against the growing provocative threat from their common enemy – US Empire hegemon’s incessant war-baiting as Obama’s apparent objective to trigger a world war.
Here’s a twisted puzzler in Obama’s insane illogic:
“[ISIL] cannot defeat America unless we betray our Constitution and our principles in the fight. Rivals like Russia or China cannot match our influence around the world – unless we give up what we stand for, and turn ourselves into just another big country that bullies smaller neighbors.”
The irony of it all. In the name of fighting his war on terror, Obama has done just that – betrayed our Constitution. But bypassing Congress and stripping away our constitutional liberties and freedoms have little to do with the terrorists themselves, only inasmuch as they’ve provided Obama the excuse to use “national security” to destroy our constitutional rights.
The last part of the above quote is quite telling. Obama is saying Russia and China can only match our influence if US Empire turns “into just another big country that bullies smaller neighbors.” Again, the bottom line reality is that for more than a century the US imperialistic Empire has been the world policemen, global bully, and worldwide tormenter, invading other nations, assassinating leaders, implementing government coups, engaging in economic warfare and tampering in internal affairs of other nations at will. According to Noam Chomsky, the United States is the world’s biggest terrorist. Empire’s use of violence to wield its brutal, ruthless power has alienated itself from nations that are increasingly seeking protection and alignment with the Eastern powers, and Russia and China are growing stronger in their will to challenge and ultimately upend the vice-grip of Empire’s unipolar hegemony. The day of reckoning is here.
Over four decades ago globalist guru-war criminal-Nobel Peace prize winner Henry Kissinger proposed a genocidal policy of punishing targeted nations by withholding food as the WMD to induce mass starvation, calling us “useless eaters” as part of the elite’s not-so-hidden eugenics plan to cull the human herd down in drastic number from its current 7.4 billion. So it’s logical that with Empire’s horrendous track record, bullying, raping, pillaging and destroying other nations by habit has become the US trademark. For all its exclusive lawlessness and grief inflicted upon the rest of the planet, no sanctions against the sole global superpower have ever materialized. But the US government’s longtime wanton slaughter and destruction is about ready to receive its karmic due. Fully aware of the awakening masses, as the globalist chessboard pawn, the US Empire will not stop at nothing to perpetrate the most heinous crimes against humanity in order to fulfill its genocidal mission to kill billions to enslave half to one billion humans ruled demonically by a tyrannical one world government. Obama the groomed CIA errand boy did his job to destabilize the world and destroy America in the process.
If Obama had one sincere bone in his body to “embrace all” in America as he preaches, he would never have sold his entire nation down the rapids to one world government that he’s been covertly promoting all along. More than any president in history, he has betrayed all Americans. As a narcissistic psychopath, to Barack Obama, everything operates at surface level appearance as just another sales pitch acting job, including the display of phony emotions that on occasion he’s likely utilized artificially induced fake tears.
If President Donald Trump follows through on what he says he’ll do, Obama the former president’s legacy will be reversed, redacted and dismantled right out of the history books. Trump is America’s antidote for the Politically Correct presidential imposter who weaseled his way through eight years smiling while treasonously twisting the knife inside the once great America. Meanwhile, the richest administration ever comes to town heavily stacked in Zionist Goldman Saks, Big Oil, and the military industrial complex. All longtime fixtures within the elitist establishment, don’t expect a lot of change coming out of Washington. Democrat or Republican, we know who truly runs and controls the international crime cabal machine, pulling invisible strings far removed from the figurehead puppet sitting in the White House. And like clockwork every few years we may get taken in by a few tantalizing campaign promises that implant wishful thinking expectations and illusions that this president will somehow be different from all the rest. But in the end, he too proves to be “same as the old boss,” except oftentimes only worse. Because the real boss is the diabolical ruling elite that has never given up control.
Our fight for truth and justice will struggle on in a year that the powers-that-shouldn’t-be are poised and getting ready to snatch the internet power of truth from us. The globalists fear that they’ve been exposed like never before, and are moving fast ahead of the darkening storm to subdue and repel the global uprising that’s about to unfold in this year of reckoning. Citizens of the world must mobilize and coalesce our forces to unite behind the power of truth and quest for justice and accountability.
Joachim Hagopian [send him mail] is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled “Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.” It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field for more than a quarter century. In recent years he has focused on his writing, becoming an alternative media journalist. His blog site is at
At each of these great gates of history, eighty to a hundred years apart, a similar generational drama unfolded. Four archetypes, aligned in the same order – elder Prophet, midlife Nomad, young adult Hero, child Artist – together produced the most enduring legends in our history. Each time the Grey Champion appeared marked the arrival of a moment of “darkness, and adversity, and peril,” the climax of the Fourth Turning of the saeculum. – The Fourth Turning – Strauss & Howe
In September 2015 I wrote a five part article called Fourth Turning: Crisis of Trust. In Part 2 of that article I pondered who might emerge as the Grey Champion, leading the country during the second half of this Fourth TurningCrisis. I had the above pictures of Franklin, Lincoln, and FDR, along with a flaming question mark. The question has been answered. Donald J. Trump is the Grey Champion.
When I wrote that article, only one GOP debate had taken place. There were eleven more to go. Trump was viewed by the establishment as a joke, ridiculed by the propaganda media, and disdained by the GOP and Democrats. I was still skeptical of his seriousness and desire to go the distance, but I attempted to view his candidacy through the lens of the Fourth Turning. I was convinced the mood of the country turning against the establishment could lead to his elevation to the presidency. I was definitely in the minority at the time:
Until three months ago the 2016 presidential election was in control of the establishment. The Party was putting forth their chosen crony capitalist figureheads – Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton. They are hand-picked known controllable entities who will not upset the existing corrupt system. They are equally acceptable to Goldman Sachs, the Federal Reserve, the military industrial complex, the sickcare industry, mega-corporate America, the moneyed interests, and the never changing government apparatchiks. The one party system is designed to give the appearance of choice, while in reality there is no difference between the policies of the two heads of one party and their candidate products. But now Donald Trump has stormed onto the scene from the reality TV world to tell the establishment – You’re Fired!!!
The linear thinking supporters of the status quo are flabbergasted and outraged by Trump’s popularity. The ruling classes never anticipate the mood shift of the peasants as they look down on the masses from their gated estates and penthouse suites. The country is looking for someone who can tear down the entire fetid, corrupt, rotting structure. The onset of phase two of this Crisis in 2016 will produce a populace more desperate, less trusting of the establishment and likely to turn towards someone like Trump, in despair. –Fourth Turning – Crisis of Trust (Part Two)
Strauss and Howe wrote their prophetic tome two decades ago. Their prognostications have played out exactly as they prophesied. They did not know which events or which people would catalyze this Fourth Turning. But they knew the mood change in the country would be driven by the predictable generational alignment which occurs every eighty years. Our regeneracy is now solidly under way.
“Soon after the catalyst, a national election will produce a sweeping political realignment, as one faction or coalition capitalizes on a new public demand for decisive action. Republicans, Democrats, or perhaps a new party will decisively win the long partisan tug of war. This new regime will enthrone itself for the duration of the Crisis. Regardless of its ideology, that new leadership will assert public authority and demand private sacrifice. Where leaders had once been inclined to alleviate societal pressures, they will now aggravate them to command the nation’s attention. The regeneracy will be solidly under way.”– Strauss & Howe–The Fourth Turning