Denmark Passes Emergency COVID Law Coordinated with Germany

The authoritarian movement is growing rapidly using this virus as a excuse to develop a world government, in where you have no rights. Many of you think this is a conspiracy theory. It is not. Listen to what these billionaires are saying. Listen to their words and think for yourselves.  You after all have everything to lose and nothing to gain. Unless of course you find value in slavery…

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UN climate change fund calls coronavirus an ‘opportunity’ to re-shape the world

 Bill Gates true objective

Using climate change to crush the economy and relaunch without CO2.

The UN-funded financial arm of the Paris Agreement has labeled the coronavirus an “opportunity” to raise funds for climate change action and “relaunch economies on low-emission, climate-resilient trajectories”. The extraordinary statements have been published in a document by the Green Climate Fund – an international organization with a US$10.3 billion budget. Bill Gates has been a major driver behind the Climate Change contingency.

In January, did you know that Bill Gates sold all his stock as did his other elite billionaire friends?