While in Herbie’s crackpot cult, he always yelled at us to, “Don’t believe me, believe the Bible,” or, “dust off your Bibles”. Plus drilling into our heads such biblical phrases as “every scripture being an inspiration of God” or “not one jot or one tittle shall be removed,” or such statements as the Bible was written by men inspired by God, etc. In essence, saying that the Bible was God’s Holy Word. Or being constantly threatened with hellfire if we returned to “Satan’s world”. This was the sword of Democles hanging over our heads. We were threatened with God’s terrible wrath, and only “God’s Apostle” could save us.
When the legally appointed receiver and investigator came onto the campus and demanded to see the books and records, he and his party were prevented by church staff from doing their job. And the shredding of those implicating documents started. I was told that Rader and his minions did their best to destroy any evidence of wrongdoing. Many documents were shredded, but some were taken by the receiver after a big hassle. The object of seeing these documents was simply to determine if Worldwide Church of God was violating IRS tax-exempt laws with regards to churches and legitimate expenses. They were.
A few “evangelists” immediately flew in the G-II to see Herbert W. Armstrong who was enjoying Tucson life with Ramona, his new wife. Among these were Hoeh, Antion, and Cole. They explained what was going on to HWA, and Herbert (these guys later reported) had said: “So what? Let them see the books. We’ve got nothing to hide.” He didn’t seem to care, or as witnessed, was too drunk to care. So the “evangelists” returned to Pasadena thinking that this problem would now be easily solved.
Meanwhile, I was told, Ramona got on the Tucson phone to Rader in Pasadena and told him what Herbert W. Armstrong said. Rader erupted, and apparently yelled that there was PLENTY to hide, and the real shredding began in earnest.
-John O.
Former WCG minister
Herbert W. Armstrong. Trends.
A search of Google search terms has revealed that HWA is becoming increasingly irrelevant as time passes. Continue reading “Herbert W. Armstrong. Trends.”